The Impact of Team Cognitive Load on Compliance with Artificial Social Intelligence’s Advice and Its Relationship to Team Performance

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This study focuses on the impact of team cognitive load on compliance with an Artificial Social Intelligence agent’s (ASI) advice. It also expands on some of the factors that influence team performance, including cognitive load, compliance, and ASI interaction dynamics.

This study focuses on the impact of team cognitive load on compliance with an Artificial Social Intelligence agent’s (ASI) advice. It also expands on some of the factors that influence team performance, including cognitive load, compliance, and ASI interaction dynamics. The study design comprised three types of ASI agents that advised all-human teams, each generating their advice based on variations in message length and frequency: long messages at low frequency, moderate lengths and frequency, and short messages at high frequency. Three team members collaborated to locate and save victims in a simulated Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) task environment, while the ASI provided intervention messages (i.e., advice) through text chat. The ASI monitored the team members in the USAR task environment via its interaction-based analytic components. Then, ASI predicted human team members’ behaviors based on their past and current interactions to provide teamwork interventions to maintain team effectiveness. The findings indicate that (1) team cognitive load was not associated with team compliance with ASI advice, (2) both team cognitive load and compliance with ASI messages were positively related to team performance score, (3) Teams assigned an ASI that had moderate advice length and frequency performed better than the teams that were paired with the other two types of ASIs which demonstrated either short message length and high frequency or long message length and low frequency. Overall, these findings show that the ASI advice interventions are helpful as long as they have moderate-level message length and frequency and are complied with by the team members in the USAR task. Future designs of ASI agents should target these types of intervention message characteristics and prioritize compliance to improve team performance.
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The Effect of Leaderboards and Expectations on Deeper Level Cognitive Engagement

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A core component of leadership is being able to motivate and influence people to perform at the highest levels they are capable of. Being able to perform well in most industries requires people to put effort into their work, bypass

A core component of leadership is being able to motivate and influence people to perform at the highest levels they are capable of. Being able to perform well in most industries requires people to put effort into their work, bypass surface level impulses, and engage deeper levels of cognitive processes when making decisions. This study looked at two treatments, an expectation and a social incentive, and its effects on cognitive reflection test (CRT) scores and time taken to complete this test. Although it appeared that receiving a leaderboard and expectation treatment improved cognitive reflection test score, these results were not statistically significant. It appeared that a leaderboard and expectation treatment increased time put into taking the test after removing certain data, but these results were also not statistically significant. After some transformation of the data, there may be an effect that leaderboards have on deeper level cognitive engagement if time and effort put into the test is controlled for properly, but this will have to be observed further in future studies.
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Sexual Selection for Human Improvisational Musical Ability in the Context of Cognitive Fitness

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Music is a pervasive element of human culture that plays a significant role in our social interactions and goals. The current research regarding the evolutionary nature of music remains divisive, with several groups making competing claims about whether music is

Music is a pervasive element of human culture that plays a significant role in our social interactions and goals. The current research regarding the evolutionary nature of music remains divisive, with several groups making competing claims about whether music is an evolved trait and, if it is, what function it may serve for survival and reproduction. In an attempt to further define the multiple dimensions of the evolution of music, this study focuses on a specific methodology for determining the relationship between improvisational musical ability, cognitive fitness, and sexual attraction. In Part 1 of this research, piano musicians completed working memory tests and provided 30-second recordings of improvisation. These recordings were heard by participants in Part 2 of the experiment, who rated both the music and a random facial image from an independent database paired with each song. The data revealed that perceived quality of music is positively associated with attractiveness, with a significant effect observed in males of moderate baseline attractiveness. Although the relationship between some working memory measures and musical improvisational ability proved not to be statistically significant, auditory working memory span yielded a marginally significant result. The overall results are consistent with a sexual selection theory of the evolution of musical improvisation and suggest appropriate avenues for future research.
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Examining the Immediate Effects of an Online Breathing Meditation Practice on Working Memory Capacity

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Mindfulness meditation practices have become an intervention of focus in the literature, but little attention has been drawn to the effectiveness of this practice as a single execution in an online format. Several approaches were employed to capture the effects

Mindfulness meditation practices have become an intervention of focus in the literature, but little attention has been drawn to the effectiveness of this practice as a single execution in an online format. Several approaches were employed to capture the effects of a mindful breathing exercise and yoga experience on working memory capacity. Through several analyses, they found that though there was no significant difference between working memory capacity scores before and after this breathing exercise, and mindfulness and yoga experience had no influence on working memory performance. Although these findings were not statistically significant, there are several trends to note and implications for this research within the body of literature.
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A Case for Missing Salience in the Attentional Blink

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A literature search revealed that previous research on the Attentional Blink (AB) has not examined the role of salience in AB results. I examined how salience affects the AB through multiple forms and degrees of salience in target 1 (T1)

A literature search revealed that previous research on the Attentional Blink (AB) has not examined the role of salience in AB results. I examined how salience affects the AB through multiple forms and degrees of salience in target 1 (T1) and target 2 (T2) stimuli. When examining increased size as a form of salience, results showed a more salient T2 increased recall, attenuating the AB. A more salient T1 did not differ from the control, suggesting the salience (increased size) of T2 is an important factor in the AB, while salience (increased size) of T1 does not affect the AB. Additionally, the differences in target size (50% or 100% larger) were not significantly different, showing size differences at these intervals do not affect AB results. To further explore the lack of difference in results when T1 is larger in size, I examined dynamic stimuli used as T1. T1 stimuli were presented as looming or receding. When T1 was presented as looming or receding, the AB was attenuated (T2 recall at lag 2 was significantly greater). Additionally, T2 recall was significantly worse at lags three and four (showing a larger decrease directly following the attenuated AB). When comparing looming and receding against each other, at lag 2 (when recall accuracy at its lowest) looming increased recall significantly more than receding stimuli. This is expected to be due to the immediate attentional needs related to looming stimuli. Overall, the results showed T2 salience in the form of size significantly increases recall accuracy while T1 size salience does not affect the AB results. With that, dynamic T1 stimuli increase recall accuracy at early lags (lag 2) while it decreases recall accuracy at later lags (lags 3 and 4). This result is found when the stimuli are presented at a larger size (stimuli appearing closer), suggesting the more eminent need for attention results in greater effects on the AB.
Date Created

Certainty, Severity, and Low Latency Deception

There has been an ongoing debate between the relative deterrent power of certainty and severity on deceptive and criminal activity, certainty being the likelihood of capture and severity being the magnitude of the potential punishment. This paper is a review

There has been an ongoing debate between the relative deterrent power of certainty and severity on deceptive and criminal activity, certainty being the likelihood of capture and severity being the magnitude of the potential punishment. This paper is a review of the current body of research regarding risk assessment and deception in games, specifically regarding certainty and severity. The topics of game theoretical foundations, balance, and design were covered, as were heuristics and individual differences in deceptive behavior. Using this background knowledge, this study implemented a methodology through which the risk assessments of certainty and severity can be compared behaviorally in a repeated conflict context. It was found that certainty had a significant effect on a person’s likelihood to lie, while severity did not. Exploratory data was collected using the dark triad personality quiz, though it did not ultimately show a pattern.
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The effects of stress and mood on cognitive performance

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When discussing human factors and performance, researchers recognize stress as a factor, but overlook mood as contributing factor. To explore the relationship between mood, stress and cognitive performance, a field study was conducted involving fire fighters engaged in a fire

When discussing human factors and performance, researchers recognize stress as a factor, but overlook mood as contributing factor. To explore the relationship between mood, stress and cognitive performance, a field study was conducted involving fire fighters engaged in a fire response simulation. Firefighter participants completed a stress questionnaire, an emotional state questionnaire, and a cognitive task. Stress and cognitive task performance scores were examined before and after the firefighting simulation for individual cognitive performance depreciation caused by stress or mood. They study revealed that existing stress was a reliable predictor of the pre-simulation cognitive task score, that, as mood becomes more positive, perceived stress scores decrease, and that negative mood and pre-simulation stress are also positively and significantly correlated.
Date Created

A comparison of the effects of imagery and action observation on baseball batting performance

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This study investigated the effect of two different preparation methods on hitting performance in a high&ndashfidelity; baseball batting simulation. Novice and expert players participated in one of three conditions: observation (viewing a video of the goal action), visualization (hearing a

This study investigated the effect of two different preparation methods on hitting performance in a high&ndashfidelity; baseball batting simulation. Novice and expert players participated in one of three conditions: observation (viewing a video of the goal action), visualization (hearing a script of the goal action), or a no&ndashpreparation; control group. Each participant completed three different hitting tasks: pull hit, opposite&ndashfield; hit, and sacrifice fly. Experts had more successful hits, overall, than novices. The number of successful hits was significantly higher for both the observation and visualization conditions than for the control. In most cases, performance was best in the observation condition. Experts demonstrated greater effects from the mental preparation techniques compared to novices. However, these effects were mediated by task difficulty. The difference between experts and novices, as well as the difference between the observation and visualization conditions was greater for the more difficult hitting task (opposite&ndashfield; hitting) than for the easier hitting task (sacrifice fly). These effects of mental preparation were associated with significant changes in batting kinematics (e.g., changes in point of bat/ball contact and swing direction). The results indicate that mental preparation can improve directional hitting ability in baseball with the optimal preparation methods depending on skill&ndashlevel; and task difficulty.
Date Created