Pilot tube microtunneling: instrumentation and monitoring for jacking force and productivity analysis

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Trenchless technology is a group of techniques whose utilization allows for the installation, rehabilitation, and repair of underground infrastructure with minimal excavation from the ground surface. As the built environment becomes more congested, projects are trending towards using trenchless technologies

Trenchless technology is a group of techniques whose utilization allows for the installation, rehabilitation, and repair of underground infrastructure with minimal excavation from the ground surface. As the built environment becomes more congested, projects are trending towards using trenchless technologies for their ability to quickly produce a quality product with minimal environmental and social costs. Pilot tube microtunneling (PTMT) is a trenchless technology where new pipelines may be installed at accurate and precise line and grade over manhole to manhole distances. The PTMT process can vary to a certain degree, but typically involves the following three phases: jacking of the pilot tube string to achieve line and grade, jacking of casing along the pilot bore and rotation of augers to excavate the borehole to a diameter slightly larger than the product pipe, and jacking of product pipe directly behind the last casing. Knowledge of the expected productivity rates and jacking forces during a PTMT installation are valuable tools that can be used for properly weighing its usefulness versus competing technologies and minimizing risks associated with PTMT. This thesis outlines the instrumentation and monitoring process used to record jacking frame hydraulic pressures from seven PTMT installations. Cyclic patterns in the data can be detected, indicating the installation of a single pipe segment, and enabling productivity rates for each PTMT phase to be determined. Furthermore, specific operations within a cycle, such as pushing a pipe or retracting the machine, can be observed, allowing for identification of the critical tasks associated with each phase. By identifying the critical tasks and developing more efficient means for their completion, PTMT productivity can be increased and costs can be reduced. Additionally, variations in depth of cover, drive length, pipe diameter, and localized ground conditions allowed for trends in jacking forces to be identified. To date, jacking force predictive models for PTMT are non-existent. Thus, jacking force data was compared to existing predictive models developed for the closely related pipe jacking and microtunneling methodologies, and the applicability of their adoption for PTMT jacking force prediction was explored.
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Utilization of metaheuristic methods in the holistic optimization of municipal right of way infrastructure management

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This dissertation presents a portable methodology for holistic planning and optimization of right of way infrastructure rehabilitation that was designed to generate monetary savings when compared to planning that only considers single infrastructure components. Holistic right of way infrastructure planning

This dissertation presents a portable methodology for holistic planning and optimization of right of way infrastructure rehabilitation that was designed to generate monetary savings when compared to planning that only considers single infrastructure components. Holistic right of way infrastructure planning requires simultaneous consideration of the three right of way infrastructure components that are typically owned and operated under the same municipal umbrella: roads, sewer, and water. The traditional paradigm for the planning of right way asset management involves operating in silos where there is little collaboration amongst different utility departments in the planning of maintenance, rehabilitation, and renewal projects. By collaborating across utilities during the planning phase, savings can be achieved when collocated rehabilitation projects from different right of way infrastructure components are synchronized to occur at the same time. These savings are in the form of shared overhead and mobilization costs, and roadway projects providing open space for subsurface utilities. Individual component models and a holistic model that utilize evolutionary algorithms to optimize five year maintenance, rehabilitation, and renewal plans for the road, sewer, and water components were created and compared. The models were designed to be portable so that they could be used with any infrastructure condition rating, deterioration modeling, and criticality assessment systems that might already be in place with a municipality. The models attempt to minimize the overall component score, which is a function of the criticality and condition of the segments within each network, by prescribing asset management activities to different segments within a component network while subject to a constraining budget. The individual models were designed to represent the traditional decision making paradigm and were compared to the holistic model. In testing at three different budget levels, the holistic model outperformed the individual models in the ability to generate five year plans that optimized prescribed maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal for various segments in order to achieve the goal of improving the component score. The methodology also achieved the goal of being portable, in that it is compatible with any condition rating, deterioration, and criticality system.
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Pilot tube microtunneling: profile of an emerging industry

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Trenchless technologies have emerged as a viable alternative to traditional open trench methods for installing underground pipelines and conduits. Pilot Tube Microtunneling, also referred to as the pilot tube system of microtunneling, guided auger boring, or guided boring method, is

Trenchless technologies have emerged as a viable alternative to traditional open trench methods for installing underground pipelines and conduits. Pilot Tube Microtunneling, also referred to as the pilot tube system of microtunneling, guided auger boring, or guided boring method, is a recent addition to the family of trenchless installation methods. Pilot tube microtunneling originated in Japan and Europe, and was introduced to the United States in the year 1995 (Boschert 2007). Since then this methodology has seen increased utilization across North America particularity in municipal markets for the installation of gravity sewers. The primary reason contributing to the growth of pilot tube microtunneling is the technology's capability of installing pipes at high precision in terms of line and grade, in a wide range of ground conditions using relatively inexpensive equipment. The means and methods, applicability, capabilities and limitations of pilot tube microtunneling are well documented in published literature through many project specific case studies. However, there is little information on the macroscopic level regarding the technology and industry as a whole. With the increasing popularity of pilot tube microtunneling, there is an emerging need to address the above issues. This research effort surveyed 22 pilot tube microtunneling contractors across North America to determine the current industry state of practice with the technology. The survey examined various topics including contractor profile and experience; equipment, methods, and pipe materials utilized; and issues pertaining to project planning and construction risks associated with the pilot tube method. The findings of this research are based on a total of 450 projects completed with pilot tube microtunneling between 2006 and 2010. The respondents were diverse in terms of their experience with PTMT, ranging from two to 11 years. A majority of the respondents have traditionally provided services with other trenchless technologies. As revealed by the survey responses, PTMT projects grew by 110% between the years 2006 and 2010. It was found that almost 72% of the 450 PTMT projects completed between 2006 and 2010 by the respondents were for sanitary sewers. Installation in cobbles and boulders was rated as the highest risk by the contractors.
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Analysis of parameters affecting costs of horizontal directional drilling projects in the United States for municipal infrastructure

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a growing and expanding trenchless method utilized to install pipelines from 2 to 60 inch diameters for lengths over 10,000 foot. To date, there are not many public documents where direct costs and bid prices

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a growing and expanding trenchless method utilized to install pipelines from 2 to 60 inch diameters for lengths over 10,000 foot. To date, there are not many public documents where direct costs and bid prices incurred by HDD installations are available and analyzed. The objective is to provide a better understanding of the factors affecting the bid prices of these projects. The first section of the thesis analyzes how project parameters such as product diameter, bore length and soil conditions affect the bid price of water and wastewater pipeline installations using HDD. Through multiple linear regressions, the effect of project parameters on bid prices of small, medium and large rigs projects is extracted. The results were further investigated to gain a better understanding of bid factors that influence the relationship between total cost and the project parameters. The second section uses unit cost, based on bid prices, to compare the costs incurred by defined categories. Parameters such as community type, product type, soil conditions, and geographical region were used in the analysis. Furthermore, using average unit cost from 2001 to 2009, HDD project cost trends are briefly analyzed against the main variations of the US economy from the same time horizon by using economic indicators. It was determined that project geometric factors influence more the bid price of small rig projects than large rig projects because external factors including market rates and economic situation have an increasing impact on bid prices when rig size increases. It was observed that bid price variation of HDD projects over years followed the same trend as the US economic variation described by economic indicators.
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