Battleship: An Application of Multiparty Computation Encryption


Cheating in Battleship is effortless. Battleship is a popular two-player board game where each player strategically places five ships on his or her concealed board. During this game, one can easily move their ships during a play, falsify an attack,

Cheating in Battleship is effortless. Battleship is a popular two-player board game where each player strategically places five ships on his or her concealed board. During this game, one can easily move their ships during a play, falsify an attack, or not even place their ships. A solution to this concern is implementing multiparty computation (MPC) encryption to ensure that the location of both players’ ships and the result of attacking a ship is true. This document details the creation and security of a Battleship program that implements an MPC encryption method known as Poker Over the Telephone.

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