Bluetooth Singing Tesla Coil


The purpose of this creative project was to create a stereo sound system in a unique medium. As a team, we decided to integrate a Tesla Coil with a bluetooth audio source. These high frequency, high voltage systems can be

The purpose of this creative project was to create a stereo sound system in a unique medium. As a team, we decided to integrate a Tesla Coil with a bluetooth audio source. These high frequency, high voltage systems can be configured to emit their electrical discharge in a manner that resembles playing tunes. Originally the idea was to split the audio into left and right, then to further segregate the signals to have a treble, mid, and base emitter for each side. Due to time, budget, and scope constraints, we decided to complete the project with only two coils.<br/><br/>For this project, the team decided to use a solid-state coil kit. This kit was purchased from OneTelsa and would help ensure everyone’s safety and the project’s success. The team developed our own interrupting or driving circuit through reverse-engineering the interrupter provided by oneTesla and discussing with other engineers. The custom interpreter was controlled by the PSoC5 LP and communicated with an audio source through the DFRobot Bluetooth module. Utilizing the left and right audio signals it can drive the two Tesla Coils in stereo to play the music.

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