Commonalities of Teenage Suicides in New Mexico as Conveyed Though Findings at Death Scenes

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This study analyzes teenage suicides and their prevalence within the State of New Mexico, with an eye toward explaining why teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 are committing suicide at such an alarming rate. Due to the prevalent

This study analyzes teenage suicides and their prevalence within the State of New Mexico, with an eye toward explaining why teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 are committing suicide at such an alarming rate. Due to the prevalent amount of teenage suicides seen within New Mexico, it can be assumed that the state does not have the resources needed in order to successfully prevent teenagers from committing suicide. This study examines how demographics, the cause and manner of death, risk factors and medical history affects a teenager’s suicidal tenancies. In addition, this study also looks at the practice of death investigations and the investigative techniques used to thoroughly assess a teenage suicide. Death investigations is an important practice that collects important information that pertains to teenage deaths. This study examines the importance of death investigations in regard to teenage suicides and looks at the common discrepancies found within the practice of death investigations, and how they can negatively impact the course of a suicide investigation. Lastly, this study attempts to provide strategies that aim to bring awareness to the issue of teenage suicides, as well as suggest ways in which death investigations and public recognition can prevent teenage suicides and decrease their prevalence within the community.
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Sustainable Infrastructure and South Mountain Village: Building Energy Use


This report examines the energy infrastructure in the South Mountain Village of Phoenix AZ. The report is in support of the Rio Grande 2.0 project being implemented by the City of Phoenix in conjunction with Arizona State University. The report

This report examines the energy infrastructure in the South Mountain Village of Phoenix AZ. The report is in support of the Rio Grande 2.0 project being implemented by the City of Phoenix in conjunction with Arizona State University. The report focuses on a small section of the village, for which we create energy demand profiles, solar generation profiles, and solar + storage generation profiles. We utilize these profiles to demonstrate the impact that neighborhood solar will have on the grid. We additionally research SRP’s deployment of smart grid technologies and SRP’s plans for the future of their power system. The report examines the benefits, and challenges of microgrid development in South Mountain Village. We undertake this study to identify strategies that increase energy efficiency, that implement resilient and redundant systems in the existing energy grid, and that provide flexibility and adaptability to the community’s energy systems.

Deploying these strategies will ensure the sustained provision of energy to the community in the event of catastrophic events. We demonstrate that the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaics on residential buildings in conjunction with battery storage systems proves more than sufficient to provide power to the residents of South Mountain Village. We explore the benefits and challenges for the development of smart grid infrastructure and microgrid networks in the village. We determine that the implementation of a smart grid and a parallel microgrid improves the resiliency of the Village’s energy systems. While SRP has managed to make progressive steps forward in implementing Smart Grid technologies, they can continue this progression by developing a unified communication system that is secure through cyber security measures to allow for reliable energy service to their customers. A hybrid development of smart grid and microgrid technologies in the village that employs rooftop solar photovoltaics and battery storage will provide community members with the resilient energy infrastructure they require in a future which entails multiplied risks of catastrophic events like increased heat waves and cyber attacks.

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Educator Sexual Abuse Cases: Media Biases Affecting Perceptions

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Sexual abuse is a major issue in the United States that has only recently begun to get media attention. This media attention has resulted in a growing awareness of the problem of sexual harassment and assault in society, especially in

Sexual abuse is a major issue in the United States that has only recently begun to get media attention. This media attention has resulted in a growing awareness of the problem of sexual harassment and assault in society, especially in Hollywood and politics. However, sexual abuse is not limited to those areas, but occurs in all facets of society, including the workplace, schools, prison, and the military. Sexual abuse is only recently being recognized by society as a systemic problem instead of an isolational one. Depsite, this growing awareness of the issue, educator sexual abuse remains understudied. Educator sexual abuse is a largely ignored problem in society. This paper will look at how the media portrays gender in their reporting of educator sexual abuse cases and how this can affect biases, stereotypes, and myths surrounding the issue. We will look at eight cases—four female perpetrators and four male perpetrators—of K-12 educator sexual abuse in the United States. Using two articles for each case, we will analyze how the media reports on these cases and how gender biases are further perpetuated through these reportings. Specifically, we will analyze how perpetrators are portrayed as victims, instances of victim blaming, the implications of terminology in describing consent and responsibility, and the use of click bait all continue to perpetuate stereotypes and myths surrounding the issue of sexual abuse. The media coverage of educator sexual abuse is problematic and it is important to recognize the gender biases in the news coverage. Additionally, we will argue that the media can be a part of the prevention strategy for stopping sexual assault and harassment. Society has a long way to go in stopping sexual assault and educator sexual abuse; however, awareness is often the first step in this process, and the media needs to be careful about further perpetuating damaging stereotypes and myths.
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The Future of Mental Health Treatment in the Criminal Justice System: A Restorative Approach

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It is a tragic reality that many individuals in the criminal justice system suffer from a mental illness. As a result, both mental health programs and mental health courts have been developed in response to the increasing number of individuals

It is a tragic reality that many individuals in the criminal justice system suffer from a mental illness. As a result, both mental health programs and mental health courts have been developed in response to the increasing number of individuals in the criminal justice system that are suffering from a mental illness. The first objective of this review is to discuss the background on mental illness as it relates to the criminal justice population, and to understand the common causes of incarceration amongst the mentally ill, including the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s, the unavailability of intermediate and long-term hospitalization in state hospitals, more formal and rigid criteria for civil commitment, a lack of adequate support systems and access to mental health treatment in the community, and the high recidivism rates by these types of offenders. Considering these causes, another objective of this review is to compare and contrast the United States' first mental health courts, including those in Broward County, Florida, King County, Washington, San Bernardino, California, and Anchorage, Alaska, by ultimately focusing on the origins of each court, the stages of intervention, methods of entry, competency evaluations, treatment approaches, and disposition of charges. From there, this review considers the differences between the courts and proceeds with a synthesis of the common and recurring themes between them, and then ends with recommendations specific to the mental health court system on practices that can be implemented or altered in order to encourage a more effective form of justice for the mentally ill, and a discussion of the policy solutions that have already been proposed to address the problem.
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