Lost Frequency? The Future of Traditional Radio

My project focuses on the future of traditional radio and answering the question of whether or not it will be able to survive in a digital age. I provided a literature review to offer background of the history of radio

My project focuses on the future of traditional radio and answering the question of whether or not it will be able to survive in a digital age. I provided a literature review to offer background of the history of radio and the challenges it has faced during its existence. I addressed five specific areas: television, satellite radio, Internet radio, podcasts, and mobile devices. My creative element consisted of a radio documentary that compiled interviews from professionals in the broadcast industry. I answered three questions in my research: 1.) Do experts in the industry believe traditional radio will be able to survive the emergence of new technologies and non-traditional programming? Or, will these new technologies and non-traditional programming ultimately overcome traditional radio and become the new standard? 2.) In what ways do industry experts believe that the traditional radio format will have to change in order to compete and prevail over new technologies to remain successful? 3.) Which non-traditional radio formats do industry experts believe pose the biggest threat to traditional radio? In conclusion, I found uncertain times--but also times of opportunity and innovation lie ahead for the broadcast industry. Traditional radio will exist for the foreseeable future. As long as the radio dial exists in cars, traditional radio will remain relevant. In order to adapt as digital technology gains popularity, traditional radio must provide programming that is interesting and compelling to satisfy the increased thirst for audio. Keywords: future of traditional radio, disruption, digital audio
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