
Dysmorphia is a series of large-scale paintings that address the relationship between a body image disorder called Body Dysmorphia (BDD) and plastic surgery. The audience sees women of all colors, shapes and sizes in their most vulnerable state. However, the

Dysmorphia is a series of large-scale paintings that address the relationship between a body image disorder called Body Dysmorphia (BDD) and plastic surgery. The audience sees women of all colors, shapes and sizes in their most vulnerable state. However, the shapes of their bodies and the abnormal background are not what we are used to seeing. Presented in the IAP Studios, Dysmorphia aims to start a conversation around the rising global occurrences of cosmetic procedures, the patients who suffer from Body Dysmorphia, and how the two subjects relate. Plastic surgery is a highly controversial conversation that the world is currently having. However, BDD is not a common topic that comes up within those discussions. Many surgeons may not realize or choose to ignore the fact that a vast majority of their patients have a body image disorder. Sometimes the patients themselves may not even realize it. Whether we believe plastic surgery is a positive life-changing choice or that it takes advantage of those who have disorders such as BDD, the end result will be up to the audience to determine. By establishing a connection between the two contrasting ideals, society can then begin to identify where they might fit in the conversation. Dysmorphia aims to spark informative discussions about these kinds of social issues by exploring the female body and bringing to light plastic surgery's attempt to alter it.
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