A Journey Through Cronkite: From Neophyte to Professional Sports Journalist

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This thesis is a creative project involving video from all four years of my schooling at Arizona State University and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Entering the Cronkite School for the first time, I did not

This thesis is a creative project involving video from all four years of my schooling at Arizona State University and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Entering the Cronkite School for the first time, I did not possess any knowledge about computer video editing software or any on-camera experience. The video pieces are various clips of some of my best work during my time at ASU, including reports on various sports/sporting events for Cronkite News and the Walter Cronkite Sports Network (WCSN). The project combines some of my best on-camera work, video editing skills, and even some new additions such as music under-beds to the pseudo-documentary. Overall, it demonstrates progression from a lack of knowledge about the basics of sports journalism to being cognizant about the multiple facets of the industry. While working on this thesis project, I quickly realized I needed to put all of my skills and knowledge to the test, as I had to incorporate many elements into a long video. For an introduction and closing, I needed to create a script that captured a chronological progression of the journey without detracting from the main focus: the reel. A huge thank you to both my thesis director and my second committee member for their assistance in helping me turn this idea into a reality. I took a chance when committing to Arizona State, but after four years in the desert, I can say with full confidence this was the absolute best choice I could have made.
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