Data Analytics to Identify the Genetic Basis for Resilience to Temperature Stress in Soybeans

This paper explores the ability to predict yields of soybeans based on genetics and environmental factors. Based on the biology of soybeans, it has been shown that yields are best when soybeans grow within a certain temperature range. The event

This paper explores the ability to predict yields of soybeans based on genetics and environmental factors. Based on the biology of soybeans, it has been shown that yields are best when soybeans grow within a certain temperature range. The event a soybean is exposed to temperature outside their accepted range is labeled as an instance of stress. Currently, there are few models that use genetic information to predict how crops may respond to stress. Using data provided by an agricultural business, a model was developed that can categorically label soybean varieties by their yield response to stress using genetic data. The model clusters varieties based on their yield production in response to stress. The clustering criteria is based on variance distribution and correlation. A logistic regression is then fitted to identify significant gene markers in varieties with minimal yield variance. Such characteristics provide a probabilistic outlook of how certain varieties will perform when planted in different regions. Given changing global climate conditions, this model demonstrates the potential of using data to efficiently develop and grow crops adjusted to climate changes.
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