Optimizing of Responsiveness and Strength of ""Smart"" Polymers for Use in Dynamic Tactile Displays for the Visually Impaired

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This thesis investigates an interpenetrating network of polyacrylamide and poly acrylic acid for use in a dynamic tactile display, which presents traditionally two-dimensional electronic screens as three-dimensional topographical models that can be experienced through touch. This kind of display would

This thesis investigates an interpenetrating network of polyacrylamide and poly acrylic acid for use in a dynamic tactile display, which presents traditionally two-dimensional electronic screens as three-dimensional topographical models that can be experienced through touch. This kind of display would allow for greater access to traditionally visual information for the visually impaired. This hydrogel demonstrates Upper Critical Solution Temperature (UCST) near room temperature which facilitates a swelling transition, characterized by a sharp increase in swelling as this temperature is surpassed. Through the utilization of light responsive additives, light can trigger this shift, as the additives harness visible light, convert it into heat to raise the gel’s temperature, and increase the volume of the gel. Light-responsive additives explored include chlorophyllin, gold nanoparticles, and carbon black. Each of these additives required unique synthesis planning and strategies in order to optimize the performance of the gels. Synthesized gels were characterized using thermal swelling tests, light response tests and compression tests to determine the material strength. The best performing additive was chlorophyllin and allowed for a 20.8%±4.5% percent weight increase upon exposure to light for 10 minutes. In addition to investigating light-responsive additives, modifications were pursued to alter the overall UCST behavior, such as the addition of sodium chloride. By adding sodium chloride into the hydrogel, the gel was found to have a wider transition. Overall, light-responsive behavior was developed, and further work can be done in improving the response time and degree of swelling in order to make this material more viable for use in a dynamic tactile display.
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