Characterization of Low Fluid Shear Modeled Microgravity Culture on the Stress Response of Burkholderia cepacia complex


One of the identified health risk areas for human spaceflight is infectious disease, particularly involving environmental microorganisms already found on the International Space Station (ISS). In particular, bacteria belonging to the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) which can cause human disease

One of the identified health risk areas for human spaceflight is infectious disease, particularly involving environmental microorganisms already found on the International Space Station (ISS). In particular, bacteria belonging to the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) which can cause human disease in those who are immunocompromised, have been identified in the ISS water supply. This present study characterized the effect of spaceflight analog culture conditions on Bcc to certain physiological stresses (acid and thermal as well as intracellular survival in U927 human macrophage cells). The NASA-designed Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) bioreactor was used as the spaceflight analogue culture system in these studies to grow Bcc bacterial cells under Low Shear Modeled Microgravity (LSMMG) conditions. Results show that LSMMG culture increased the resistance of Bcc to both acid and thermal stressors, but did not alter phagocytic uptake in 2-D monolayers of human monocytes.

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Development and evaluation of selective and differential media for polymicrobial communities from the International Space Station potable water system

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The International Space Station (ISS) utilizes recycled water for consumption, cleaning and air humidity control. The Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) have been rigorously tested at the NASA Johnson Space Center. Despite the advanced engineering of the water

The International Space Station (ISS) utilizes recycled water for consumption, cleaning and air humidity control. The Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) have been rigorously tested at the NASA Johnson Space Center. Despite the advanced engineering of the water recovery system, bacterial biofilms have been recovered from this potable water source. Microbial contamination of potable water poses a potential threat to crew members onboard the ISS. Because astronauts have been found to have compromised immune systems, bacterial strains that would not typically be considered a danger must be carefully studied to better understand the mechanisms enabling their survival, including polymicrobial interactions. The need for a more thorough understanding of the effect of spaceflight environment on polymicrobial interactions and potential impact on crew health and vehicle integrity is heightened since 1) several potential pathogens have been isolated from the ISS potable water system, 2) spaceflight has been shown to induce unexpected alterations in microbial responses, and 3) emergent phenotypes are often observed when multiple bacterial species are co- cultured together, as compared to pure cultures of single species. In order to address these concerns, suitable growth media are required that will not only support the isolation of these microbes but also the ability to distinguish between them when grown as mixed cultures. In this study, selective and/or differential media were developed for bacterial isolates collected from the ISS potable water supply. In addition to facilitating discrimination between bacteria, the ideal media for each strain was intended to have a 100% recovery rate compared to traditional R2A media. Antibiotic and reagent susceptibility and resistance tests were conducted for the purpose of developing each individual medium. To study a wide range of targets, 12 antibiotics were selected from seven major classes, including penicillin, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, glycopeptides/lipoglycopeptides, macrolides/lincosamides/streptogramins, tetracyclines, in addition to seven unclassified antibiotics and three reagents. Once developed, medium efficacy was determined by means of growth curve experiments. The development of these media is a critical step for further research into the mechanisms utilized by these strains to survive the harsh conditions of the ISS water system. Furthermore, with an understanding of the complex nature of these polymicrobial communities, specific contamination targeting and control can be conducted to reduce the risk to crew members. Understanding these microbial species and their susceptibilities has potential application for future NASA human explorations, including those to Mars.
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The Effects of Low Shear Modeled Microgravity Culture on Burkholderia cepacia complex

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Clean water for drinking, food preparation, and bathing is essential for astronaut health and safety during long duration habitation of the International Space Station (ISS), including future missions to Mars. Despite stringent water treatment and recycling efforts on the ISS,

Clean water for drinking, food preparation, and bathing is essential for astronaut health and safety during long duration habitation of the International Space Station (ISS), including future missions to Mars. Despite stringent water treatment and recycling efforts on the ISS, it is impossible to completely prevent microbial contamination of onboard water supplies. In this work, we used a spaceflight analogue culture system to better understand how the microgravity environment can influence the pathogenesis-related characteristics of Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), an opportunistic pathogen previously recovered from the ISS water system. The results of the present study suggest that there may be important differences in how this pathogen can respond and adapt to spaceflight and other low fluid shear environments encountered during their natural life cycles. Future studies are aimed at understanding the underlying mechanisms responsible for these phenotypes.
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