Enhancing the Transmission of Emotional Information in Video Conferencing


This project seeks to mitigate the reduced video quality from data compression due to bandwidth limits, which hinders the transmission of emotional information. The project applies selective compression to a prerecorded video to produce a modified video that compresses the

This project seeks to mitigate the reduced video quality from data compression due to bandwidth limits, which hinders the transmission of emotional information. The project applies selective compression to a prerecorded video to produce a modified video that compresses the background and preserves important emotional information. The effect of this selective compression was assessed through data collection of user emotional and visual response. The final goal was to publish a paper summarizing the conclusions drawn from all of the lab data that was collected.

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Enhancing the Transmission of Emotional Information in Video Conferencing

This project seeks to mitigate the reduced video quality from data compression due to bandwidth limits, which hinders the transmission of emotional information. The project applies selective compression to a prerecorded video to produce a modified video that compresses the

This project seeks to mitigate the reduced video quality from data compression due to bandwidth limits, which hinders the transmission of emotional information. The project applies selective compression to a prerecorded video to produce a modified video that compresses the background and preserves important emotional information. The effect of this selective compression was assessed through data collection of user emotional and visual response. The final end goal was to publish a paper summarizing the conclusions drawn from all of the lab data that was collected.
Date Created

Automatic Song Lyric Generation and Classification with Long Short-Term Networks

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Lyric classification and generation are trending in topics in the machine learning community. Long Short-Term Networks (LSTMs) are effective tools for classifying and generating text. We explored their effectiveness in the generation and classification of lyrical data and proposed methods

Lyric classification and generation are trending in topics in the machine learning community. Long Short-Term Networks (LSTMs) are effective tools for classifying and generating text. We explored their effectiveness in the generation and classification of lyrical data and proposed methods of evaluating their accuracy. We found that LSTM networks with dropout layers were effective at lyric classification. We also found that Word embedding LSTM networks were extremely effective at lyric generation.
Date Created

Ambient Intelligence: Synthesizing All Aspects of Life By Making Our Environment ""Smarter""

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All of the modern technology tools that are being used today, have a purpose to support a variety of human tasks. Ambient Intelligence is the next step to transform modern technology. Ambient Intelligence is an electronic environment that is sensitive

All of the modern technology tools that are being used today, have a purpose to support a variety of human tasks. Ambient Intelligence is the next step to transform modern technology. Ambient Intelligence is an electronic environment that is sensitive and responsive to human interaction/activity. We understand that Ambient Intelligence(AmI) concentrates on connectivity within a person's environment and the purpose of having a new connection is to make life simpler. Today, technology is in the transition of a new lifestyle where technology is discretely living with us. Ambient Intelligence is still in progress, but we can analyze the technology we have today, ties a relationship with Ambient Intelligence. In order to examine this concern, I investigated how much awareness/knowledge users that range from Generation X to Xennials, that had experience from replacing habitual items and technologies they use on a daily basis. A few questions I mainly wanted answered: - What kind of technologies, software, or tech services replace items you use daily? - What kind of benefits did the technology give you, did it change the way you think/act on any kind of activities? - What kind of expectations/concerns do you have for future technologies? To accomplish this, I gathered information from interviewing multiples groups: millennials and other older generations (33+ years old). I retrieved data from students at Arizona State University, Intel Corporation, and a local clinic. From this study, I've discovered from both groups, that both sides agree that modern technology is rapidly growing to a point that computers think as humans. Through multiple interviews and research, I have found that the technology today makes an impact through all aspects of our lives and through artificial intelligence. Furthermore, I will discuss and predict what will society will encounter later on as the new technology discretely arises.
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