Understanding User Privacy Issues: Publishing User Data with Privacy in Mind

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The explosive Web growth in the last decade has drastically changed the way billions of people all around the globe conduct numerous activities including creating, sharing, and consuming information. The massive amount of user-generated information encourages companies and service providers

The explosive Web growth in the last decade has drastically changed the way billions of people all around the globe conduct numerous activities including creating, sharing, and consuming information. The massive amount of user-generated information encourages companies and service providers to collect users' information and use it in order to better their own goals and then further provide personalized services to users as well. However, the users' information contains their private and sensitive information and can lead to breach of users' privacy. Anonymizing users' information before publishing and using such data is vital in securing their privacy. Due to the many forms of user information (e.g., structural, interactions, etc), different techniques are required for anonymization of users' data. In this thesis, first we discuss different anonymization techniques for various types of user-generated data, i.e., network graphs, web browsing history, and user-item interactions. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of such techniques for data anonymization. Then, we briefly touch on securely and privately sharing information through blockchains.
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