Tech2Learn Marketing Plan

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Tech2Learn, a privately owned tutoring company, serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade at its Phoenix location. The company's founding mission "is for every child to build individual competence and confidence in essential skills." It accomplishes this mission by providing

Tech2Learn, a privately owned tutoring company, serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade at its Phoenix location. The company's founding mission "is for every child to build individual competence and confidence in essential skills." It accomplishes this mission by providing a safe, fun, and engaging environment where children feel comfortable learning. In addition to tutoring in traditional subjects such as math and reading, Tech2Learn also offers a dyslexia reading lab, and a High School Placement Test prep course. The goal of this plan is to find a low cost and easy to manage way for Tech2Learn to market its services and encourage referrals. To achieve this goal, I conducted both an external and internal analysis. In order for Tech2Learn to remain competitive in the industry, it must be aware of trends such as the rapidly evolution of teaching technology, new government mandates on curriculum, and parents' desire to be involved in their children's education. While these trends create opportunities for growth, there are also threats that arise. One threat to Tech2Learn is a large number of competitors in the market. The company relies on its strengths of human capital and unique teaching approach to minimize these threats. The tactics and strategies recommended in this plan are intended to reduce the company's weaknesses. Specifically, tactical recommendations target Tech2Learn's digital presence through the creation of a Facebook page, consolidation of company owned web domains, and updating business information on both owned and earned online sites. Additionally, strategic suggestions aim to prepare Tech2Learn for future growth through the implementation of a formal training procedure, consideration of an additional office location, and differentiation through the early adoption of new technologies, such as virtual reality.
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Cause Marketing: The Evolution of Crowdfunding

This thesis provides an analysis on the crowdfunding environment in comparison to traditional fundraising methods in an effort to understand the relationship between the two types of fundraising and why crowdfunding has gained traction. Additionally, this thesis provides a study

This thesis provides an analysis on the crowdfunding environment in comparison to traditional fundraising methods in an effort to understand the relationship between the two types of fundraising and why crowdfunding has gained traction. Additionally, this thesis provides a study on good vs. bad crowdfunding to formulate a strategy for crowdfunding success. Methods of analysis include the execution of a situational analysis for both fundraising environments, and the collection of primary and secondary data of case studies of both crowdfunding failures and successes. Results showed that although crowdfunding provides lower search cost, greater efficiency, and eliminates geographical limitations leading to successful fundraising, the industry itself is too new and unexplored to be solely relied upon. Fundraising campaigns are most effective when crowdfunding is used complimentary to traditional fundraising methods. This thesis finds that crowdfunding offers unparalleled connectivity between creators and funders, but the transparency of the crowdfunding process is not ready to be trusted entirely. Until more data is collected on the crowdfunding environment, crowdfunding is best utilized in conjunction with traditional fundraising methods.
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