Characterizing Low Frequency Delay Mode Contamination of the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array

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The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array, HERA, is a radio telescope currently being built in South Africa that plans to observe the early universe, specifically the earliest period of star and galaxy formation. It plans to use a tool called

The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array, HERA, is a radio telescope currently being built in South Africa that plans to observe the early universe, specifically the earliest period of star and galaxy formation. It plans to use a tool called a delay spectrum to separate signal emitted from this time from the much brighter radio foregrounds. It is the purpose of this paper to outline the method used to characterize the contamination of these delay spectra by bright emissions of radio here on Earth called radio frequency interference, RFI. The portion of the bandwidth containing the signal from the period of initial star formation was specifically examined. In order to receive usable data, the HERA commissioning team was assisted in the evaluation of the most recent data releases. On the first batch of usable data, flagging algorithms were run in order to mask all of the RFI present. A method of filling these masked values was determined, which allowed for the delay spectrum to be observed. Various methods of injecting RFI into the data were tested which portrayed the large dependence of the delay spectrum on its presence. Finally, the noise power was estimated in order to predict whether or not the limitations observed in the dynamic range were comparable to the noise floor. By examining the evolution of the delay spectrum's power as a range of noise power was introduced, there is a good amount of evidence that this limitation is in fact the noise floor. From this, we see that excision algorithms and interpolation used are capable of removing the effects of most all of the RFI contamination.
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Environmental Systematics and the Impact on 21-cm Epoch of Reionization Measurements

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The Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is the period in the evolution of the universe during which neutral hydrogen was ionized by the first luminous sources, and is closely linked to the formation of structure in the early universe. The Hydrogen

The Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is the period in the evolution of the universe during which neutral hydrogen was ionized by the first luminous sources, and is closely linked to the formation of structure in the early universe. The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) is a radio interferometer currently under construction in South Africa designed to study this era. Specifically, HERA is dedicated to studying the large-scale structure during the EoR and the preceding Cosmic Dawn by measuring the redshifted 21-cm line from neutral hydrogen. However, the 21-cm signal from the EoR is extremely faint relative to galactic and extragalactic radio foregrounds, and instrumental and environmental systematics make measuring the signal all the more difficult. Radio frequency interference (RFI) from terrestrial sources is one such systematic. In this thesis, we explore various methods of removing RFI from early science-grade HERA data and characterize the effects of different removal patterns on the final 21-cm power spectrum. In particular, we focus on the impact of masking narrowband signals, such as those characteristic of FM radio and aircraft or satellite communications, in the context of the algorithms currently used by the HERA collaboration for analysis.
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