Why Do Students Join Student Organizations? A Study from the Perspective of a Student Searching at ASU.

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This study seeks to analyze the motivation behind why college students at ASU join student organizations. Analysis for this study will be performed through describing considerations a student may undergo when looking into an organization to join. This perspective will

This study seeks to analyze the motivation behind why college students at ASU join student organizations. Analysis for this study will be performed through describing considerations a student may undergo when looking into an organization to join. This perspective will be done through document analysis of the contents of the SunDevilSync and Facebook pages that various organizations, ranging from professional and academic organizations to social and non-academic organizations. These web pages are the first things students see when they join an organization for the first time, and it is here, that they gain their first glimpse into what the organization might really provide for them. Fifteen different organizations at ASU were used as the focus to allow for a diverse population to be categorized between their involvement across professional and social activities. It was found that students join organizations primarily for the purposes of the audience the name of the organization reaches out to, the proof of activities and the interests students would have with regards to the types of activities involved with the organization. Further, a list of primary activities that organizations ranging in the categories of professional and social might display is also generated as a means of allowing developing an idea of the differences between activities of organizations. An analysis of two organizations the author had created will also be used as a means of applying the knowledge gained from this research in a more tangible concept.
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