Division of labor and the regulation of house hunting and foraging in the rock cavity ant Temnothorax rugatulus.

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Division of labor among task specialists is a key feature of the organization of insect societies. Foraging and emigration are two distinct colony tasks that nonetheless depend on very similar behaviors, including searching outside the nest, evaluating discoveries, and recruiting

Division of labor among task specialists is a key feature of the organization of insect societies. Foraging and emigration are two distinct colony tasks that nonetheless depend on very similar behaviors, including searching outside the nest, evaluating discoveries, and recruiting nestmates. These subtasks are crucial to collective decisions about forager allocation and nest site selection. It remains unclear, however, whether the same ants are responsible for similar behavior in both contexts, and to what degree they show finer specializations among common subtasks. We are investigating these issues in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus, by making detailed behavioral descriptions of individually marked colonies as they forage and emigrate. There exists considerable heterogeneity among nest-movers, with a small proportion consistently responsible for a large share of recruitment. We found a similar pattern of heterogeneity amongst ants retrieving food during foraging, but had inconclusive results when examining recruitment to the food. It also appears that the ants that complete tasks during foraging are different from the ants that complete similar tasks during emigrations. These findings will shed light on the organization of division of labor and how it contributes to collective decision-making.
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The Foundress’s Dilemma: Group Selection for Cooperation Among Queens of the Harvester Ant, Pogonomyrmex Californicus

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The evolution of cooperation is a fundamental problem in biology, especially for non-relatives, where indirect fitness benefits cannot counter within-group inequalities. Multilevel selection models show how cooperation can evolve if it generates a group-level advantage, even when cooperators are disadvantaged

The evolution of cooperation is a fundamental problem in biology, especially for non-relatives, where indirect fitness benefits cannot counter within-group inequalities. Multilevel selection models show how cooperation can evolve if it generates a group-level advantage, even when cooperators are disadvantaged within their group. This allows the possibility of group selection, but few examples have been described in nature. Here we show that group selection can explain the evolution of cooperative nest founding in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus. Through most of this species’ range, colonies are founded by single queens, but in some populations nests are instead founded by cooperative groups of unrelated queens. In mixed groups of cooperative and single-founding queens, we found that aggressive individuals had a survival advantage within their nest, but foundress groups with such non-cooperators died out more often than those with only cooperative members. An agent-based model shows that the between-group advantage of the cooperative phenotype drives it to fixation, despite its within-group disadvantage, but only when population density is high enough to make between-group competition intense. Field data show higher nest density in a population where cooperative founding is common, consistent with greater density driving the evolution of cooperative foundation through group selection.

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The wisdom of the acorn: social foraging in Temnothorax ants

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The coordination of group behavior in the social insects is representative of a broader phenomenon in nature, emergent biological complexity. In such systems, it is believed that large-scale patterns result from the interaction of relatively simple subunits. This dissertation involved

The coordination of group behavior in the social insects is representative of a broader phenomenon in nature, emergent biological complexity. In such systems, it is believed that large-scale patterns result from the interaction of relatively simple subunits. This dissertation involved the study of one such system: the social foraging of the ant Temnothorax rugatulus. Physically tiny with small population sizes, these cavity-dwelling ants provide a good model system to explore the mechanisms and ultimate origins of collective behavior in insect societies. My studies showed that colonies robustly exploit sugar water. Given a choice between feeders unequal in quality, colonies allocate more foragers to the better feeder. If the feeders change in quality, colonies are able to reallocate their foragers to the new location of the better feeder. These qualities of flexibility and allocation could be explained by the nature of positive feedback (tandem run recruitment) that these ants use. By observing foraging colonies with paint-marked ants, I was able to determine the `rules' that individuals follow: foragers recruit more and give up less when they find a better food source. By altering the nutritional condition of colonies, I found that these rules are flexible - attuned to the colony state. In starved colonies, individual ants are more likely to explore and recruit to food sources than in well-fed colonies. Similar to honeybees, Temmnothorax foragers appear to modulate their exploitation and recruitment behavior in response to environmental and social cues. Finally, I explored the influence of ecology (resource distribution) on the foraging success of colonies. Larger colonies showed increased consistency and a greater rate of harvest than smaller colonies, but this advantage was mediated by the distribution of resources. While patchy or rare food sources exaggerated the relative success of large colonies, regularly (or easily found) distributions leveled the playing field for smaller colonies. Social foraging in ant societies can best be understood when we view the colony as a single organism and the phenotype - group size, communication, and individual behavior - as integrated components of a homeostatic unit.
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