Synthesis and Characterization of Novel HEMA Hydrogels Cross-linked with Methacrylated Jeffamines

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Hydrocephalus is a chronic neurological condition affecting an estimated 1 in every 500 infants born. The most common treatment method involves surgical implantation of a shunt system; however these systems have a high failure rate resulting in repeat invasive surgeries.

Hydrocephalus is a chronic neurological condition affecting an estimated 1 in every 500 infants born. The most common treatment method involves surgical implantation of a shunt system; however these systems have a high failure rate resulting in repeat invasive surgeries. A promising approach being researched to treat hydrocephalus is a miniaturized valve composed of silicon and a hydrogel material. The current chemical cross-linker used in the hydrogel, EGDMA, however is susceptible to hydrolytic cleavage due to the ester groups.

This thesis proposed a novel hydrogel composed of a HEMA backbone and methacrylated Jeffamines as the chemical cross-linker as a possible replacement for the HEMA and EGDMA hydrogel used currently in the hydrocephalus valve. Jeffamine EDR-148 was methacrylated through reaction with methacryloyl chloride and characterized using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Subsequently, hydrogels were synthesized, using both EGDMA and EDR-MA, and the properties were compared through swelling and rotational rheology. Finally, degradation tests were performed to compare the hydrolytic stability of the two cross-linkers.

Results of this work demonstrated that Jeffamine EDR-148 was able to be successfully methacrylated and used to synthesize a hydrogel. The new hydrogel was shown to have comparable mechanical behavior and robustness to the EGDMA hydrogel, with slightly increased swelling capabilities. Degradation tests did not confirm the theory that the EDR-MA gels would exhibit greater hydrolytic stability however. Future work includes perfecting the purification of the EDR-MA, conducting a longer-term degradation study at physiologically relevant conditions, and demonstrating the tunability of the Jeffamine hydrogels.
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