Burnout among U.S. Attorneys and the Implications for Life Satisfaction


To the public, law is portrayed as a career where people experience an intense workload that eventually leads them to burnout. As a person interested in becoming a lawyer, I took it upon myself to research how burned out lawyers

To the public, law is portrayed as a career where people experience an intense workload that eventually leads them to burnout. As a person interested in becoming a lawyer, I took it upon myself to research how burned out lawyers are in the empirical literature and study if that burnout can be linked with job dissatisfaction and, further, life dissatisfaction. As predicted, lawyers have been and continue to be burnt out and that burnout has implications on their job and life satisfaction. In turn, a lawyer’s job satisfaction and life satisfaction can also have an effect on whether or not they experience more or less symptoms of burnout. After establishing that there is a problem, I researched potential solutions to increasing life satisfaction for lawyers within the existing flawed system. I discussed five solutions proposed in the book The Happy Lawyer by Nancy Levit and Douglas Linder, which included (1) gaining more control, (2) establishing more connections, (3) increasing flow experiences, (4) identifying pleasures and strengths, and (5) making downward comparisons. Finally, as a cumulation of all my research, I offer a final suggestion to increase life satisfaction, which is to create and stick to a schedule that works for the individual lawyer.

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A Study on Masculinity and how the Views of Christian Young Adults Compare and Contrast to the Views of the Rest of Society

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An exploratory research study conducted to determine the comparing and contrasting views and understandings of masculinity between young adults. Specifically those who identify as Christian compared to those who do not identify as Christian. A survey study was distributed through

An exploratory research study conducted to determine the comparing and contrasting views and understandings of masculinity between young adults. Specifically those who identify as Christian compared to those who do not identify as Christian. A survey study was distributed through ASU courses and through social media leading to the results discussing the varying opinions on how masculinity is defined by Religion, Mass Media, and Education. Relationships and comparisons between Christian participants displayed the importance of traditional masculine values, whereas non-Christian participants seemed to have a more open and inclusive understanding of masculinity. Due to this being an exploratory study, much future research is necessary in order to fully expand on the complexities of Christianity, masculinity, and society’s overall understanding of the two.

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Freud, Friend or Foe: An Insight Into What the Teachings of Sigmund Freud Mean in a Modern World

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Dr. Sigmund Freud has managed to become one of the most controversial and paradoxical figures in the universe of academia. This paper was written as an evaluation of Freud, as a man and a scientist, in an attempt to decide

Dr. Sigmund Freud has managed to become one of the most controversial and paradoxical figures in the universe of academia. This paper was written as an evaluation of Freud, as a man and a scientist, in an attempt to decide if his work is suitable for the modern classroom. This essay will question Freud's methods of validity and ethics in his theories and case studies. The theories discussed will include beginning treatment, dream interpretation, and instinct theory. The case studies will include The History if Infantile Neurosis and An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria. The topic of Freud’s validity was not easily determined. Nuanced work with the unconscious may not always demand empirical evidence to support it and many scholars hold conflicting beliefs on this area of Freud’s work. While Freud’s ethics, against modern standards, do not hold up to any APA ethical guidelines that now exist.

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Finding the Self: Exploration of Societal Institutions and Forces on Family Overshadowing

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This thesis aims to explore the power that my personal struggle with sibling overshadowing and bullying had on my personal development, perspective, and character. To accomplish this analysis, I review many current theories in the areas of self-identity, self-confidence, and

This thesis aims to explore the power that my personal struggle with sibling overshadowing and bullying had on my personal development, perspective, and character. To accomplish this analysis, I review many current theories in the areas of self-identity, self-confidence, and sibling relationships. I find that there exist theories from psychologists and sociologists, such as Stets, Brody, Kohlberg, and Hetherington, that can provide insight as to why I felt as I did. I discover scientific concepts that explain my stress from being constantly compared to very accomplished siblings. Also, I find that there exists significant research that confirms my inability to trust compliments and feedback in light of at-times low self-esteem. In this personal story, I will apply sociological truths to help decipher my struggle with academic achievement and overshadowing, confidence, and identity. The hope is that this explanation may provide assistance to others in similar circumstances.

In Section 1, I highlighted the 8-year struggle that I faced that had a central focus and emphasis on bullying. I discussed many important ideals, including how grave the bullying in elementary and middle school was and how it shaped me as an individual. I also discussed how sibling overshadowing and comparison contributed to my struggle and growth over the 8-year period in chronological order.

After telling the story in Section 1, I then discussed and did an unbiased theory exploration that attempted to discuss and uncover the theories, relationships, and trends found across three central “themes” presented in Section 1: Sibling Relationships, Self-Identity, and Self-Confidence. I discussed what theories were argued and presented across many famous and well-known researchers, how their work relates to the central theme of interest, and how these theories relate to each other. I found that there were many theories from Stets, Brody, Kohlberg, and Hetherington that provided insight as to why I felt weak and frail. I also found that there was significant research that confirmed my inability to trust compliments and feedback. I lastly discussed some opposing theories by individuals who argued against these same ideas along with the respective amount of weight that they carry over others.

In Section 3, I then took the theories, trends, and relationships presented on these themes in Section 2 from various researchers and integrated them with Section 1, my life experience. Section 3 represents a hybrid discussion of how the theories argued, debated, and explored by researchers relate specifically to moments throughout my life and 8-year struggle. In this section, my goal is to help readers understand how these theories can or can’t relate to someone’s personal experience. I also discussed which theories carry more weight than others based on the volume of research conducted.
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A Child's Ability to Learn Emotion Understanding and Coping Strategies

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Self-regulation in the form of coping with emotions is something that most people have effectively adapted to by adulthood. This is an organically learned process that begins in early childhood through play, parenting, education, and peer interactions. This study examines

Self-regulation in the form of coping with emotions is something that most people have effectively adapted to by adulthood. This is an organically learned process that begins in early childhood through play, parenting, education, and peer interactions. This study examines whether six children aged 4-5 (M age= 4.72, SD= 0.372, 50% female, 100% Caucasian) are able to understand basic emotions and how to cope with them through one of two protocols. The conditions were either directive instruction or embodied cognition, and children were evaluated with a pre and post-test measure. Findings did not indicate any significant effect of the conditions on memorizing coping mechanisms, nor did it indicate that there was a significant improvement in emotion understanding following the sessions. These findings were limited by the sample size and participant interest.
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Why Women of Faith Tend to Stay in Abusive Relationships

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Women often feel lost within their church community and are overlooking their own health to blend in with conceptions of a perfect marriage that are brought on through stereotypes. Women of abuse are believing, even if it's a matter of

Women often feel lost within their church community and are overlooking their own health to blend in with conceptions of a perfect marriage that are brought on through stereotypes. Women of abuse are believing, even if it's a matter of their personal health, they are not allowed to separate from their husband sin-free. This concept holds many spiritual women from taking a crucial step from leaving a dangerous situation. Finally, gender roles and the concept of male power is granting abusive men the chance to control the lives and beliefs of their wives with little fight from religious leaders. In order to help Christian women fighting a losing battle against rough husbands, changes need to be made. The education of the clergy and faith communities that may be the first step for many women reaching out for help is vital. First, sermons and lectures need to change to place an emphasis on the equality that is preached throughout the Bible. Second, a solution, such as annulment for abusive marriages, needs to be accepted by the Christian church in order to free women of their vows. At last, a wider knowledge of how common this unfortunate scenario is needs to be expressed throughout the Christian Community. Too many women believe that they are alone, and this is causing them to create unrealistic stereotypes about marriage. By addressing these major issues found throughout the Christian faith there is a better chance that women will start to speak up and find the courage to get out.
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Formulation of Logic Model & Evaluation Plan for CPLC Insurance Program: A Collaboration Between Chicanos Por La Causa and the C.A.R.E. Program at the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State University

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There is a widespread inequality in health care access and insured rates suffered by the Latino, Spanish-speaking population in Arizona, resulting in poor health measures and economic burden. The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 provided mechanisms to

There is a widespread inequality in health care access and insured rates suffered by the Latino, Spanish-speaking population in Arizona, resulting in poor health measures and economic burden. The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 provided mechanisms to alleviate this disparity, however, many Latino communities lack accessible information and means to gain access to health insurance enrollment. Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) is a community based organizing that provides many services to low-income communities across Arizona, one of which is the CPLC Insurance Program. In collaboration with the Community Action Research Experiences (CARE) at Arizona State University, the program was studied to help address the need of a LOGIC model and evaluation plan to determine its effectiveness. Interviews with three executives within CPLC were conducted in conjunction with a literature review to determine the inputs, strategies, outputs, and outcomes of the LOGIC model that drive CPLC Insurance's mission. Evaluation measures were then created to provide the necessary quantitative data that can best show to what degree the program is achieving its goals. Specifically, the results indicated the key outcomes that drive the LOGIC model, and an evaluation plan designed to provide indicators of these outcomes was produced. The implications of this study are that the suggested data collection can verify how effectively the program's actions are creating positive change, as well as show where further improvements may be necessary to maximize effectiveness.
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Testing Rational Choice Theory through Arizona's "Move Over Law"

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States nationwide have implemented "Move Over Laws" to try and increase roadway safety, yet even with these laws, hundreds of people are killed each year while working in and roadways. In Arizona, the "Move Over Law" requires drivers approaching a

States nationwide have implemented "Move Over Laws" to try and increase roadway safety, yet even with these laws, hundreds of people are killed each year while working in and roadways. In Arizona, the "Move Over Law" requires drivers approaching a stopped vehicle displaying flashing lights to "move over" or "slow down." However, not everyone complies with this enacted law, and the purpose of this study is to observe how approaching drivers behave when presented with various scenarios. Scenarios involved the use of different police car types (marked or unmarked), light displays (no lights, hazards, or emergency lights), and the advertisement of Arizona's "Move Over Law" (signboard or no signboard). Associated risk varied with each scenario, and according to rational choice theory, a driver's behavior should minimize risks and maximize benefits. Under the hypothesis that police presence impacts driving behavior, the expectation was that driver compliance through "moving over" and/or slowing down would be highest when a marked police car or emergency lights were used. Also hypothesized was that awareness impacts compliance with the thought that increasing awareness by using a signboard would increase "move over" percentages and decrease speeds. From the test site along State Highway 260 in Payson, Arizona, the results indicate that car type and light display impact driving behavior. The use of the marked car or emergency lights generally had higher adjusted compliance, higher "move over" percentages, and lower speeds than when the unmarked car or no lights were tested. Looking at how awareness influences behavior, the use of the signboard had a greater impact when the unmarked car was used as opposed to the marked car. Based on the results, both hypotheses were supported.
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The Influence of Living Arrangements on Couple's Conflict Topics: A Daily Diary Study of Young Adult Couples

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My thesis examined differences in areas of relationship conflict among various living arrangements of couples. I analyzed 249 phone call interviews from 54 couples that resided in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, had been in a relationship for at least

My thesis examined differences in areas of relationship conflict among various living arrangements of couples. I analyzed 249 phone call interviews from 54 couples that resided in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, had been in a relationship for at least six months, and were at least 21 years of age. By using a qualitative analysis, I analyzed differences in frequently mentioned areas of conflict (i.e. power, social issues, personal flaws, distrust, intimacy, personal distance) between romantic couples in three common couple living arrangements (i.e. non-cohabiting, cohabiting, and married). Findings showed certain areas of conflict were prevalent among all living arrangements, namely power and personal flaws. There were some differences between each living arrangement group: The non-cohabiting group was the only one to report distrust as a top area of conflict, and the cohabiting group reported more frequent incidents of conflict involving personal flaws than the married group. The married group identified social issues as a more prevalent area of conflict than the other groups. Differences in prevalent areas of conflict were examined in relation to varying levels of personal, structural and moral commitment that occur throughout the identified living arrangements.
Date Created

Love Your Body [A Non-Profit Prevention Approach to Eating Disorders]

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Based on previous research and findings it is proven that a non-profit class to create awareness will be beneficial in the prevention of eating disorders. This analysis will provide significant research to defend the proposed class.
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