Attempting to Produce Helium White Dwarfs From Low-Metallicity Solar Mass Stars

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I examine the effects of metallicity on solar mass stellar evolution, trying to replicate a previous result in Windhorst, 2018, in which a zer metallicity solar mass star did not reach the AGB, and thus may turn into a

I examine the effects of metallicity on solar mass stellar evolution, trying to replicate a previous result in Windhorst, 2018, in which a zer metallicity solar mass star did not reach the AGB, and thus may turn into a helium white dwarf. In trying to replicate this result, I used the M.E.S.A. stellar evolution code and was unable to reproduce this result. While M.E.S.A has undergone several updates since the previous result was obtained, more current evidence suggests that this may have been a one-time occurrence, as no helium white dwarfs were produced for low-metallicity models. Nonetheless, interesting results were obtained, including a lowest metallicity value for which CNO burning does not significantly contribute during the main sequence, 1 −10 Z , which produces noticeable effects on post main sequence evolution. All models are run with no rotation, one solar mass, and a series of MESA parameters kept constant, with the only exception being metallicity. Any metallicity value listed as Nd −10 is an absolute mass fraction, and Z is relative to solar metallicity, 2d*10 −2 .
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