Expanding Visual Programming for Educational Robots/IoT

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In this update to the ESPBot, we have introduced new libraries for a small OLED display and a beeper. This functionality can be easily expanded to multiple beepers and displays, but requires more GPIO pins, or for the user to

In this update to the ESPBot, we have introduced new libraries for a small OLED display and a beeper. This functionality can be easily expanded to multiple beepers and displays, but requires more GPIO pins, or for the user to not use some of the infrared sensors or the ultrasonic sensor. We have also relocated some of the pins. The display can be updated to display 1 of 4 predefined shapes, or to display user-defined text. New shapes can be added by defining new methods within display.ino and calling the appropriate functions while parsing the JSON data in viple.ino. The beeper can be controlled by user-defined input to play any frequency for any amount of time. There is also a function added to play the happy birthday song. More songs can be added by defining new methods within beeper.ino and calling the appropriate functions while parsing the JSON data in viple.ino. More functionality can be added to allow the user to input a list of frequencies along with a list of time so the user can define their own songs or sequences on the fly.
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