There's No Such Thing As User Error

There is a somewhat contentious phrase that says, “There is no such thing as user error, only bad design.” While it could be considered an exaggeration, this phrase sparks a discussion about the importance of good user interface design. These

There is a somewhat contentious phrase that says, “There is no such thing as user error, only bad design.” While it could be considered an exaggeration, this phrase sparks a discussion about the importance of good user interface design. These types of designs are integrated into our daily lives, influencing every interaction we have with the world around us. This project combines research and design to create a prototype interface utilizing the principles of effective, user-friendly design.
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FastStat: Online Statistics Calculator

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FastStat is a responsive website designed to work on any handheld, laptop, or desktop device. It serves as a first step into statistical calculations, educating the user on the basics of statistical analysis, and guiding them as they perform analyses

FastStat is a responsive website designed to work on any handheld, laptop, or desktop device. It serves as a first step into statistical calculations, educating the user on the basics of statistical analysis, and guiding them as they perform analyses of their own using built-in calculators. The calculators available can perform z tests, t tests, chi square tests, and analysis of variance tests to determine significant characteristics of the user's data. Outputted data includes means, standard deviations, significance levels, applicable statistics, and worded results indicating the outcome of the performed test. With its clean design, FastStat directs the user in an intuitive manner to fill in the information needed, giving clear indications of what types of values are needed where and flagging descriptive error messages if any inputted values are incorrect. FastStat also implements a halt to calculations if any errors are found, which saves time by avoiding impossible calculations. Once complete, FastStat outputs a variety of information of use to the user in a clearly labeled manner. The calculators are designed in such a way that the user will know what information they will get out of the calculator before performing any calculations at all. Aside from the calculators, FastStat includes introductory pages designed to get users familiar with common statistical terms and the associated tests, solidifying its purpose as an introductory tool. All tests are described by their typical uses, necessary inputs, calculated outputs, and extra notes of importance. Many terms are defined for the purpose of statistics, complete with examples to help educate the user on the concepts. With the information available, even the newest statistician can learn and begin performing tests almost immediately.
Date Created

State Press Live

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As our relationship with technology continues to encourage people to spend more time engaged online, traditional means of journalism must adapt in order to communicate with audiences. While many news organizations default to social media outlets, the goal of this

As our relationship with technology continues to encourage people to spend more time engaged online, traditional means of journalism must adapt in order to communicate with audiences. While many news organizations default to social media outlets, the goal of this project is to allow users a more direct experience with reporters, photographers and editors. It will allow The State Press, the official, student-run news organization covering ASU, to create content within Slack, an internal messaging platform commonly used in newsrooms. Secondly, it will provide a means for viewers to conveniently ingest their news as it unfolds, with updates, media, and analysis appearing in front of them without having to refresh the page.
Date Created