Ethnic Differences in Dementia Revealed by Multimodal Imaging.pdf

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Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a

Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a marker of neuroinflammation, hippocampal volume, and volume of white-matter hyperintensities in African Americans (AA) and non-Hispanic Whites who were categorized in groups based on whether they had APOE ε4 allele or not. AA had lower prevalence of APOE e4 genotype than non-Hispanic Whites. AA groups have a slightly higher hippocampal volume compared to the Non-Hispanic White (NHW) groups. African Americans also reported increased white-matter hyperintensities and cerebral free-water. Hippocampal atrophy is associated with Alzheimer's disease, this might suggest that the AA groups have a lower risk of Alzheimer's, although further research is needed to confirm this relationship. Lastly, our findings also suggest other potential socioeconomic factors that could contribute to increased incidence of dementia among AA and potential resilience factors early in the course of Alzheimer’s disease process.
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Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a

Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a marker of neuroinflammation, hippocampal volume, and volume of white-matter hyperintensities in African Americans (AA) and non-Hispanic Whites who were categorized in groups based on whether they had APOE ε4 allele or not. AA had lower prevalence of APOE e4 genotype than non-Hispanic Whites. AA groups have a slightly higher hippocampal volume compared to the Non-Hispanic White (NHW) groups. African Americans also reported increased white-matter hyperintensities and cerebral free-water. Hippocampal atrophy is associated with Alzheimer's disease, this might suggest that the AA groups have a lower risk of Alzheimer's, although further research is needed to confirm this relationship. Lastly, our findings also suggest other potential socioeconomic factors that could contribute to increased incidence of dementia among AA and potential resilience factors early in the course of Alzheimer’s disease process.
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Ethnic Differences in Dementia Revealed by Multimodal Imaging


Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a

Inflammatory genes are known to only show in African Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. The objective of this study was to observe the correlation from the obtained data of the prevalence of the APOE ε4 genotype. We examined cerebral free-water, a marker of neuroinflammation, hippocampal volume, and volume of white-matter hyperintensities in African Americans (AA) and non-Hispanic Whites who were categorized in groups based on whether they had APOE ε4 allele or not. AA had lower prevalence of APOE e4 genotype than non-Hispanic Whites. AA groups have a slightly higher hippocampal volume compared to the Non-Hispanic White (NHW) groups. African Americans also reported increased white-matter hyperintensities and cerebral free-water. Hippocampal atrophy is associated with Alzheimer's disease, this might suggest that the AA groups have a lower risk of Alzheimer's, although further research is needed to confirm this relationship. Lastly, our findings also suggest other potential socioeconomic factors that could contribute to increased incidence of dementia among AA and potential resilience factors early in the course of Alzheimer’s disease process.

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Effect of IV Meloxicam on Pain and Narcotic Usage as Compared to Oral Celecoxib Following Orthopedic Surgery

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Patients receiving total knee arthroplasty surgery received either IV Meloxicam or Oral Celecoxib based on the hospital where they were treated. Otherwise, the operation and post-surgical pain protocol were kept as identical as possible. Surveys were administered at 24, 48,

Patients receiving total knee arthroplasty surgery received either IV Meloxicam or Oral Celecoxib based on the hospital where they were treated. Otherwise, the operation and post-surgical pain protocol were kept as identical as possible. Surveys were administered at 24, 48, and 72 hours after surgery where patients reported their current pain level, and cumulative number or narcotic pain pills taken since surgery. Results showed a trend at each measured time interval for those receiving IV Meloxicam to report lower pain scores and less narcotic usage on average. Only the pain score difference reported at 72 hours was statistically significant. Due to limited number of study participants, further testing would be needed to determine if other observed differences would become statistically significant.

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The Evolution of Medicine: Predictions for the Future of Emergency Medicine

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Medicine is evolving at an accelerating rate. The needs of the future in medicine are different than the needs of today. With many possible outcomes for the future of medicine, researchers and physicians have tried to predict the future for

Medicine is evolving at an accelerating rate. The needs of the future in medicine are different than the needs of today. With many possible outcomes for the future of medicine, researchers and physicians have tried to predict the future for particular fields. As new healthcare workers enter the medical field, their training must be tailored to provide the best education to prepare healthcare workers for their careers. Therefore, it is imperative to take a closer look into the future in order to better decide how to train doctors, nurses, PA’s, etc. effectively to provide the best care possible.
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Empty but Full: Experiences While Teaching in Eastern Africa

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In the grand scheme of things, the time that I spent in Tanzania was insignificant. I have lived through two hundred and fifty two months in my life. And of those, only two of them were spent in Africa. I

In the grand scheme of things, the time that I spent in Tanzania was insignificant. I have lived through two hundred and fifty two months in my life. And of those, only two of them were spent in Africa. I have experienced many things in my short life as a twenty one year old, however, the experiences that I went through in Tanzania are the ones that I seem to think about the most. This time in my life, these experiences, have almost seemed to overwrite many of my old memories. They are all that I can think about. They are all that I can write about. They are all that I can dream about.
For this creative project, I have decided to highlight two memories from my time in Tanzania. I have titled it Empty but Full: Experiences While Teaching In Eastern Africa. These memories are the ones that I think about the most. They are the ones that I think about unconsciously. Everything that I do reminds me of them. I often attempt to repress these memories. I try to think of the happier times while I was over there. However, no matter what I do, what I try to distract myself with, they always seem to bubble to the surface. These are not happy memories. They do not make me smile and they often make me cry to to think about. Even though I had a tough time writing these, I feel that these are moments that people should know about. Moments that people can learn from. This is why I have decided to write about these memories. These stories are raw and they do not pull any punches. They are exactly what I witnessed and exactly what I was feeling those dark moments. When I close my eyes at night, my mind often goes back to that vibrant green jungle where I became a changed man.
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