Creative Analysis of Gender and Society


This is a series of three paintings all composed with oil paint. This series offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on gender roles and the male gaze and how they are used as forms of oppression. This series challenges traditional

This is a series of three paintings all composed with oil paint. This series offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on gender roles and the male gaze and how they are used as forms of oppression. This series challenges traditional notions of gender and spark meaningful conversations about the ways in which society shapes and reinforces gender norms.

Date Created

Moribund Marine Life

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Every day, the earth’s oceans are being destroyed. Pollution, fishing, sonar, and many other man-made factors have caused detrimental effects to the most crucial of the ocean’s ecosystems. While more individuals are becoming aware of these problems, additional support is

Every day, the earth’s oceans are being destroyed. Pollution, fishing, sonar, and many other man-made factors have caused detrimental effects to the most crucial of the ocean’s ecosystems. While more individuals are becoming aware of these problems, additional support is needed to help protect the ocean’s many unique creatures. The purpose of this honors thesis exhibition is to continue to shine light on human negligence towards threatened ocean creatures. The three artworks in this thesis show the descent of diversity and life of these marine creatures over time. By showcasing the different ways in which whales, rays, and corals have been affected by human impact, this thesis and subsequent art pieces will help to continue to enhance one’s understanding of the importance of marine conservation.

Date Created

The Impact of Immigration

Immigrant families expect their children to go above and beyond since they have access to better facilities and opportunities in comparison to their home land. In my autobiographical works of art for my Barrett Honors Thesis project, I explore how

Immigrant families expect their children to go above and beyond since they have access to better facilities and opportunities in comparison to their home land. In my autobiographical works of art for my Barrett Honors Thesis project, I explore how my family has become more Americanized, yet still holds traditional values. I’ve focused on how differences in culture have molded different sets of morals between my parents, me, and my sibling. My series of graphite drawings on paper are a collection of milestones in my life. It may not be a completely fluid timeline but all the important points are present and the viewer can ponder what happened in snapshots of my life. The difference in culture is depicted through representations of clothing, posture, praying, religion, and subjects.
Date Created

Self-Perception: A Retrospective in Emulation, Imitation, and Women in Art

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Art history, while vast in scope, is a male-dominated topic. Textbooks predominantly feature male artists, and generally when artists look to the “masters,” they look to men. Although the field is becoming more diverse every day, this discrepancy in what

Art history, while vast in scope, is a male-dominated topic. Textbooks predominantly feature male artists, and generally when artists look to the “masters,” they look to men. Although the field is becoming more diverse every day, this discrepancy in what is taught to young artists can have a profound impact on how and why art is produced. As a young female artist who is focused on my own self-identity and developing a body of work, I look to other women in art, past and present, to orient myself in the context of art history. I am interested in how these women came to terms with their identity in a field that acknowledges them less than their male counterparts, and how their self-perception is reflected in their work. Researching other women in art—for example, how do these artists extrapolate from the world around them to create, and how does their work affect their own self-identity? —has gradually shifted the way I looked at myself. Witnessing other female artists be bold with self-portraiture or brave with their honesty through art has shaped how I view myself and how I want to create art. Through employing self-portraiture in my creative practice, this project aims to utilize my personal experiences and perspectives to contemplate the way I engage with my own identity.
Date Created

Precarious Fauna: An Art Exhibition

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Human nature drives us to focus primarily on the present or near-future, instead of considering what consequences our actions may have many years from now. However, in a new era that is increasingly dominated by humans and their ambitions, this

Human nature drives us to focus primarily on the present or near-future, instead of considering what consequences our actions may have many years from now. However, in a new era that is increasingly dominated by humans and their ambitions, this tendency has destructive repercussions on the very environment that once supported and nurtured humankind. Wild animals are highly susceptible to human activities that damage ecosystems, and a loss of animal diversity can have unforeseen consequences on future human populations. In the research, I examine the avoidable reasons for the severe decline in population of four animal species, and through my art, imagine the losses associated with their disappearance. The artwork created evokes an emotional response in the viewer through dramatic, contrasting imagery, making them reassess the relationship between humans, animals and the environment.
Date Created