Digital Marketing for the ASU French Program


I have created a website for the Arizona State University French department. This website is designed to market the French program with the ultimate goal of increasing enrollment.

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An Investigation of Language Learners’ Use of Grammar Learning Strategies in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning

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The purpose of this dissertation is three-fold: to further the understanding of grammar learning strategies (GLS) that students at an American university use when they engage in language study sessions on their own, in technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) outside of

The purpose of this dissertation is three-fold: to further the understanding of grammar learning strategies (GLS) that students at an American university use when they engage in language study sessions on their own, in technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) outside of the classroom; to examine how previous language learning experience (PLLE) influences the application of GLS in individual study sessions in TELL; and to investigate the roles that technology plays in students’ use of strategies to study grammar individually, in TELL. By adopting a modified version of Oxford’s Strategic Self-regulation (S2R) Model of language learning and Pawlak’s Grammar Learning Strategy Inventory (GLSI), this mixed-method study took a contextualized approach to GLS investigation in order to fill gaps in identifying GLS application and draw a detailed inventory of GLS preferred by college students. Findings drew on data from a systematic full-semester investigation of the strategic behaviors deployed by US university undergraduate students while they completed French and Spanish grammar activities assigned as regular coursework in a TELL environment. Moreover, the goals of this dissertation were achieved by tapping into strategy use and the factors influencing it, more generally, through a questionnaire, interviews, and language learning histories. The overall findings indicated that metacognitive strategies were preferred by participants, followed by cognitive strategies, with sociocultural-interactive strategies being least frequently used. Additionally, some of the main PLLE factors found to influence the GLS use were: past language instructors’ teaching methodologies, previous knowledge of other languages, and foreign language strategy transfer. Finally, technology was found to play several roles in GLS application, such as: promoting strategic use of language learning, making language learning more flexible and convenient, and making language learning more engaging/fun/entertaining. The findings of this study contribute valuable insights into the field of GLS, in a research context still largely underexplored, grammar study in TELL outside the classroom. The study also contributes novel findings on the types of contextual factors related to students’ PLLE that influence their choices and use of GLS as well as the roles that technology plays in GLS application.
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Essential Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition: Age and Motivation

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Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers to the process of an individual acquiring a second language (L2) after their first language (L1) is already fully acquired. It also refers to the scientific study of learning and acquiring an L2. In the

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers to the process of an individual acquiring a second language (L2) after their first language (L1) is already fully acquired. It also refers to the scientific study of learning and acquiring an L2. In the field of SLA, there are several theories that explain how an L2 is learned and acquired by an individual. However, this thesis focuses on the theoretical framework of Stephen Krashen’s five hypotheses of SLA (Krashen, 1981) and explains the major implications of his research. This thesis then explores two essential factors that influence acquisition, age and motivation, and briefly discusses other factors that may also influence SLA. The findings demonstrate that age plays a crucial role in the efficacy of SLA, in which the optimal age for SLA is prior to late adolescence. Furthermore, motivation is another crucial factor influencing SLA, as high levels of intrinsic motivation and moderate levels of extrinsic motivation result in optimal performance for learning. The final section discusses some limitations and challenges in studying SLA, and provides pedagogical implications for both L2 learners and teachers.
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A Guide For Americans in the French Business World

This guide is intended to give the reader a breakdown of the expectations and customs of the professional French environment. Whether one has French suppliers, partners, coworkers, or employees, it is important to understand the culture that guides their expectations

This guide is intended to give the reader a breakdown of the expectations and customs of the professional French environment. Whether one has French suppliers, partners, coworkers, or employees, it is important to understand the culture that guides their expectations and actions. This guide requires no previous knowledge of French language or culture and is meant to be an introduction to the topic.
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Proposal for a New Course: French for Spanish Speakers

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This paper seeks to propose a new accelerated French course within the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University for students who are previously fluent in Spanish. French and Spanish are both Romance languages and exhibit many

This paper seeks to propose a new accelerated French course within the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University for students who are previously fluent in Spanish. French and Spanish are both Romance languages and exhibit many lexical and structural similarities. Students learning French with a Spanish background would be able to draw on prior knowledge to learn their target language faster and with fewer credits. This paper serves as a preliminary proposal offering background research on third language acquisition as well as the rationale for the course. French for Spanish speakers would present numerous benefits to both students and the university. Students would gain access to increased fast-paced French learning, which can offer career opportunities and cognitive benefits later in life. Furthermore, the School of International Letters and Cultures would be able to use this innovative course to draw students into French programs. Research was conducted regarding the current environment of language courses offered at Arizona State University to show how this new course would fit in. Additionally, the two existing cases of French for Spanish speakers courses offered in the United States were considered in creating this proposal. Also included in the paper are the following specific course suggestions: a textbook to be used in a flipped classroom setting, pre-requisite courses, as well as proficiency expectations for the end of one semester taken from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. If implemented, Arizona State would become the third university in the country to offer this innovative course, which could be highly successful.
Date Created

Levels of Formality in French Translations of American TV Shows

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In a world where people can access a foreign language as easily as they can access Netflix, looking at and comparing translations can aid in considering the differences between cultures as they are conveyed through language. The purpose of my

In a world where people can access a foreign language as easily as they can access Netflix, looking at and comparing translations can aid in considering the differences between cultures as they are conveyed through language. The purpose of my thesis is to investigate the translation of levels of formality in American TV Shows into their French dubbed version. In particular, I survey the presence of specific lexical and morpho-syntactic French indicators of formality in the translations of five American TV Shows and how the inclusion of such features establishes the formality of a situation or relationship. Through my analysis, I explore the difficulties and concerns of translations, the effect of the translation on the audiences, and possible reasons behind the translators’ choices. When it comes to the incorporation of French lexical features, translations seem to be affected by the cultural differences between American and French society since these features deal with cultural material that is difficult to find a proper equivalence for. On the other hand, translations of morpho-syntactic features are concerned with transferring meaning from an American English structure into a French structure. When we consider these features one by one, we see how culture is filtered through language and the difficulty of translating language that is bound to a society, its institutions, and its culture.
Date Created

Le Prince Perdu

This project explored the creation of a video game to be used as a tool to enhance the process of French language learning. The work on the project was divided into three different phases that were tackled individually: a research phase, a development phase, and a content-creation phase.
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Second Language Teacher's Guide to the Flipped Classroom

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In the past few years the pedagogical model of the "Flipped Classroom" has gained popularity among educators, initially at the secondary level and now at the university level. In the 2015-2016 school year, Arizona State University listed its first intensive

In the past few years the pedagogical model of the "Flipped Classroom" has gained popularity among educators, initially at the secondary level and now at the university level. In the 2015-2016 school year, Arizona State University listed its first intensive language courses, which implemented the flipped model. During this time the author of this project was given the opportunity to work as the facilitator for the flipped French courses FRE 110 and 210. While helping to implement the flipped model, he reflected on his experiences, discussed its advantages and limitations with other second language instructors teaching in a flipped environment, and researched a large array of academic and educational resources. This creative project was completed to practically apply the techniques developed in the intensive French course and those developed by other educators in order to give advice and strategies to future instructors. It represents a web Guide to the Flipped Classroom in Second Language Teaching, which includes research on educational practices such as course design, syllabus creation, and lesson planning; infographics and other visual representations of the flipped model, sample home-made and professional course materials, embedded informational videos, and advice on implementing the flipped model. While other websites exist, there are few that reflect specifically on the use of the flipped classroom in second language teaching, and even fewer that discuss in great detail the challenges and limitations associated with the model. Furthermore, the guide contains an extensive list of online tools for the creation of multimedia materials, such as screen capturing and YouTube-clipping programs as well as a variety of different resource sites where educators can find and share materials. Overall, this web guide acts as a useful tool for second language instructors in secondary education, higher education, or any other educational setting who wish to implement this up-and-coming teaching model.
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Soviet Language Policy and Moldovan Identity

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Moldova is one of the smallest and poorest countries in Europe, yet it has a rich and multifaceted history that makes it an interesting case study when exploring the complex connections between language and identity. In this paper, I aim


Moldova is one of the smallest and poorest countries in Europe, yet it has a rich and multifaceted history that makes it an interesting case study when exploring the complex connections between language and identity. In this paper, I aim to explore the situation of the Soviet Union and the identity of Moldovans in regards to language policies, as well as the historic and social landscapes that allowed such policies to take hold, such has Moldova's historical roots with Romania. Although it has been over twenty years since the fall of the Soviet Union, an iron curtain still deeply divides the country of Moldova, and the cleavages are felt and defined in terms of linguistic identity. While the true conflicts and issues at stake in Moldova run much deeper than differences in linguistic identity and in issues surrounding minority language rights (for example, economic concerns), such discord is consistently framed in terms of linguistic conflict—a central theme in the Republic of Moldova ever since Soviet influence began in the 1920s.
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History and Overview of Dual Language Immersion Programs

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Dual Language Immersion programs have been growing exponentially as a result of an urgent need for globally competent, bilingual or multilingual citizens. The US is currently facing a language deficit, which negatively affects national security, international relations and even the

Dual Language Immersion programs have been growing exponentially as a result of an urgent need for globally competent, bilingual or multilingual citizens. The US is currently facing a language deficit, which negatively affects national security, international relations and even the economy. If America wants to stay in contention as one of the strongest world powers, the US needs to foster more interest in learning foreign languages earlier and invest in the development of foreign language education. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the history and implementation of different Dual Language Immersion program models. The geographical scope of the paper will cover historical background in Canada and the current implementation of Dual Language Immersion models in three Southwestern states: California, Utah and Arizona. The paper also outlines challenges related to the implementation of these dual language immersion programs.
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