Effects of Environmental Education on Students During a Pandemic

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This project consisted of creating at-home lesson plan activities for middle school sixth-grade students centered around environmental education topics. The lesson plan activities were informal for students to do at home by themselves or alongside their parents. I focused

This project consisted of creating at-home lesson plan activities for middle school sixth-grade students centered around environmental education topics. The lesson plan activities were informal for students to do at home by themselves or alongside their parents. I focused on Environmental Education topics such as awareness, animal and plant life so that students can learn more about the environments that surround them. Environmental Education invites students to look closer at the environment surrounding them while also helping them develop a sense of place and respect for their environment. My lesson plan activities encouraged students to go outside and learn more about their surroundings, developing an awareness and an appreciation for their natural setting. After implementing the lessons, I surveyed the students on the following 1) engagement: was the activity enjoyable 2) knowledge: what did you learn? and 3) the ease of the activity directions: what challenges did they face. After collecting the surveys, I analyzed them to see what went well, and changes I would make to future activities.

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A Comparison of Traditional and Online Learning

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This thesis project focused on comparing different aspects of traditional in person<br/>learning and remote online learning and how these two types of learning environments impact<br/>students in the elementary grade levels, specifically Kindergarten through sixth grade. For this<br/>thesis project, I conducted

This thesis project focused on comparing different aspects of traditional in person<br/>learning and remote online learning and how these two types of learning environments impact<br/>students in the elementary grade levels, specifically Kindergarten through sixth grade. For this<br/>thesis project, I conducted podcast interviews in which I interviewed many different teachers at<br/>different elementary grade levels. These teachers all had experience at some point with both<br/>traditional in person learning and remote online learning. All of these teachers have many<br/>different levels of experience and teach in various districts across the state of Arizona. The<br/>purpose of this thesis project was to learn and understand how these two different types of<br/>learning environments impact both students and teachers. Throughout this thesis project, I have<br/>become increasingly passionate in my future teaching career. I have learned so much about<br/>myself through this process and was able to improve my communication skills through<br/>conducting these interviews as well as significantly increase my knowledge on both in person<br/>learning and remote online learning.

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What Do Living Things Need? A Trade Book

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This project was focused on creating a trade book that could be used in Kindergarten through first-grade classrooms for science lessons. I have analyzed and researched the benefits of using trade books in the classroom. Along with those benefits, best

This project was focused on creating a trade book that could be used in Kindergarten through first-grade classrooms for science lessons. I have analyzed and researched the benefits of using trade books in the classroom. Along with those benefits, best practices were also looked at. I then applied those key questions, ideas, and concepts that are used to determine the use of a trade in the classroom, and created my own trade book. The trade book was centered around a standard from Next Generation Science Standards for Kindergarten through first-grade. The focus of this book was to inform children, in an age appropriate, yet scientifically accurate and engaging format, what living organisms need in order to survive and grow. The trade book brings all the research and creativity together in order to inform and benefit students in their learning process. This creative project has allowed me to broaden my literary skills, as well as my creativity for teaching in the classroom.
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Inquiry-Based Learning in Science Education

This project examined the importance of inquiry in science education. The Arizona Science
Standards call for a change from teaching facts to teaching students to construct explanations of phenomena by engaging in science and engineering practices. Through a blend of science

This project examined the importance of inquiry in science education. The Arizona Science
Standards call for a change from teaching facts to teaching students to construct explanations of phenomena by engaging in science and engineering practices. Through a blend of science and engineering practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts, the performance expectations form standards that address applying ideas to explanation of phenomena, problem solving, and decision making. The ideas conveyed in the standards need to be developed over time through multiple lessons. Rather than simply present information to students, the Arizona Science Standards require teachers to support students in constructing explanations of phenomena and developing solutions to problems. The integration of the Arizona Science Standards in the science curriculum through the Five E model has the potential to provide students with inquiry- based learning that will help develop their science literacy skills. The 5E inquiry model consists of five phases: Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation. Each phase contributes to the learning process as students are encouraged to actively build their knowledge. The learning experiences in science education become richer and more meaningful to students when the science literacy skills are successfully integrated into the 5E inquiry model. Not only will the students learn the skills of science, but also, they will be actively engaged with science content. Active engagements with science will likely foster interest and positive attitudes towards science. This thesis project developed a way to implement inquiry-based learning through an electricity and magnetism unit that uses the 5E model and aligns with the Arizona State Science Standards. The goal of this project was to develop a science unit that can be implemented in future classrooms.
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