Rocky: Psychological Disorders Presented Through Music


I decided to combine my passion for music production/performance with my studies in Psychology to create this EP for my thesis project. I was able to write, record, and produce the project from my home using in-home recording equipment and

I decided to combine my passion for music production/performance with my studies in Psychology to create this EP for my thesis project. I was able to write, record, and produce the project from my home using in-home recording equipment and software. The EP is comprised of five songs, each representing its own psychological disorder. The purpose of the project was to make conversations about mental health more accessible and to encourage the art community to address taboo topics through artistic mediums. Attached is the written portion of my thesis, the EP cover, and MP3's of the songs. The EP "Rocky" can be streamed on all streaming platforms under my artist name "Sydney Cramer". The track list is below: 1. Illusion- PTSD 2. Thunder- Bipolar I Disorder 3. Castle- Generalized Anxiety Disorder 4. Baby Blue- Postpartum Depression 5. Pity Party- Major Depressive Disorder

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Travel Vignettes from London, Dublin, and Edinburgh


Travel Vignettes from London, Dublin, and Edinburgh is comprised of a series of vignettes based on the travelogues of a month-long trip to the UK. The vignettes are narrative nonfiction and born out of the observations, interactions, and conversations with

Travel Vignettes from London, Dublin, and Edinburgh is comprised of a series of vignettes based on the travelogues of a month-long trip to the UK. The vignettes are narrative nonfiction and born out of the observations, interactions, and conversations with local residents, resulting in what’s classified as “creative ethnography,” or the translation of cultural field notes into a creative medium. Each vignette focuses on a specific location and narrate the environmental and cultural features as experienced by the author. The critical introduction to the collection defines creative ethnography and discusses its value over traditional ethnography (and other forms of social research) to a contemporary/GenZ audience. The author also discusses how this form of cultural preservation has impacted/shaped their perceptions of travel and how it informs their creative/professional/academic future.

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Barrett Thesis Defense Presentation (2).pdf

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The Inaugural EmpoweRanch Roundup: Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations


Fundraising is a difficult yet critical function of nonprofit organizations. Special events make up a portion of fundraising strategy, and this project covers the basic components for throwing an inaugural event – one that the nonprofit organization has not done

Fundraising is a difficult yet critical function of nonprofit organizations. Special events make up a portion of fundraising strategy, and this project covers the basic components for throwing an inaugural event – one that the nonprofit organization has not done before but would like to continue to host regularly, typically annually – as it compares to my personal experience spearheading the Inaugural EmpoweRanch Roundup. When organizing any event, the first step is to define the purpose of the event by establishing a vision and goals. When establishing the purpose, consider what the funds from the event will directly pay for— the more specific you can get, the better. Donors want to see the impact they are making through their contributions, which will be clear if the purpose and projected profit allocation is communicated well. After establishing the time, date, and location, one should consider staff structure, volunteer management, organization, budgeting, print and digital marketing, social media marketing, risk management, site operations, food and beverage, accessibility, and sponsorships. Sponsorships become increasingly important depending on the budget for the event. After the execution of the event, it is important to evaluate and consider what improvements could be made if the event were to be reproduced. Evaluate if the event as a whole accomplished the purpose and goals established at the beginning of the process as well as how each component of the event and its production contributed to the purpose and goals.

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Grey Matter: The Power of Poetry in Medicine

Medical Humanities captures the broad interdisciplinary study of medicine in literature and art. This field of study, that was once in the margins of academic research, has recently appeared at the vanguard of literary studies. Grey Matter is an original

Medical Humanities captures the broad interdisciplinary study of medicine in literature and art. This field of study, that was once in the margins of academic research, has recently appeared at the vanguard of literary studies. Grey Matter is an original journal conceived by medical students at the University of Arizona: College of Medicine in Phoenix and engaged the local Phoenix community to share medically related experiences through poetry. I am currently serving as the Managing Editor of the journal and oversee all of the operations including editorial duties, marketing promotion, and event management. My project will involve curating a collection of poems from the local Phoenix community and organize events to allow for selected poets to share their stories
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