The Rise and Fall of Roadside Americana: National Nostalgia and the Echo of an Era

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If you’ve ever been driving cross country along the highway and seen a sign from the window of your car advertising the world’s largest rocking chair, or smallest museum, or biggest ball of string, then you’ve caught a glimpse into

If you’ve ever been driving cross country along the highway and seen a sign from the window of your car advertising the world’s largest rocking chair, or smallest museum, or biggest ball of string, then you’ve caught a glimpse into a closing window on a unique and fascinating chapter of American history, namely the essentially distinctive and often academically overlooked age of Roadside Americana. When most people think of Roadside Americana, they likely first think of Route 66 in the 1950s. There are immediate associations with the kitsch and hyperbolic: dramatic signs, themed diners and motels, and of course an abundance of roadside attractions like the ones listed above. Ask them to think a little harder and they might define their idea of Roadside Americana by its stereotypically friendly strangers, small towns, and open roads. All of these elements together create a conceptual definition of Roadside Americana as it is often optimistically considered today. However, while Route 66 at its commercial height is undeniably the blueprint for this collective definition, the influence of Roadside Americana has long since outgrown the original setting of its birth. Despite the ongoing decline in functionality and visibility of the Mother Road itself, the image of the era it gave rise to is one that has persisted throughout the decades in the American imagination. One place the evidence of this persevering fascination can be observed is in the close examination of media. The truth of a culture’s values is often revealed in storytelling, and the story of the American road trip is one that has been told time and again, so much so in fact that it’s become a widely acknowledged genre in its own right. Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, Kerouac’s On the Road, SNL’s The Blues Brothers, Pixar’s Cars, all these and more. The tone may differ drastically between works, ranging from poignant and tragic to downright ridiculous. And yet, there is a consistency across these fictional narratives. There is an appeal that unites them all. Despite practicality and the passage of time, despite maybe even challenging internal cynicism, there is something about Roadside Americana that we, as a culture, just aren’t ready to let go of.

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It’s Our Kuleana: A Proposal For A Modern Hawaii History Museum


In the United States, nearly every state has a state history museum, where the natural and cultural history of the state is researched and put on display through tangible objects and intangible stories. Despite the unique nature of its history,

In the United States, nearly every state has a state history museum, where the natural and cultural history of the state is researched and put on display through tangible objects and intangible stories. Despite the unique nature of its history, the state of Hawaii is one of the few states that does not have a proper state history museum. The closest thing the state has to a state history museum is the Bishop Museum, which focuses mostly on Native Hawaiian culture and history from ancient times up until the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. This thesis explores why there is no state museum to cover the modern history of the Hawaiian Islands, and lays out a general proposal for what a future Hawaii State History Museum could look like. In researching this project, inspiration was taken from the state history museums of Colorado and Texas, the History Colorado Center and the Bullock Texas State History Museum, respectively. The proposal covers the physical location and design of a potential museum building and how it would be laid out inside. It then provides a list of exhibit ideas while addressing questions of narrative perspective, with the overarching narrative of the museum being “Hawaii History for Hawaii locals.” Lastly, it discusses the importance of the connection between the community and the museum in order to be successful. With current Hawaii legislators showing an interest in actually establishing a state museum for modern Hawaii history, this thesis can serve as a framework from which the real museum can be built off of.

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Exhibit Experience: How Interactivity and Immersion Affect the Art Museum


This paper explores the intersection of user experience and museums through interactive and immersive exhibits. It discusses the background and history of the art museum and the field of UX and describes how interactivity and immersion impact visitors and change

This paper explores the intersection of user experience and museums through interactive and immersive exhibits. It discusses the background and history of the art museum and the field of UX and describes how interactivity and immersion impact visitors and change the exhibit development process. The implications of interactive and immersive exhibits on the museum space are detailed including: social media, the authenticity of objects, and the commodification of experience. It is argued that despite the drawbacks of interactivity and immersion in the museum, the potential benefits of audience engagement and social connection make them worth pursuing.

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Sleep Paralysis: The Original Nightmare and How it Became a Medical Phenomenon

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Sleep paralysis is when a person finds themselves in a state of conscious paralysis as they are falling asleep or waking up. It is often accompanied by shallowing breathing, visual and auditory hallucinations, and a sense of terror.

Sleep paralysis is when a person finds themselves in a state of conscious paralysis as they are falling asleep or waking up. It is often accompanied by shallowing breathing, visual and auditory hallucinations, and a sense of terror. Sleep paralysis has a rich folklore consisting of sleep demons, spirits, and curses some of which are still told to children today. This thesis will explore a timeline of this folklore that involves modern day sleep paralysis, a history of sleep science, and how they collided resulting in the official diagnosis of sleep paralysis as a sleep disorder.
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Episode 5


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify! 

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Episode 4


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify! 

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Episode 3


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify! 

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Episode 2


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify! 

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Episode 1


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify! 

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Episode 0


This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a

This podcast focused on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. The episodes will explore three main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with a predominantly male presence, whether or not women experience “impostor syndrome,” and how to deal with being undermined in the workforce. Also available on Spotify!

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