A Comprehensive Climate Study of Domestic Violence in the Greater Phoenix Area

Initially, this thesis was about analyzing the available resources to domestic violence victims to see what was most useful (Financial assistance, vocational skills, housing, etc.), but I soon found out that domestic violence shelters do not track what resources are

Initially, this thesis was about analyzing the available resources to domestic violence victims to see what was most useful (Financial assistance, vocational skills, housing, etc.), but I soon found out that domestic violence shelters do not track what resources are most successful with survivors. To find out why this may be, I conducted a general climate study of domestic violence in the Phoenix area to learn more about the environment at the shelters themselves and how they approach survivor care.
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The Effect of Eyewitness Misidentification on the Criminal Justice System: Procedure Changes and Mitigative Actions


Eyewitness misidentification is one of the leading ways people get wrongly imprisoned and later exonerated by DNA evidence (The Innocence Project, 2023). It can develop at the very first stages of the investigation and it can continue throughout the case.

Eyewitness misidentification is one of the leading ways people get wrongly imprisoned and later exonerated by DNA evidence (The Innocence Project, 2023). It can develop at the very first stages of the investigation and it can continue throughout the case. Eyewitness testimony is impactful in a courtroom to say the least, so when it has been handled improperly and there are biases then it can become detrimental to the Criminal Justice System. In order to address the issue as a whole, there needs to be further dissection as to where and what can cause eyewitness bias and faulty memory. Causes of eyewitness misidentification can be seen through police procedures such as lineups and interviews, as well as previous bias that the eyewitness holds (Laney & Loftus, 2023). Though there is training that police officers receive about eyewitness identifications, the study by the Police Executive Research Forum gave evidence that the majority of departments and agencies do not have strict guidelines or even written procedures on methods of identification (Police Executive Research Forum, 2014). The qualitative research conducted had three people with different levels of involvement with the Criminal Justice System answering questions about eyewitness misidentification. From those interviews, it could be concluded that police officers do receive training and they do understand there are certain ways they can mitigate their influence over the eyewitness. However, it was gathered that there must be a miscommunication and lack of education being given to police officers. Though they are trained to act a certain way with eyewitnesses, they do not know why and it makes them complacent. Education is a large part of reform, as well as using more reliable identification methods.

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America’s Involvement in International Violence: A Study on Genocide, and the Implications of War and Terrorism


Abstract Overview of America’s involvement with historical genocides, illustrated by general overviews, as well as more detailed approaches to some of our times most significant genocides. America’s involvement with genocides internationally is that of non-intervention, mixed with American exceptionalism that

Abstract Overview of America’s involvement with historical genocides, illustrated by general overviews, as well as more detailed approaches to some of our times most significant genocides. America’s involvement with genocides internationally is that of non-intervention, mixed with American exceptionalism that results in our country feeling as though it is above or outside the law. Also examined is the relationship that war and terrorism share with genocide, concluding with recommendations of how America should move forward with the way in which it handles itself in violence internationally.

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Sexual Harassment: Its Role in the Workplace and Possible Steps For Future Progress


Lexico Dictionaries defines sexual harassment as “behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation.” In this paper, we will explore the role sexual harassment plays

Lexico Dictionaries defines sexual harassment as “behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation.” In this paper, we will explore the role sexual harassment plays in the workplace, its connection to general harassment, and the types of ways in which it exists. We take a look at the legality differences of quid pro quo and hostile work environment harassment and how victims can be treated differently based on the circumstances. We discover how the media covers certain cases on sexual harassment and the way #Metoo created a platform for women to speak on this topic. Sexual harassment has shown many problems in its research and the failure to implement any real change. We learn that in order to produce any change, organizations and policy makers need to understand victim’s needs and the best way to handle claims of sexual harassment. The main takeaway is sexual harassment in the workplace is not a black and white issue, as each victim has their own experience and each workplace has their own unique environment.

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A Discreet Mobile Application for Domestic Violence Victims

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This project explores how modern mobile technology can be used to provide support for domestic violence victims. The goal of the project is to create a proof-of-concept iOS mobile application that maintains a discreet safety front and provides domestic violence

This project explores how modern mobile technology can be used to provide support for domestic violence victims. The goal of the project is to create a proof-of-concept iOS mobile application that maintains a discreet safety front and provides domestic violence victims with resources and safety planning. The design and implementation are disguised as a hair salon app to maintain a low profile on the user’s phone. The HairHelp app features quick exit navigation, a secure database to store a user’s private and personal documents in case of emergency, and a checklist of safety planning measures. The steps taken in this project serve as the foundation for a larger project in the long term.

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