The Christology of Ephrem the Syrian in the First Hymn on the Pearl

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Ephrem the Syrian was a prominent Syriac theologian and poet of the fourth century. He was born in modern day Turkey where he was likely raised a Christian. In Ephrem’s time, the subordinationist heresy was prevalent. Ephrem’s

Ephrem the Syrian was a prominent Syriac theologian and poet of the fourth century. He was born in modern day Turkey where he was likely raised a Christian. In Ephrem’s time, the subordinationist heresy was prevalent. Ephrem’s historical and cultural background are important to understand Ephrem’s theology presented in his work. Ephrem wrote many theological works, being most known for his hymns. Ephrem used many symbols in his hymns including the one and the many, the divinity as fire, and the pearl. The pearl has Scriptural and historical significance to Ephrem. Ephrem uses the pearl as a polyvalent symbol that symbolizes, among other things, Mary, the kingdom of God, and Christ. In this paper, I explore how Ephrem’s Christology in his five hymns on the pearl contrast with that of the subordinationists by highlighting the mystery that is Christ’s nature, the incomprehensibility of Christ’s nature by the human mind, and the attempt to fully understand Christ’s nature as a manifestation of pride.
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