The Administration and Domination of Time in a Capitalist Economy

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This paper explores the idea that time is physically and mentally stolen from employees by their employers. Employees are exploited by employers for monetary gain. By using the works of critical theorists such as EP Thompson, Herbert Marcuse and Karl

This paper explores the idea that time is physically and mentally stolen from employees by their employers. Employees are exploited by employers for monetary gain. By using the works of critical theorists such as EP Thompson, Herbert Marcuse and Karl Marx, this paper synthesizes how their theories applied to contemporary society. Overall, this paper works to understand the progression of the exploitation of employees as well as the contemporary issues surrounding a 40 hour work week and the thievery of physical and mental time.
Date Created

Talking Politics: The Influence of Colonialism on Political Language Usage

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The legacy of colonialism has left a lasting cultural and linguistic impact on much of the world. In the case of Francophone Africa, and Morocco and Senegal in particular, language occupies a unique social space as usages of indigenous languages

The legacy of colonialism has left a lasting cultural and linguistic impact on much of the world. In the case of Francophone Africa, and Morocco and Senegal in particular, language occupies a unique social space as usages of indigenous languages persists, but European languages like French and English hold major social importance both nationally and internationally. This thesis will focus specifically on the usage of language in the Moroccan context by the Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires, a popular left-leaning party, and examine how the usage and discussion of language on the Union Socialiste des Forces Populaires website reflects the way in which language is used both as a political symbol to appeal to local communities and is pragmatically used to appeal to international audiences. This concept will be explored through a theory section discussing influential works on the subject of post-colonial and political language usage and furthered through a case study of two articles from the USFP website that discuss the inclusion of the Amazigh and Spanish languages and a shadow study of Senegalese government websites.
Date Created

Obscenity: The Quick and Dirty

Zines have made space for queer, intersectional feminists to bring together academic and artistic knowledge in order to produce a message and inspire readers. In order to criticize the legal definition and practical execution of obscenity in the US, a

Zines have made space for queer, intersectional feminists to bring together academic and artistic knowledge in order to produce a message and inspire readers. In order to criticize the legal definition and practical execution of obscenity in the US, a visual component was a necessity. The use of a Zine allowed for a critical and humorous exploration of obscenity in US law and media. The Zine provides a visual analysis while the companion essay provides a critique of the zine and additional analysis. The Zine brings awareness to ways in which the legal historical objectification of black and native bodies contributed to the creation of modern obscenity laws. These laws are based on racist and sexist ideals of morality and create inherently flawed definitions of obscenity through personal bias. The flaws within the laws allow for exceptions in the legal definition of obscenity which normalizes the commodification of women's bodies. These laws and the exceptions present contribute to the dehumanization of and violence towards women as usefulness is deemed the most important factor when considering the use of women’s bodies in potentially obscene images and films.
Date Created

Daughters of America

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Daughters of America traces the interviews of six young women who identify as daughters of immigrants and finds common themes across cultures and nationalities. This project hopes to create a sense of home through text by providing a space for

Daughters of America traces the interviews of six young women who identify as daughters of immigrants and finds common themes across cultures and nationalities. This project hopes to create a sense of home through text by providing a space for an underrepresented group to share their stories and to offer a way for other children of immigrants to feel valid in their experiences.
Date Created

Exploring The Veil of Blackness

Exploring the Veil of Blackness is a creative project in the form of a podcast titled UKME America”. UKME America stands for Uwem mi Kederimbot America, which means “my life in the world in America”. It aims to explore the

Exploring the Veil of Blackness is a creative project in the form of a podcast titled UKME America”. UKME America stands for Uwem mi Kederimbot America, which means “my life in the world in America”. It aims to explore the differences that divide individuals within the black community from a perspective of a First-Generation African American. It also illustrates how diverse the black community is. Drawing from my own experiences and research, this led me to a common theme centered around the following four questions: (a) what is it like to lose one’s identity; (b) where does this insecurity stem from; (c) how does society impact the way we view ourselves; and (d) how can we uplift ourselves. In my podcast, I interviewed individuals who identified as African Americans, First Generation African Americans, and Africans.
Everyone I interviewed told me their stories using historical, social, and cultural narratives. Overall, I want individuals to understand that there is fluidity behind the meaning of “black”, and the more individuals learn to embrace their differences, the more we can break down the barriers, put a united front, fight societal discrimination. I would like to thank my thesis director Dr. Neveser Köker and Second Committee Chair, Matthew Voorhees. I want to thank them for their guidance, motivation, patience, and for pushing and challenging me to reach new heights. I also would like thank my mom and Dr. Cynthia Patiño, for their constant encouragement and support. This would not have been possible without them.
Date Created