February 6, 2023, Kahmaranmaraş, Türkiye Earthquake: Evaluation of Ground-Motion Data and Structural Response

Ground-motion data from the February 6th, 2023 Kahmaranmaraş, Türkiye earthquake sequence is analyzed. Acceleration and deformation response spectra are analyzed to predict susceptible infrastructure and failure mechanisms of reinforced concrete structures in the region. Images are used to compare the

Ground-motion data from the February 6th, 2023 Kahmaranmaraş, Türkiye earthquake sequence is analyzed. Acceleration and deformation response spectra are analyzed to predict susceptible infrastructure and failure mechanisms of reinforced concrete structures in the region. Images are used to compare the theoretical failure and actual building failures in the region. Recommendations are provided for both the seismic design code and seismic retrofitting.
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Systematic Methods for Coarse–Grained Modeling of Nanostructure–Property Relationships in Semicrystalline Polymers

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It is well–established that physical phenomena occurring at the macroscale are the result of underlying molecular mechanisms that occur at the nanoscale. Understanding these mechanisms at the molecular level allows the development of semicrystalline polymers with tailored properties for different

It is well–established that physical phenomena occurring at the macroscale are the result of underlying molecular mechanisms that occur at the nanoscale. Understanding these mechanisms at the molecular level allows the development of semicrystalline polymers with tailored properties for different applications. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations offer significant insight into these mechanisms and their impact on various physical and mechanical properties. However, the temporostpatial limitations of all–atomistic (AA) MD simulations impede the investigation of phenomena with higher time– and length–scale. Coarse–grained (CG) MD simulations address the shortcomings of AAMD simulations by grouping atoms based on their chemical, structural, etc., aspects into larger particles, beads, and reducing the degrees offreedom of the atomistic system, allowing achievement of higher time– and length–scales. Among the approaches for generating CG models, the hybrid approach is capable of capturing the underlying mechanisms at the molecular level while replicating phenomena at temporospatial scales attainable by the CG model. In this dissertation, a novel hybrid method is developed for the systematic coarse–graining of semicrystalline polymers that uniquely blends the potential functions of both phases. The obtained blended potential not only faithfully reproduces the structural distributions of multiple phases simultaneously but also allows control over the dynamics of the obtained CG models employing a tunable parameter. Given that accelerated dynamics of the CG models hinder the investigation of phenomena in the crystal phase, such as α–α-relaxation, by utilizing the developed method, this phenomenon was successfully modeled for a semicrystalline polyethylene (PE) system with obtained values for the diffusion constant at room temperature and the activation energy in close agreement with experimental results. In a subsequent study, a family of potentials was developed for a sample semicrystalline polyethylene (PE) to investigate the impact of different potential functions on some physical properties, such as crystal diffusion and glass transition temperature, and their correlation with some mechanical properties obtained from uniaxial deformation.
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How Does the Mechanics Project Impact Civil Engineering Students?


Innovative teaching methods must be studied and implemented to optimize student learning and prepare future generations for complex challenges. Dr. Keith Hjelmstad, a professor at Arizona State University, developed such an approach, “The Mechanics Project,” and has implemented it in

Innovative teaching methods must be studied and implemented to optimize student learning and prepare future generations for complex challenges. Dr. Keith Hjelmstad, a professor at Arizona State University, developed such an approach, “The Mechanics Project,” and has implemented it in foundational engineering mechanics courses. Although course instructors have used traditional “lecture and read” approaches for generations, the world is changing, requiring a modified policy. In this thesis, I research, discuss, and analyze the positive effects of The Mechanics Project for civil engineering students based on its fundamental principles.

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The STEM Podcast: An Exploration of the Experiences of Women in STEM with an Emphasis on Civil Engineering


The goal of this creative thesis is to focus on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. This project will explore four main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and

The goal of this creative thesis is to focus on the experience of women in the field of STEM and more specifically civil engineering. This project will explore four main topics surrounding women in the workforce: how women navigate and succeed in a workforce with predominant male presence, how women advance their career given the gender barriers of the industry, including motherhood, and “impostor syndrome” in the workforce

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Implementing Performance Based Design in the Structural Engineering Industry

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In the structural engineering industry, the design of structures typically follows a prescriptive approach in which engineers conform to a series of code requirements that stipulate the design process. Prescriptive design is tested, reliable, and understood by practically every structural

In the structural engineering industry, the design of structures typically follows a prescriptive approach in which engineers conform to a series of code requirements that stipulate the design process. Prescriptive design is tested, reliable, and understood by practically every structural engineer in the industry; however, in recent history a new method of design has started to gain traction among certain groups of engineers. Performance-based design is a reversal of the prescriptive approach in that it allows engineers to set performance goals and work to prove that their proposed designs meet the criteria they have established. To many, it is an opportunity for growth in the structural design industry. Currently, performance-based design is most commonly utilized in regions where seismic activity plays an important role in the design process. Due to its flexible nature, performance-based design has proven extremely useful when applied to unique structures such as high-rises, stadiums, and other community-centric designs. With a focus placed on performance objectives and not on current code prescriptions, engineers utilizing performance-based design are more adept to implement new materials, design processes, and construction methods, and can more efficiently design their structures to exist on a specific area of land. Despite these many cited benefits, performance-based design is still considered an uncommon practice in the broad view of structural design. In order to ensure that structural engineers have the proper tools to practice performance-based design in instances where they see fit, a coordinated effort will be required of the engineers themselves, the firms of which they are employed, the professional societies to which they belong, and the educators who are preparing their next generation. Performance-based design holds with it the opportunity to elevate the role of the structural engineer to which they are informed members of the community, where the structures they create not only perform according to design prescriptions, but also perform according to the needs of the owners, engineers, and society.
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The Making of a Treehouse

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In this creative project, a treehouse is designed for a cottonwood tree in Dolores, Colorado. The treehouse design was rooted in engineering principles, and brought to life with using the commercial civil engineering program Risa-3D.
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Physical Aids for the Mechanics Project

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As a student and then an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA), I have had the opportunity to personally witness the learning process of both myself and approximately 75 additional incoming Civil Engineering students taking the Mechanics courses after me. While watching

As a student and then an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA), I have had the opportunity to personally witness the learning process of both myself and approximately 75 additional incoming Civil Engineering students taking the Mechanics courses after me. While watching the student learning process as an UGTA, I realized that there were consistent points of confusion amongst the students that the teaching staff could not efficiently communicate with the electronic or physical classroom materials available. As a physical learner, I am able to learn more comprehensively if I have a physical model to manipulate, and often found myself in the position of wanting to be able to physically represent and manipulate the systems being studied in class.
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Modernizing Structural Analysis and Design Education

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As structural engineers in practice continue to improve their methods and advance their analysis and design techniques through the use of new technology, how should structural engineering education programs evolve as well to match the increasing complexity of the industry?

As structural engineers in practice continue to improve their methods and advance their analysis and design techniques through the use of new technology, how should structural engineering education programs evolve as well to match the increasing complexity of the industry? This thesis serves to analyze the many differing opinions and techniques on modernizing structural engineering education programs through a literature review on the content put out by active structural engineering education reform committees, articles and publications by well-known educators and practitioners, and a series of interviews conducted with key individuals specifically for this project. According to the opinions analyzed in this paper, structural engineering education should be a 5-year program that ends with a master’s degree, so that students obtain enough necessary knowledge to begin their positions as structural engineers. Firms would rather continue the education of new-hires themselves after this time than to wait and pay more for students to finish longer graduate-type programs. Computer programs should be implemented further into education programs, and would be most productive not as a replacement to hand-calculation methods, but as a supplement. Students should be tasked with writing codes, so that they are required to implement these calculations into computer programs themselves, and use classical methods to verify their answers. In this way, engineering programs will be creating critical thinkers who can adapt to any new structural analysis and design programs, and not just be training students on current programs that will become obsolete with time. It is the responsibility of educators to educate current staff on how to implement these coding methods seamlessly into education as a supplement to hand calculation methods. Students will be able to learn what is behind commercial coding software, develop their hand-calculation skills through code verification, and focus more on the ever-important modeling and interpretation phases of problem solving. Practitioners will have the responsibility of not expecting students to graduate with knowledge of specific software programs, but instead recruiting students who showcase critical thinking skills and understand the backbone of these programs. They will continue the education of recent graduates themselves, providing them with real-world experience that they cannot receive in school while training them to use company-specific analysis and design software.
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Case study on the dynamic response of long bridges subject to spatially varying ground motions

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This report analyzed the dynamic response of a long, linear elastic concrete bridge subject to spatially varying ground displacements as well as consistent ground displacements. Specifically, the study investigated the bridge’s response to consistent ground displacements at all supports (U-NW),

This report analyzed the dynamic response of a long, linear elastic concrete bridge subject to spatially varying ground displacements as well as consistent ground displacements. Specifically, the study investigated the bridge’s response to consistent ground displacements at all supports (U-NW), ground displacements with wave passage effects and no soil profile variability (U-WP), and ground displacements with both wave passage effects and soil profile variability (V-WP). Time-history ground displacements were taken from recordings of the Loma Prieta, Duzce, and Chuetsu earthquakes. The two horizontal components of each earthquake time-history displacement record were applied to the bridge supports in the transverse and longitudinal directions. It was found that considering wave passage effects without soil profile variability, as compared with consistent ground displacements, significantly reduced the peak total energy of the system, as well as decreasing the maximum relative longitudinal displacements. The maximum relative transverse displacements were not significantly changed in the same case. It was also found that including both wave passage effects and soil profile variability (V-WP) generally resulted in larger maximum transverse relative displacements, across all earthquake time-histories tested. Similarly, it was found that using consistent ground displacements (U-NW) generally resulted in larger maximum longitudinal relative displacements, as well as larger peak total energy values.
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Supplemental Multimedia Content to Support Effective Engineering Education

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Educational institutions are in a unique position to take advantage of computers and software in new, innovative ways. The Mechanics Project at Arizona State University has done an exceptional job integrating many new ways of engaging students and providing resources

Educational institutions are in a unique position to take advantage of computers and software in new, innovative ways. The Mechanics Project at Arizona State University has done an exceptional job integrating many new ways of engaging students and providing resources that can help them learn course material in a way that they can understand. However, there is still very little research on how to best compose multimedia content for student use.

This project aims to determine what students struggle with in these courses and develop multimedia content to support their education in Dynamics specifically.
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