ASL Fingerspelling: Can Looking at Hands Help? An Eye-Tracking Study

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This research consists of an eye-tracking study examining the efficacy of eye gaze indexing (EGIX) in manipulating viewer eye gaze and enhancing second language (L2) fingerspelling comprehension in American Sign Language (ASL) through a controlled laboratory experiment. The study consisted

This research consists of an eye-tracking study examining the efficacy of eye gaze indexing (EGIX) in manipulating viewer eye gaze and enhancing second language (L2) fingerspelling comprehension in American Sign Language (ASL) through a controlled laboratory experiment. The study consisted of two groups and two conditions, EGIX+/EGIX- to test the effect of EGIX on participant eye gaze (EG) behaviors and fingerspelling comprehension using eye-tracking software and a comprehension quiz. The results indicate that participant EG was the same regardless of whether the signer used EGIX.The results also indicated that participant comprehension scores were the same regardless of whether the model used EGIX. Several statistical analyses of comprehension and EG metrics found that as hand fixation duration, mouth fixation duration, number of hand fixations, and number of mouth revisits increased, comprehension performance decreased. On the other hand, the Area of Interest metrics did not affect performance or only revealed weak trends. The decreases in comprehension may highlight that the students who struggled with comprehension looked more and longer at the mouth and hand as coping strategies to try to glean additional information from mouth grammar or that they were struggling to identify each letter handshape, rather than a causal relationship with EGIX. Word length effect on comprehension was statistically significant, though varied by word length. Importantly, constraints from name origin may have played a role in the distribution of the comprehension decrease since words of Greek origins cause greater statistically significant reductions in performance. The qualitative results show that students have a keen awareness of where they look while viewing signed videos. Noticing and perceived helpfulness did not show statistically significant impacts on performance universally. However, some students who reported noticing and reported the EGIX+ as helpful increased their score by 10% or higher on the mean comprehension of EGIX+ words. The pedagogical takeaway is that the benefits of using EGIX to help novice to intermediate signers with fingerspelling comprehension are inconclusive. EGIX+ may provide substantial benefits for some individuals, but the effects are not generalizable.
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The Efficacy of Foreign Language Media Consumption as a Tool for Second Language Acquisition

The primary goal of the present study is to gain a better understanding of how one might use foreign language media as a tool for second/third language acquisition (SLA) and to evaluate its efficacy through a personal case study. Studies

The primary goal of the present study is to gain a better understanding of how one might use foreign language media as a tool for second/third language acquisition (SLA) and to evaluate its efficacy through a personal case study. Studies of second language acquisition have been done in many regions and across many languages, with many different populations, making it difficult to come to definitive, generalizable conclusions on the best way to acquire a second language. Many theories of second language acquisition have been proposed to bridge this gap. The foundation for most of these theories refers back to Stephen Krashen’s comprehensive theory of language acquisition (1981). Research in this area of study so far has thus largely been limited to children’s incidental language acquisition, with very few studies focusing on the experience of this acquisition. Because of time constraints and limited resources, this study is informed by previous longitudinal studies and takes the form of a personal case study, thus placing more focus on qualitative aspects of the experience rather than measurable, quantitative results. The author acts as a primary research subject, watching four hours of Italian media per week and taking notes on distinctive cultural aspects, important plot points, and new or difficult Italian words. The ACTFL scale was used to evaluate the level of Italian language proficiency at three stages of the media-consumption period: a base-line measurement before beginning the study; at the mid-way point of the study; and after the study was complete. This evaluation took the form of a conversational test administered by an Italian language professor at Arizona State University. Throughout the experience, a variety of studies that examined SLA were analyzed in order to better inform this study. Results of this study suggest that foreign language media can be an extremely helpful resource, even when no other language learning tools are implemented. Both my experience, and the research studies reviewed, suggest that one may be able to measurably increase one’s second language proficiency by multiple levels on the ACTFL scale by engaging in regular viewing of film/media in the language of study over a long period of time.
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Formulaic vs. Non-Formulaic Constructions in Second Language Writing: A MixedMethods Learner Corpus Cum Experimental Research

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Written corrective feedback (WCF) has received considerable attention in secondlanguage (L2) writing research. The conducive role of WCF in developing L2 writing and second language acquisition has been corroborated by a number of theoretical frameworks, and the findings of empirical studies, meta-analyses,

Written corrective feedback (WCF) has received considerable attention in secondlanguage (L2) writing research. The conducive role of WCF in developing L2 writing and second language acquisition has been corroborated by a number of theoretical frameworks, and the findings of empirical studies, meta-analyses, and research syntheses. WCF research has predominantly addressed its effectiveness in improving learners’ syntactic, lexical, and orthographic knowledge. This dissertation project extends the scope of this line of research to formulaic aspects of language and investigates the relative effectiveness of WCF targeting formulaic vs. non-formulaic constructions in L2 writing. The text-analytic descriptive aspect of this research design aimed at investigating the extent of L2 learners’ non-target-like use of formulaic vs. non-formulaic forms in L2 writing and writing teachers’ WCF treatment of non-target (non)formulaic language use. A total of 480 first drafts of essays written by 33 advanced adult English-as-a-foreign language (EFL) learners during one semester and 480 drafts of essays corrected through WCF by three EFL teachers constituted the corpus in this study. Advancing the field of learner corpus research, the findings demonstrated that whereas learners’ non-target formulaic forms outnumbered that of non-formulaic ones in their writing assignments, all three teachers provided WCF more often for erroneous use of non-formulaic forms. The quasi-experimental aspect of the research design attempts to add new empirical evidence on the L2 learning potential of accessing and processing WCF provided for formulaic vs. non-formulaic constructions in L2 writing. To this end, a total of 66 EFL learners in a Test of English as a Foreign Language preparation course participated in a pretest-posttest design, with 5 experimental groups (those who were provided with direct, indirect, direct plus metalinguistic, and indirect plus metalinguistic WCF) and a control group (those who were not provided with WCF). Maintaining a division between formulaic vs. non-formulaic forms, the findings provide empirical evidence on the interactions between types of WCF, types of linguistic targets, and the effectiveness of WCF in terms of enhancing L2 learners’ accuracy and acquisition in their revised writing and new writings in the short and long term.
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Language Learning Strategies Used by Higher Level Students in Target Language Environment and EFL/Foreign Language Environment

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Language learning strategy (LLS) has been long considered as one of the most important variables impacting language performance. Learning context, as a major effect on LLS choices, has not been paid much attention compared to other individual variables in LLS

Language learning strategy (LLS) has been long considered as one of the most important variables impacting language performance. Learning context, as a major effect on LLS choices, has not been paid much attention compared to other individual variables in LLS research. For the purpose of highlighting contextual influence in LLS research, the present study investigated LLSs used by higher level students in a target language environment and an EFL/foreign language environment. To achieve the goals, a total of 44 enrolled doctoral students (19 in the United States and 25 in China) were recruited as participants. A background survey, a questionnaire (i.e., Language Strategy Use Inventory [LSUI]), and semi-structured interviews were deployed to gather data. The findings first showed that higher level students used a wide repertoire of LLSs to facilitate their language learning in each learning environment. Second, the findings identified eight specific contextual factors influencing the LLS use of higher level students in both learning environments, which included access to target language, participation in an academic environment, access to target language learning sources, experience as a teaching associate/research assistant, exposure to diverse accents and dialects of the target language, lack of feedback on errors, experience in target language classes, and beliefs about social reaction to learning target language. Third, the findings also showed that students reported some specific LLSs to be most useful in each learning environment. For example, “talking with (native) English speakers” was considered as a useful speaking strategy in target language environment, and “using language learning applications (APPs)” was considered as a useful listening and speaking strategy in EFL/foreign language environment. In addition, implications for future research and pedagogy were offered. Keywords: Language learning strategy (LLS), learning context (environment), higher level students, target language environment (TLE), EFL/foreign language environment (E/FLE), mixed methods
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Essential Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition: Age and Motivation

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Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers to the process of an individual acquiring a second language (L2) after their first language (L1) is already fully acquired. It also refers to the scientific study of learning and acquiring an L2. In the

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers to the process of an individual acquiring a second language (L2) after their first language (L1) is already fully acquired. It also refers to the scientific study of learning and acquiring an L2. In the field of SLA, there are several theories that explain how an L2 is learned and acquired by an individual. However, this thesis focuses on the theoretical framework of Stephen Krashen’s five hypotheses of SLA (Krashen, 1981) and explains the major implications of his research. This thesis then explores two essential factors that influence acquisition, age and motivation, and briefly discusses other factors that may also influence SLA. The findings demonstrate that age plays a crucial role in the efficacy of SLA, in which the optimal age for SLA is prior to late adolescence. Furthermore, motivation is another crucial factor influencing SLA, as high levels of intrinsic motivation and moderate levels of extrinsic motivation result in optimal performance for learning. The final section discusses some limitations and challenges in studying SLA, and provides pedagogical implications for both L2 learners and teachers.
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The Role of WhatsApp in Developing L2 Spanish Learners' Intercultural Sensitivity: An Exploratory Task-Based Language Study in a Language Immersion Setting

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Technology (i.e. the WhatsApp mobile application) can play a positive role in a student’s language and culture learning when it is used in collaboration with a language curriculum that uses a modular framework. When technology tools are used in an

Technology (i.e. the WhatsApp mobile application) can play a positive role in a student’s language and culture learning when it is used in collaboration with a language curriculum that uses a modular framework. When technology tools are used in an intensive language learning environment, those mobile devices will allow students certain affordances (like modifying, authoring, and reviewing content) as well as opportunities to work independently (e.g., create their own content to demonstrate cultural understanding) and/or to reflect upon cross-cultural issues that impact their intercultural sensitivity (Lee, 2011). Barker (2016) adds that cultural discussions performed during a student’s language learning process can lead to intercultural sensitivity development and learning if done communicatively and in engaging environments. In this study, participants intensely interacted in a three week immersion experience where they used WhatsApp to communicate with each other, with their instructors, and with their host families by completing tasks in three modules that were a part of an Advanced Spanish Conversation and Culture Course.

The argument in this study is that if WhatsApp is well integrated into the course activities and curriculum of an upper level Spanish university course while abroad, the students will use more innovative ways to communicate, thus, allowing for more intercultural sensitivity growth. In this study, the author analyzed the intercultural sensitivity development and Spanish language use of twelve university level students as they learned Spanish in a 13 week study abroad program abroad in Segovia, Spain. The goal of the study was to gauge how effectively the students communicated with one another while simultaneously measuring their intercultural sensitivity growth to see if the integration of the mobile app, WhatsApp, had any effect on their intercultural learning capabilities. The author analyzed data from twelve learners’ interactions while they studied abroad in a country that they were mostly unfamiliar with. As a result of WhatsApp’s various modalities and capabilities, the findings showed that all of the 12 students showed modest intercultural sensitivity growth along the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (Bennett, 1993) to assist them in more effectively communicating in the target language about the host culture.
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The L2 Classroom as a Crossroads: Merging Creative Pedagogy and Second Language Instruction

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Creativity is increasingly cited as an educational goal in many international contexts and as a facet of academic and economic success. However, many myths surround creativity that impede its facilitation in the classroom: it is an individual talent, not teachable,

Creativity is increasingly cited as an educational goal in many international contexts and as a facet of academic and economic success. However, many myths surround creativity that impede its facilitation in the classroom: it is an individual talent, not teachable, and not relevant to adult life outside of artistic domains. Further, perceptions of creativity are largely informed by treatment in North American contexts. In second language instruction, linguistic creativity in particular faces greater hurdles for recognition and value, as language learners’ creative language use is often treated as error. In this paper, I argue that creative pedagogies and second language instruction can inform each other; creative pedagogy can lead to greater recognition of the creative power of language learners, and second language research can provide a cultural lens through which to gain understanding of how creativity is enacted in language. To argue that creativity facilitates language learning and is a necessary component of proficiency, I employ B. Kachru’s (1985) notion of bilingual creativity to demonstrate the ubiquity of linguistic creativity in the lives of bilingual language users. With support from Carter (2016) and G. Cook’s (2000) works on everyday creative language and language play, respectively, I demonstrate the value of linguistic creativity for language learning and language socialization. I end by suggesting five guidelines for second language instructors interested in implementing a creative pedagogy framework: (1) promote reflection and noticing in learning and creativity, (2) offer authentic models of linguistic creativity, (3) provide emotion language and multiple methods for emotional expression in interaction, (4) allow for a fusion of L1 and L2 linguistic and cultural knowledge, and (5) respond actively to opportunities for collaborative creativity.
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Exercise design and vocabulary learning in tutorial CALL: the effects of image features and combinations on attention to written forms

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Computer assisted language learning (CALL) has become increasingly common as a means of helping learners develop essential skills in a second or foreign language. However, while many CALL programs claim to be based on principles of second language acquisition (SLA)

Computer assisted language learning (CALL) has become increasingly common as a means of helping learners develop essential skills in a second or foreign language. However, while many CALL programs claim to be based on principles of second language acquisition (SLA) theory and research, evaluation of design and learning outcomes at the level of individual CALL exercises is lacking in the existing literature. The following proposed study will explore the design of computer-based vocabulary matching exercises using both written text and images and the effects of various design manipulations on learning outcomes. The study will use eye-tracking to investigate what users attend to on screen as they work through a series of exercises with different configurations of written words and images. It will ask whether manipulation of text and image features and combinations can have an effect on learners’ attention to the various elements, and if so, whether differences in levels of attention results in higher or lower scores for measures of learning. Specifically, eye-tracking data will be compared to post-test scores for recall and recognition of target vocabulary items to look for a correlation between levels of attention to written forms in-task and post-test gains in scores for vocabulary learning.
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Language Learners’ Translanguaging Practices and Development of Performative Competence in Digital Affinity Spaces

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In a growlingly digital world, scholars must understand the changes in textuality and communication associated with Web 2.0 technologies to incorporate potential pedagogical benefits to language curricula. For example, with the affordance of these technologies, language learners (LL) are increasingly

In a growlingly digital world, scholars must understand the changes in textuality and communication associated with Web 2.0 technologies to incorporate potential pedagogical benefits to language curricula. For example, with the affordance of these technologies, language learners (LL) are increasingly exposed to language contact zones found both on and offline. A practice that could potentially support the communicative practices of LL within these multilingual spaces is translanguaging, or the use of strategies employed by LL when engaging with diverse codes by utilizing the resources of their semiotic repertoire as well as their language(s). Previous research has focused principally on contexts of bilingual education and identity formation vis-à-vis translanguaging. Therefore, the present study is the first to examine the actual translanguaging practices of second language (n=5) and heritage language learners (n=5) of Spanish in a digital language contact zone: Facebook affinity spaces, or common interest spaces. The dynamic data gathered from screen capture recordings of the participants’ interactions and think-aloud protocols in the affinity spaces, stimulated recall interviews, and written reflections were analyzed using content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

This analysis revealed key findings in the data that focused on translanguaging practices, negotiation strategies, and performative competence - or the procedural knowledge which focuses on how learners communicate rather than what they communicate. First, the participants displayed a preference toward the separation of languages in written output, adhering to the ideals of linguistic purism, while simultaneously engaging in translanguaging practices via non-linguistic semiotic resources, such as the use of emojis, in their communication. Second, the participants’ self-reported proficiency levels for their writing abilities in Spanish correlated with their use of outside digital resources as a mediation tool. The findings show that, theoretically, the conceptualization of communicative competence must be expanded in order to incorporate the languaging practices of interlocutors in digital contexts. Pedagogically, educators need to support the development of LLs’ digital literacies, or communicative practices that are facilitated by technology, and address the bias toward linguistic purism to help students reap the cognitive benefits offered by translanguaging practices.
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Fostering social change through community engagement: A critical insight into strategic knowledge and identity during domestic professional internships in Spanish for specific purposes

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This linguistic ethnography follows three journalism students (Petra, Penélope, and María) as they engaged in experiential language learning (EX-LL) via collaboration with community members during their Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP) internship sites in the fields of journalism and medicine

This linguistic ethnography follows three journalism students (Petra, Penélope, and María) as they engaged in experiential language learning (EX-LL) via collaboration with community members during their Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP) internship sites in the fields of journalism and medicine within the local Metro Phoenix community. Data were collected over the course of a 15-week semester via ethnographic methods (field notes, interviews, observations, and participant-reported data) to explore how the interns (i) took advantage of their SSP internship experiences to engage in identity work that exceeded the goals of the program and how they (ii) implemented their strategic knowledge via communicative strategies (CSs) during breakdowns in communication with community members related to their SSP internship sites/the social function of such strategies.

In order to answer the first research question, the data were analyzed via open and focused coding (Dyson & Genishi, 2005), followed by discourse analysis (Gee, 2005) informed by Critical Applied Linguistics (Pennycook, 2001) and Positioning Theory (Davis & Harré, 1990). To answer the second question, all instances in which the interns implemented communicative strategies were analyzed based upon the categorization repertories established by Dörnyei and Scott (1995a, 1995b, 1997), Lafford (2004), and Tarone and Yule (1987). To go beyond understanding what the interns were saying to why were they saying it, discourse analysis was used (Gee, 2005).

The findings show that Petra, Penélope, and María appropriated their SSP internship to engage distinct, yet interrelated language- and ethnic/racial-based identity work. Each intern utilized language (and extra-linguistic elements, such as corporeal expression) to position themselves in different ways within social discourse. Furthermore, this identity work influenced which CSs they utilized, as the social function of many of these strategies was to maintain and/or protect their desired identities.

Drawing on these insights, a variety of implications are offered from four viewpoints: implications for (i) EX-LL-based research: colonized versus humanizing research, (ii) critical community collaboration inside and outside of EX-LL, (iii) CSs and communicative competence, and (iv) EX-LL/Languages for Specific Purposes pedagogy and internship design.
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