Designing Telerobotic Untethered Encapsulated Soft GI Bots for Liquid Cargo Delivery

Microbial dysbiosis is a condition where one’s gut bacteria colonies and species are imbalanced due to infection, antibiotics, and diet. Dysbiosis can lead to chronic illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease where current clinical treatments, such as probiotics and fecal matter

Microbial dysbiosis is a condition where one’s gut bacteria colonies and species are imbalanced due to infection, antibiotics, and diet. Dysbiosis can lead to chronic illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease where current clinical treatments, such as probiotics and fecal matter transplant, have limitations from precisely delivering the right bacteria species in the right location in the gastrointestinal tract. With recent developments of magnetically actuated endoscopy bots which are precisely controlled and less invasive, magnetically-controlled robotic solutions can be applied to solving microbial dysbiosis. Two GI bot designs were developed, an accordion and concertina design, which differ in geometry. These designs involved a soft Ecoflex body, four ring magnets that are made of NdFeB and Ecoflex (in a 4:1 weight ratio) and magnetically actuated in the same direction, and a 3D-printed plastic capsule. The design rationale involved introducing the GI bot to external magnetic fields to deliver a payload, i.e. bacteria, for an application in solving microbial dysbiosis. First, the design was optimized. Tensile and compression testing were used to determine an optimal Ecoflex coating combination with Ecoflex 00-10 making the first layer and Ecoflex 00-50 making the second layer. Afterward, two main functions were tested for in the robot: (1) precise magnetic control of the robot’s movement and direction and (2) magnetic control of the GI bot’s compression to trigger a payload release. Orientation control of the GI bot was demonstrated with a robot arm introducing a magnetic field of 4.08 mT. The test demonstrated proper control of the robot for five degrees of freedom. Lastly, delivery capabilities for the designs were established under a 173 mT external magnetic field with the accordion and concertina having dyed water (payload) release efficiencies of 35.33% and 40.16% respectively. From these results, a GI bot in the gut is achievable, and the accordion or concertina models provide a basis for further exploring and optimizing the safety and efficiency of this clinical robotic and magnetic solution. Moreover, the results showcase that magnetic actuation can be used for both orientation and delivery control as they are decoupled based on the external magnetic field strength.
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Metallic Nitride Synthesis for Applications in Thermochemically Looped Ammonia Production


Ammonia is one of the most critical chemical commodities produced and is integral to a number of current industries such as agriculture as well as a key part to future sustainability areas such as clean H2 production. However, the current

Ammonia is one of the most critical chemical commodities produced and is integral to a number of current industries such as agriculture as well as a key part to future sustainability areas such as clean H2 production. However, the current production methods for ammonia are largely unsustainable and produce large amounts of CO2 emissions. This combined with the current dependence on fossil energy for production has led to researchers attempting to develop a clean and sustainable method for ammonia production. This method involves the thermochemical looping of a nitride compound with H2, and the renitridation of the compound with N2. This thermochemical loop would significantly reduce pressure requirements for ammonia production in addition to only being reliant on renewable inputs. This paper expands and complements this research by detailing the methods for the synthesis of nitride compounds as well as confirming their structure through material characterization. The nitride compounds as well as their oxide precursors were synthesized through Pechini synthesis and co-precipitation, and their structure was confirmed through the use of X-ray diffraction analysis. The XRD patterns of the synthesized nitrides matched those previously synthesized as well as those found in literature. In addition, observation of the spectra for the oxide CoMoO4 showed a marked similarity to that of the oxide precursor for (NixCox)2Mo3N. However, further testing is necessary regarding the phase-purity of synthesized nitrides, as well as the reduction and renitridation capability of nitrides in the line of (NixCox)2Mo3N.

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Barrett in Costa Rica: A Travel Blog & Website


A travel blog and resource website on my experience from the Barrett Costa Rica trip.

Date Created

Transition out of College Sports: Impacts of Athlete Identity and Strategies for Support


The main scope of this study was to analyze the impact support and identity have on the collegiate athletic career transition process. While student-athletes undergo a variety of transitions, this study focused on the career transition out of collegiate athletics

The main scope of this study was to analyze the impact support and identity have on the collegiate athletic career transition process. While student-athletes undergo a variety of transitions, this study focused on the career transition out of collegiate athletics regardless of their reason for leaving or their next steps. The motivation for conducting this research is to take the challenges and recommendations to the next steps and reform the common practice of career transition and provide assistance to athletes facing adversity in this position. A study on 32 voluntary student-athletes in different phases of the transition process ranging from current student-athletes to graduated student-athletes years detached from their sport was conducted via electronic questionnaire. Questions about demographics and their personal experiences relating to identity, support, and transition as a whole were asked regarding their time as student-athletes through their transition (if applicable). Through analyzing the responses and previous literature, it is evident that support is necessary from the early stages as a student-athlete through their transition out of the sport to minimize the negative impact. It is also apparent that one's athletic identity is established early on in their career and is difficult to dissociate from to rediscover a personal identity not connected to athletic performance. Knowing what we do now, there are limitations in the findings such as within the demographics, questionnaire, and clarity. This would be beneficial to research and study further to optimize a solution to assist in the athletic career transition process and alleviate additional barriers athletes face when no longer having their sport.

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Review of Aminoglycosides use in Clinical and Laboratory Settings as an Antibiotic, Gene Delivery Vector, and a Wound Healing Stimulant


Aminoglycosides contain a basic unit of an amino-modified glycoside (sugar) and have potent antibacterial properties used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including those that occur in the soft tissue, chest, urinary tract, and endocardial tissue.1, 2 With

Aminoglycosides contain a basic unit of an amino-modified glycoside (sugar) and have potent antibacterial properties used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including those that occur in the soft tissue, chest, urinary tract, and endocardial tissue.1, 2 With a broad spectrum of activity and convenient dosing schedule, Aminoglycoside helps to effectively fight off Gram-negative bacteria.1, 3 In 1944 an aminoglycoside called streptomycin entered clinical trials to test its effectiveness as an antibiotic.4 After several years other classes of aminoglycosides were discovered such as neomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, and netilmicin.4 When introduced these antibiotics presented major clinical advancements in the treatment of Tuberculosis and other bacterial infections.3, 4 However their use in modern medicine has diminished due to their toxicity, required parenteral delivery, and the availability of alternative antibiotics.3, 5 The dose-dependent toxicity of aminoglycosides limits their use due to a narrow range of safe aminoglycoside plasma concentrations.3, 5 Exceeding this range in non-target tissues can lead to negative effects on the audio-vestibular apparatus and kidneys.3, 5, 6 In the 1980’s, clinicians began treating infections with antibiotics that were perceived as less toxic and providing broader antibacterial activity.7 This resulted in aminoglycosides being prescribed for more persistent infections that were resistant to other antibiotics.3 With the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria increasing, many scientists have begun looking into methods for minimizing aminoglycoside toxicity and maximizing its antibacterial activity.3, 8 These methods include encapsulation and polymer conjugation.9, 10 By encapsulating aminoglycosides in liposomes or other vesicles scientists aim to increase its concentration in infected tissues while decreasing nephro- and ototoxicity.9 With conjugated polymers scientists have created polymer complexes containing aminoglycosides and other compounds such as dopamine.11 The goal of these polymers is to limit toxicity by slowing antibiotic release and increasing efficacy of the antibiotic through targeted delivery and toxicity of other compounds.9, 10, 11 Other than its use in treating infections, aminoglycosides are gaining attention as an excellent vehicle for gene delivery.12 In this application aminoglycosides are used to correct a genetic defect by introducing a normal copy of the gene into affected cells.12,13 Currently scientists are assessing aminoglycosides for gene therapy in the treatment of cancer and various other diseases.12, 14 This review will focus on the diverse customizability of aminoglycosides in treating infections and as vehicles for gene therapy.

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The Characteristics of Adults Who Successfully Increase Medication Adherence for Chronic Conditions Using a Mobile Smartphone App


Poor medication adherence is a widespread healthcare issue that directly impacts the effectiveness of the medication and the overall health of the patient. Wellth is a smartphone application offered to users challenged with managing chronic conditions to improve medication adherence

Poor medication adherence is a widespread healthcare issue that directly impacts the effectiveness of the medication and the overall health of the patient. Wellth is a smartphone application offered to users challenged with managing chronic conditions to improve medication adherence through daily reminders and monthly financial incentives to help members form healthy habits. The study examined the effects of financial incentives on the medication adherence of members according to their characteristics including their age, gender, and location of residence in addition to the health conditions they were battling during a 5-month Wellth program. In this study, adherence was defined as the percent of days the users checked in all their medications within a ±3-hour task window while timely adherence was when check-ins were submitted in a narrower window of ±1-hour. Wellth demonstrated both positive and negative relationships between specific patients and adherence. By comparing the findings with the existing literature, patterns were evaluated, and hypotheses were made. The severity of the member’s illness and vulnerability to consequences seemed to go be joint factors. The complexities of medication regimens, side effects, and symptoms associated with their health condition affected patient motivation. Economic factors including financial status, healthcare access, and level of knowledge could also be used as an explanation. This study is important because it helps develop and implement effective adherence programs for different kinds of patients by examining what type of patients for whom incentives work best using a mobile app. Essentially, this helps target features and design new programs for those who did not respond well to financial incentives.

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Solutions to Water Insecurity of the Southwest Through Biomimicry Examples Found in the Sonoran Desert


The Sonoran Desert in the Southwest region of the United States and the Northwest corner of Mexico is defined by low precipitation rates that are episodal, oscillating between years of higher yields than average and then below average levels. Water

The Sonoran Desert in the Southwest region of the United States and the Northwest corner of Mexico is defined by low precipitation rates that are episodal, oscillating between years of higher yields than average and then below average levels. Water is essential for life and in the region, the lack of water proves an obstacle for people that must be faced to live and thrive there. Yet, millions of people live in this desert region and more people are moving currently. As current water resources are straining not only under increasing population but also with higher frequency and lengths of droughts in the region, water is becoming an important topic for future plans in the Sonoran Desert. However, a vast array of plants and animals have lived under these conditions by adapting to the low precipitation rates. By looking at the common flora and fauna of the region, humans may learn how to better live in the Sonoran Desert through biomimicry, the imitation of life. The natural design and processes of life in the Sonoran Desert can be studied to find ways to conserve, store and collect water for human consumption ensuring longevity within the region and beyond as water insecurity increases globally.

Date Created

Responders and Rivals: Supporting Those That Serve


This creative project outlines the steps taken to successfully plan and host a fundraising event at Arizona State University. In my case, this more specifically dealt with organizing a dodgeball tournament between two friendly rivals: police officers and firefighters in

This creative project outlines the steps taken to successfully plan and host a fundraising event at Arizona State University. In my case, this more specifically dealt with organizing a dodgeball tournament between two friendly rivals: police officers and firefighters in the city of Phoenix. All proceeds raised from this fundraising dodgeball tournament were donated back to first responders working in the city of Phoenix.

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