My Academic Community Engaged Learning Design: Promoting Equitable Civic Engagement

College students are motivated, passionate, and knowledgeable individuals who lack opportunities and the appropriate first-hand experience to get involved in their local community. I used an Academic Community Engaged Learning (ACEL) approach to build student self- efficacy to engage with

College students are motivated, passionate, and knowledgeable individuals who lack opportunities and the appropriate first-hand experience to get involved in their local community. I used an Academic Community Engaged Learning (ACEL) approach to build student self- efficacy to engage with their community. I created a formal curriculum that teaches students the basics of community development and encourages students to consider their role and impact in the community. I organized a community project with a local elementary school to create a kindness mural that would give students an opportunity to experience community engagement, thereby facilitating deeper comprehension of the material. I find that ACEL can be a valuable tool in harnessing college students by using their motivation and passion to facilitate a collaborative process.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 36 pages

Addressing Structural Lags for Women: Agriculture, Climate Change, & the Case of St. Lucia

The past decades have seen major changes with globalization, increased trade, digital technologies, and the increased threat of climate change consequences. These changes in trends have changed how the world communicates, travels, produces, manufactures, and develops. Yet despite having the

The past decades have seen major changes with globalization, increased trade, digital technologies, and the increased threat of climate change consequences. These changes in trends have changed how the world communicates, travels, produces, manufactures, and develops. Yet despite having the most advanced technologies and the most connected world to date, other aspects of development and quality of life have not kept up the pace in adapting and changing based on these trends. Specifically in developing countries, while the outside environment may be changing, the systems, structures, and societal values in place have not fully adapted. These aspects of society are naturally slower to change which can be dangerous when dealing with the current issues the world faces, for example the proven increase in climate change consequences. The consequences of slow or no changes at all in systems, structures, and societal values fall disproportionately on women who are often now bearing more responsibility without the benefits due to outdated structures that were developed based on other environments and priorities. This gap between the formal structures and the rapidly changing environments and its effect on women can be seen through analyzing specific common trends in developing countries, such as the feminization of agriculture and climate change. Analyzing this gap from these specific trends can give insight into possible solutions to both speed up the closing of the gap and lessen the burdens for women in the meantime. The role of informal or community networks should be considered as a possible way to do this. The case of St. Lucia and its experience with both the feminization of agriculture and the threat of climate change will be analyzed to understand how informal or community networks could serve to help close the gap and lessen the burdens for women.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 27 pages

Physical Landscapes as Living Memories: A Case Study of Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Zagreb

Buildings and monuments serve as a communal declaration of identity and as the physical landscape upon which memories are inscribed. Through its ability to concrete identity and capacity to reconstruct the narratives of the past, public spaces and places have

Buildings and monuments serve as a communal declaration of identity and as the physical landscape upon which memories are inscribed. Through its ability to concrete identity and capacity to reconstruct the narratives of the past, public spaces and places have the structure of memory and serve as a fundamental aspect of cultural memory from which groups derive their identities. Beyond the social function of communal spaces, as a spatial claim architecture is a political expression of the territorial imperatives of the state. Consequently, both the political and social significance of physical spaces/places lead to the direct targeting of buildings, landscapes, and recognizable monuments in the processes of war.
As evidenced by the 1991-5 War in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia, culturally-relevant and internationally recognizable symbols of culture, like Stari Most in Bosnia and the Old Town of Dubrovnik, were destroyed with the purpose of manipulating the physical memories of the communities, thereby directly affecting the cultural identities of the communities residing there. As it stands, scholarship on the subject of memory in post-war areas has failed to consider the effects of space/place on memory, consequently failing to provide a viable theoretical framework to explain the interplay of space/place, memory, and identity. This paper is an effort to connect the current scholarship on memory, its function and effects on identity, with the realities of the physical environment in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia and their function of imposed confrontation, and thus recollection, of the War. The purpose of my thesis is to put city landscapes (private, uncrated memories) and museum narratives (public, curated memories) in communication to demonstrate how influential a factor space/place is in determining collective memory in a Balkan context. Cultural memory is at once incredibly vulnerable to reconstruction and massively determinate of group identity, thereby necessitating a deeper understanding of its determinant factors and the present uses of such factors.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 96 pages

5-HT1B receptor agonist CP 94,253 reduces cocaine intake in female rats post-abstinence and after resuming self-administration

Approximately five million Americans suffer from cocaine use disorder with no FDA approved pharmaceutical to help their path to recovery (Yerby, 2019). Serotonin is heavily implicated in cocaine use and in the reward system, and is therefore a suggested target

Approximately five million Americans suffer from cocaine use disorder with no FDA approved pharmaceutical to help their path to recovery (Yerby, 2019). Serotonin is heavily implicated in cocaine use and in the reward system, and is therefore a suggested target for pharmaceuticals aiming to aid in psychostimulant addiction (Sarlin, 2019; Clark and Neumaier, 2001). CP 94,253, a 5-HT1BR agonist, has been shown to increase cocaine intake during maintenance of daily cocaine self-administration, though it has also been shown to decrease intake after a period of forced abstinence (Parsons et al., 1998; Pentowski et al., 2009). While a decrease in cocaine intake post-abstinence is promising post-abstinence, it remains to be seen whether this is a viable option if patients relapse. Most experiments are conducted with male rats, though an increasing amount of data has come to light on the differing effects of drugs on male and female rats (Mennenga and Bimonte-Nelson, 2014). Previous studies conducted through our lab have shown no difference in cocaine self-administration behavior across the estrous cycle phases with CP 94,253. It remains to be seen however, whether CP 94,253 would function dissimilarly in female rats than in male rats. This experiment studied the effects of CP 94,253 on post-abstinence and post-resumption cocaine self-administration in free-cycling female rats across two doses of cocaine. It was shown that CP 94,253 reduces cocaine intake both post-abstinence and post-resumption, suggesting that this pharmacotherapy would work in cases of relapse, and that there are no sex differences in its effects. While more studies should be conducted with locomotion and stress tests, thus far this experiment provides further evidence for the validity of CP 94,253 to be a promising pharmacotherapeutic option for future investigation.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 39 pages

Development of a new model organism in cancer research: Macrostomum lignano (Platyhelminthes)

Macrostomum lignano is characterized by its elevated regenerative ability conferred by its high percentage of stem cells (the highest recorded for any animal). M. lignano is already used as a model organism for addressing fundamental questions of stem cell biology,

Macrostomum lignano is characterized by its elevated regenerative ability conferred by its high percentage of stem cells (the highest recorded for any animal). M. lignano is already used as a model organism for addressing fundamental questions of stem cell biology, aging, regeneration, and reproduction, but not yet cancer.
M. lignano larvae were isolated into separate wells of 24-well plates. After reaching maturity (30 days), the experimental plates were exposed to 5 Gys of X-rays every 4 days for a total of a 25 Gy exposure. We observed phenotypes that may be attributed to the acute effect of irradiation (e.g. blisters) but we recorded two types of phenotypes that may be a result of long-term effects of exposure to radiation. We observed enlarged testis and dark regions/masses that appeared statistically significantly more frequently in the treated animals (Fisher exact test, p=0.0026). Preliminary histological analyses of the enlarged testis suggest a benign testis enlargement due to an aberrant growth of the testes and an accumulation of aberrant spermatozoa. Importantly, we found that, similar to cancer, the dark masses can grow in size over time and the histological analysis confirms that the observed masses are composed of cells completely different from surrounding normal cells. Notably, we observed that those masses can develop and then completely disappear through an observed method of ejection. M. lignano offer the unique possibility to study in vivo cancer development in a simple organism that can easily be cultured in the lab in large numbers.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 34 pages

Quantifying Intragenomic Variability in the 18S Gene of Trichonympha from Zootermopsis

The 18S ribosomal RNA gene is ubiquitous across eukaryotes as it encodes the RNA component of the ribosomal small subunit. It is the most commonly used marker in molecular studies of unicellular eukaryotes (protists) due to its species specificity and

The 18S ribosomal RNA gene is ubiquitous across eukaryotes as it encodes the RNA component of the ribosomal small subunit. It is the most commonly used marker in molecular studies of unicellular eukaryotes (protists) due to its species specificity and high copy number in the protist genome. Recent studies have revealed the widespread occurrence of intragenomic (intra-individual) polymorphism in many protists, an understudied phenomenon which contradicts the assumed homogeneity of the 18S throughout an individual genome. This thesis quantifies and analyzes the level of intragenomic and intraspecific 18S sequence variability in three Trichonympha species (T. campanula, T. collaris, T. postcylindrica) from Zootermopsis termites. Single-cell DNA extractions, PCR, cloning, and sequencing were performed to obtain 18S rRNA sequence reads, which were then analyzed to determine levels of sequence divergence among individuals and among species. Intragenomic variability was encountered in all three species. However, excluding singleton mutations, sequence divergence was less than 1% in 53 of the 56 compared individuals. T. collaris exhibited the most substantial intragenomic variability, with sequence divergence ranging from 0 to 3.4%. Further studies with more clones per cell are needed to elucidate the true extent of intragenomic variability in Trichonympha.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 20 pages

An Assessment of Vaccine Hesitancy in the context of the Flu in Maricopa County, Arizona

Objective: To provide insight into the World Health Organization SAGE Working Group Vaccine Hesitancy Survey by applying the tool to populations across Maricopa County, Arizona. Design: An online survey was conducted using the Qualtrics Survey Software, of individuals residing in

Objective: To provide insight into the World Health Organization SAGE Working Group Vaccine Hesitancy Survey by applying the tool to populations across Maricopa County, Arizona. Design: An online survey was conducted using the Qualtrics Survey Software, of individuals residing in Maricopa County, Arizona during the month of October 2019. Results: Of 209 respondents, the followed demonstrated to be the top 3 reasons for either having not received the flu shot yet or having not planned to receive the flu shot: “I’m healthy, I don’t need it”(20.1%); “Worried I might get the flu from it”(17.7%); “I don’t think it works”(17.7%) Statistical analysis demonstrated that vaccine hesitant and non-hesitant respondents are likely to respond differently to topics covering: safety of vaccines; self-perceived health status; importance of the flu shot among one’s peers; flu vaccine related knowledge Conclusions: The WHO VHS applied to the population of Maricopa County, Arizona reported little hesitancy towards the seasonal flu vaccine. Statistical analysis of Vaccine Hesitant respondents vs. Non-Hesitant respondents demonstrates that specified public health education focused on the immunological implications of vaccines may be needed for the hesitant population to gain confidence in vaccine efficacy. A more diverse respondent group that consists of residents beyond the county lines of Maricopa is needed to understand the full scope of vaccine hesitancy that exists in Arizona.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 65 pages

Legally Male: The Role of Legal Language in Maintaining Sexism

Psychological studies and feminist theories have determined the existence of many forms of
male bias in the English language. Male bias can be traced through American history in the form of laws of coverture and the categorization of women in law.

Psychological studies and feminist theories have determined the existence of many forms of
male bias in the English language. Male bias can be traced through American history in the form of laws of coverture and the categorization of women in law. Taking into account the connections between sexist language, history, and law, this paper investigates 1) how and why legal language is biased, 2) why male bias has persisted in law over time, and 3) what impact male-biased law has on women. The works of ancient philosophers, feminist historians, psycholinguistic scientists, and modern philosophers of law are used to explain the patriarchal gender hierarchy’s influence on law. Case law and legal policies demonstrate that sexism has been maintained through history due to the preservation of male-biased language and the exclusion of women from the public sphere. Today, the use of masculine generics continues to taint the legal profession by reflecting, rather than denouncing, its patriarchal roots.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 42 pages

The Development of Marketing with Respect to Retro-Acculturation

With the United States' diverse group of people, diverse set of beliefs and diverse cultural backgrounds, it’s no wonder that over the last few decades there has been a 51 percent increase in second-generation Americans in the United States (Child

With the United States' diverse group of people, diverse set of beliefs and diverse cultural backgrounds, it’s no wonder that over the last few decades there has been a 51 percent increase in second-generation Americans in the United States (Child Trends, 2018). Though each of these second- and third-generation Americans experience life in the U.S. vastly different, the common steps of self-identity, acculturation and assimilation persist. However, what is often missed with this seemingly linear process is the delineating step: retro acculturation. Their sense of disconnect sparks a feeling of blurred identity, introducing the phenomenon of retro- acculturation, or an individual’s conscious efforts to connect to their heritage in new ways. Understanding the “why” behind this revelation is essential in understanding the “how”- or the actions taken by the individual to connect with their withdrawn culture. A deeper understanding of retro-acculturation and its processes is essential to leveraging a successful marketing effort in order to reach this demographic. As this population steadily reaches a larger population and quickly gains consumer buying power, it is important to be taking note of new and innovative ways of making lasting impressions on this demographic. This study focuses on exploring and discovering why individuals experience retro-acculturation and their triggers, as well as what approaches they use to connect to their heritage culture. Additionally, the insights gained were leveraged to provide recommendations as to how business can more effectively market to reach this demographic.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 50 pages

Obscenity: The Quick and Dirty

Zines have made space for queer, intersectional feminists to bring together academic and artistic knowledge in order to produce a message and inspire readers. In order to criticize the legal definition and practical execution of obscenity in the US, a

Zines have made space for queer, intersectional feminists to bring together academic and artistic knowledge in order to produce a message and inspire readers. In order to criticize the legal definition and practical execution of obscenity in the US, a visual component was a necessity. The use of a Zine allowed for a critical and humorous exploration of obscenity in US law and media. The Zine provides a visual analysis while the companion essay provides a critique of the zine and additional analysis. The Zine brings awareness to ways in which the legal historical objectification of black and native bodies contributed to the creation of modern obscenity laws. These laws are based on racist and sexist ideals of morality and create inherently flawed definitions of obscenity through personal bias. The flaws within the laws allow for exceptions in the legal definition of obscenity which normalizes the commodification of women's bodies. These laws and the exceptions present contribute to the dehumanization of and violence towards women as usefulness is deemed the most important factor when considering the use of women’s bodies in potentially obscene images and films.


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  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 40 pages