Implementing Kinetic Activities into a Children's Summer Program to Encourage STEM Engagement in Children Ages 5-11

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This creative project created and implemented a seven-day STEM curriculum that ultimately encouraged engagement in STEM subjects in students ages 5 through 11. The activities were incorporated into Arizona State University's Kids' Camp over the summer of 2017, every Tuesday

This creative project created and implemented a seven-day STEM curriculum that ultimately encouraged engagement in STEM subjects in students ages 5 through 11. The activities were incorporated into Arizona State University's Kids' Camp over the summer of 2017, every Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m. with each activity running for roughly 40 minutes. The lesson plans were created to cover a myriad of scientific topics to account for varied student interest. The topics covered were plant biology, aerodynamics, zoology, geology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Each lesson was scaffolded to match the learning needs of the three age groups (5-6 year olds, 7-8 year olds, 9-11 year olds) and to encourage engagement. "Engagement" was measured by pre- and post-activity surveys approved by IRB. The surveys were in the form of statements where the children would totally agree, agree, be undecided, disagree, or totally disagree with it. To more accurately test engagement, the smiley face Likert scale was incorporated with the answer choices. After implementation of the intervention, two-tailed paired t-tests showed that student engagement significantly increased for the two lesson plans of Aerodynamics and Chemistry.
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Stereotypical Analysis of Wind Instruments in College-Level Concert Band

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the stereotypes surrounding four wind instruments (flutes, oboes, clarinets, and saxophones), and the ways in which those stereotypes propagate through various levels of musical professionalism in Western culture. In order to determine

The purpose of this study is to analyze the stereotypes surrounding four wind instruments (flutes, oboes, clarinets, and saxophones), and the ways in which those stereotypes propagate through various levels of musical professionalism in Western culture. In order to determine what these stereotypes might entail, several thousand social media and blog posts were analyzed, and direct quotations detailing the perceived stereotypical personality profiles for each of the four instruments were collected. From these, the three most commonly mentioned characteristics were isolated for each of the instrument groups as follows: female gender, femininity, and giggliness for flutists, intelligence, studiousness, and demographics (specifically being an Asian male) for clarinetists, quirkiness, eccentricity, and being seen as a misfit for oboists, and overconfidence, attention-seeking behavior, and coolness for saxophonists. From these traits, a survey was drafted which asked participating college-aged musicians various multiple choice, opinion scale, and short-answer questions that gathered how much they agree or disagree with each trait describing the instrument from which it was derived. Their responses were then analyzed to determine how much correlation existed between the researched characteristics and the opinions of modern musicians. From these results, it was determined that 75% of the traits that were isolated for a particular instrument were, in fact, recognized as being true in the survey data, demonstrating that the stereotypes do exist and seem to be widely recognizable across many age groups, locations, and levels of musical skill. Further, 89% of participants admitted that the instrument they play has a certain stereotype associated with it, but only 38% of people identify with that profile. Overall, it was concluded that stereotypes, which are overwhelmingly negative and gendered by nature, are indeed propagated, but musicians do not appear to want to identify with them, and they reflect a more archaic and immature sense that does not correlate to the trends observed in modern, professional music.
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Acanthamoeba Prevalence in a Simulated Reclaimed Water Distribution System

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With dwindling water resources due to drought and other pressures, water utilities are seeking to tap into alternative water sources as a means to improve water sustainability. Reclaimed water consists of treated wastewater and is widely used for non-potable purposes,

With dwindling water resources due to drought and other pressures, water utilities are seeking to tap into alternative water sources as a means to improve water sustainability. Reclaimed water consists of treated wastewater and is widely used for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation, both agricultural and recreational. However, the reclaimed water distribution system can be subject to substantial regrowth of microorganisms, including opportunistic pathogens, even following rigorous disinfection. Factors that can influence regrowth include temperature, organic carbon levels, disinfectant type, and the time transported (i.e., water age) in the system. One opportunistic pathogen (OP) that is critical to understanding microbial activity in both reclaimed and drinking water distribution systems is Acanthamoeba. In order to better understand the potential for this amoeba to proliferate in reclaimed water systems and influence other OPs, a simulated reclaimed water distribution system was studied. The objective of this study was to compare the prevalence of Acanthamoeba and one of its endosymbionts, Legionella, across varying assimilable organic carbon (AOC) levels, temperatures, disinfectants, and water ages in a simulated reclaimed water distribution system. The results of the study showed that cooler temperatures, larger water age, and chlorine conditions yielded the lowest detection of Acanthamoeba gene copies per mL or cm2 for bulk water and biofilm samples, respectively.
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Using Lethal siRNA for a Future Therapeutic in Cancerous Patients

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Difficult to treat cancer patients, specifically those tumors that are metastatic and drug-resistant, prove to have the lowest survival rates when compared to more localized types. The commonplace combination therapies, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, do not usually result in remission

Difficult to treat cancer patients, specifically those tumors that are metastatic and drug-resistant, prove to have the lowest survival rates when compared to more localized types. The commonplace combination therapies, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, do not usually result in remission and sometimes cannot be done with these specific patients. RNA interference therapeutics, especially those that use short-interfering RNA (siRNA), have given rise to a novel field that employs the mechanisms in the body to silence the gene expression post-transcriptionally. The main cell types used in this research were Ewing Sarcoma, Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, and Rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Initial assays involved the testing of the cells' responsiveness to a panel of siRNA compounds, to better understand the most effective ones. The siRNA UBBs1 proved to be the most cytotoxic to all cell lines tested, allowing for further investigation through transfection procedures for cellular assays and RNA purification for expression analysis. The data showed decreased cell viability for the UBBs1 treated group for both RD and RH-30 Rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines, especially at a much lower concentration than traditional chemotherapy drug dose response assays. The RNA purification and quantification of the transfected cells over time showed the biggest decrease in gene expression when treated with UBBs1. The use of siRNA in future therapeutics could be a highly-specific method to induce cytotoxicity of cancer cells, but more successful clinical testing and better manufacturing processes need to be established first.
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Investigation of Student Achievement and Attitude about a Flipped Classroom Using Linked Lecture Videos in Biomedical Engineering

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Flipped classrooms invert the traditional teaching methods and deliver the lecture online outside of the classroom. An increase in technology accessibility is increasing the prevalence of this teaching technique in universities. In this study, we aim to address some of

Flipped classrooms invert the traditional teaching methods and deliver the lecture online outside of the classroom. An increase in technology accessibility is increasing the prevalence of this teaching technique in universities. In this study, we aim to address some of the uncertainties of a flipped classroom by implementing a new lecture format in Transport Phenomena. Transport Phenomena is a junior level biomedical engineering course originally flipped in Spring 2013. Since transitioning to a flipped classroom, students have been required to watch 75-minute lectures outside of class where the instructor covered key concepts and examples using paper and marker on a document camera. In class, students then worked in groups to solve problems with instructor and teaching assistant feedback. Students also completed self-graded homework with the opportunity to earn lost points back by discussing fundamental misconceptions. We are introducing re-formatted mini lectures that contain the same content broken down as well as example problems worked out in a tutorial technique instead of traditional solving method. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of newly created mini lectures with integrated questions and links in terms of student achievement and attitude [interest, utility, and "cost" (time, effort, and emotion)].
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Analyzing the Achievement and Attitude of Students Using Concept Mapping in an Active Learning Classroom

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Concept mapping is a tool used in order to visually represent a person's understanding of interrelated concepts. Generally the central concept is in the center or at the top and the related concepts branch off, becoming more detailed as it

Concept mapping is a tool used in order to visually represent a person's understanding of interrelated concepts. Generally the central concept is in the center or at the top and the related concepts branch off, becoming more detailed as it continues. Additionally, links between different branches show how those concepts are related to each other. Concept mapping can be implemented in many different types of classrooms because it can be easily adjusted for the needs of the teacher and class specifically. The goal of this project is to analyze both the attitude and achievement of students using concept mapping of college students in an active learning classroom. In order to evaluate the students' concept maps we will use the expert map scoring method, which compares the students concept maps to an expertly created concept map for similarities; the more similar the two maps are, the higher the score. We will collect and record students' scores on concept maps as they continue through the one semester class. Certain chapters correspond to specific exams due to the information contained in the lectures, chapters 1-4 correspond to exam 1 and so forth. We will use this information to correlate the average concept map score across these chapters to one exam score. There was no significant correlation found between the exam grades and the corresponding scores on the concept maps (Pearson's R values of 0.27, 0.26, and -0.082 for Exam 1, 2 and 3 respectively). According to Holm et all "it was found that 85% of students found interest or attainment in the concept mapping session, only 44% thought there was a cost, and 63% thought it would help them to be successful."
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Biomedical Engineering Workforce Competencies for 21st Century Healthcare Technology Product Development Teams: A BME Student Cohort Perspective

The importance of efficient design and development teams in in 21st century is evident after the compressive literate review was performed to digest various aspects of benefits and foundation of teamwork. Although teamwork may have variety of applications in many

The importance of efficient design and development teams in in 21st century is evident after the compressive literate review was performed to digest various aspects of benefits and foundation of teamwork. Although teamwork may have variety of applications in many different industries, the new emerging biomedical engineering is growing significantly using principles of teamwork. Studying attributes and mechanism of creating successful biomedical engineering teams may even contribute more to the fast paste growth of this industry. In comprehensive literate review performed, general importance of teamwork was studied. Also specific hard and soft attributes which may contribute to teamwork was studied. Currently, there are number of general assessment tools which assists managements in industry and academia to systematically bring qualified people together to flourish their talents and skills as members of a biomedical engineering teams. These assessment tools, although are useful, but are not comprehensive, incorporating literature review attributes, and also doesn't not contain student perspective who have experience as being part of a design and development team. Although there are many scientific researches and papers designated to this matter, but there is no study which purposefully studies development of an assessment tool which is designated to biomedical engineering workforce and is constructed of both literature, current assessment tools, and also student perspective. It is hypothesized that a more comprehensive composite assessment tool that incorporate both soft and hard team attributes from a combined professional and student perspective could be implemented in the development of successful Biomedical Engineering Design and Development teams and subsequently used in 21st century workforce.
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Clonal Analysis of a Human Breast Cancer

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Breast and other solid tumors exhibit high and varying degrees of intra-tumor heterogeneity resulting in targeted therapy resistance and other challenges that make the management and treatment of these diseases rather difficult. Due to the presence of admixtures of non-neoplastic

Breast and other solid tumors exhibit high and varying degrees of intra-tumor heterogeneity resulting in targeted therapy resistance and other challenges that make the management and treatment of these diseases rather difficult. Due to the presence of admixtures of non-neoplastic cells with polyclonal cell populations, it is difficult to define cancer genomes in patient samples. By isolating tumor cells from normal cells, and enriching distinct clonal populations, clinically relevant genomic aberrations that drive disease can be identified in patients in vivo. An in-depth analysis of clonal architecture and tumor heterogeneity was performed in a stage II chemoradiation-naïve breast cancer from a sixty-five year old patient. DAPI-based DNA content measurements and DNA content-based flow sorting was used to to isolate nuclei from distinct clonal populations of diploid and aneuploid tumor cells in surgical tumor samples. We combined DNA content-based flow cytometry and ploidy analysis with high-definition array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and next-generation sequencing technologies to interrogate the genomes of multiple biopsies from the breast cancer. The detailed profiles of ploidy, copy number aberrations and mutations were used to recreate and map the lineages present within the tumor. The clonal analysis revealed driver events for tumor progression (a heterozygous germline BRCA2 mutation converted to homozygosity within the tumor by a copy number event and the constitutive activation of Notch and Akt signaling pathways. The highlighted approach has broad implications in the study of tumor heterogeneity by providing a unique ultra-high resolution of polyclonal tumors that can advance effective therapies and clinical management of patients with this disease.
Date Created


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Inflammation is part of the body’s response to invading pathogens, injury, and a wide range of diseases. Although inflammation is paramount to maintain a healthy immune system, unregulated inflammation can aggravate chronic conditions or cause severe, acute pathologies. Pyroptosis, a

Inflammation is part of the body’s response to invading pathogens, injury, and a wide range of diseases. Although inflammation is paramount to maintain a healthy immune system, unregulated inflammation can aggravate chronic conditions or cause severe, acute pathologies. Pyroptosis, a caspase-1-dependent, pro-inflammatory cell death that results in the release of IL-1β and IL-18, has been implicated in propagating an inflammatory response in the body. Pyroptosis has been shown to result from the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Furthermore, multiple reports have demonstrated that intracellular potassium efflux and spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) activity are both essential for facilitating the assembly of the NLRP3 inflammasome and proper processing and release of IL-1β and IL-18. The focus of this thesis was to determine the relationship between intracellular potassium efflux and Syk during key regulatory events in the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by identifying their effect on pro-inflammatory cytokine release, inflammasome assembly, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) generation, and cell death. Both inhibiting potassium efflux from occurring and deactivating Syk significantly reduced the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokine released (70-100% reduction), the number of inflammasomes assembled (60-80% reduction), the amount of mROS generation, and the quantity of cell death (50-90% reduction). Moreover, it was discovered that potassium efflux was required for Syk activation, but Syk activation had no effect on potassium efflux. Their relationship proved to be unidirectional. This study provides the first demonstration of ion flux-dependent regulation of kinase activation in the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway and provides support for targeting ion regulation mechanisms and Syk kinase activity to manipulate macrophage-mediate inflammatory processes.
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Synthesis of Dual Layered Microparticles for Tunable Delayed Release Profile

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The primary objective of this research project is to develop dual layered polymeric microparticles with a tunable delayed release profile. Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) phase separate in a double emulsion process due to differences in hydrophobicity, which

The primary objective of this research project is to develop dual layered polymeric microparticles with a tunable delayed release profile. Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) phase separate in a double emulsion process due to differences in hydrophobicity, which allows for the synthesis of double-walled microparticles with a PLA shell surrounding the PLGA core. The microparticles were loaded with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and different volumes of ethanol were added to the PLA shell phase to alter the porosity and release characteristics of the BSA. Different amounts of ethanol varied the total loading percentage of the BSA, the release profile, surface morphology, size distribution, and the localization of the protein within the particles. Scanning electron microscopy images detailed the surface morphology of the different particles. Loading the particles with fluorescently tagged insulin and imaging the particles through confocal microscopy supported the localization of the protein inside the particle. The study suggest that ethanol alters the release characteristics of the loaded BSA encapsulated in the microparticles supporting the use of a polar, protic solvent as a tool for tuning the delayed release profile of biological proteins.
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