Exploring RNA Origami as a Vaccine Assembly Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy

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Peptide-based vaccines represent a promising strategy to develop personalized treatments for cancer immunotherapy. Despite their specificity and low cost of production, these vaccines have had minimal success in clinical studies due to their lack of immunogenicity, creating a need for

Peptide-based vaccines represent a promising strategy to develop personalized treatments for cancer immunotherapy. Despite their specificity and low cost of production, these vaccines have had minimal success in clinical studies due to their lack of immunogenicity, creating a need for more effective vaccine designs. Adjuvants can be incorporated to enhance their immunogenicity by promoting dendritic cell activation and antigen cross-presentation. Due to their favorable size and ability to incorporate peptides and adjuvants, nanoparticles represent an advantageous platform for designing peptide vaccines. One prime example is RNA origami (RNA-OG) nanostructures, which are nucleic acid nanostructures programmed to assemble into uniform shapes and sizes. These stable nanostructures can rationally incorporate small molecules giving them a wide array of functions. Furthermore, RNA-OG itself can function as an adjuvant to stimulate innate immune cells. In the following study, self-adjuvanted RNA-OG was employed as a vaccine assembly platform, incorporating tumor peptides onto the nanostructure to design RNA-OG-peptide nanovaccines for cancer immunotherapy. RNA-OG-peptide was found to induce dendritic cell activation and antigen cross-presentation, which mobilized tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells to elicit protective anti-tumor immunity in tumor-bearing mice. These findings demonstrate the therapeutic potential of RNA-OG as a stable, carrier-free nanovaccine platform. In an attempt to further enhance the efficacy by optimizing the amount of peptides assembled, RNA-OG was complexed with polylysine-linked peptides, a simple strategy that allowed peptide amounts to be varied. Interestingly, increasing the peptide load led to decreased vaccine efficacy, which was correlated with an ineffective CD8+ T cell response. On the other hand, the vaccine efficacy was improved by decreasing the amount of peptide loaded onto RNA-OG, which may have attributed to greater complex stability compared to the high peptide load. These results highlight a simple strategy that can be used to optimize vaccine efficacy by altering the load of assembled peptides. These studies advance our understanding of RNA-OG as a peptide vaccine platform and provide various strategies to improve the design of peptide vaccines for translation into cancer immunotherapy.
Date Created

The Advantages of Treating Metastatic Melanoma with Immunotherapy Instead of Chemotherapy or Excision

The treatment of melanoma is dependent on what stage the cancer has developed into. Metastatic melanoma is commonly treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Unfortunately, not all patients will respond to the treatment as expected. This paper develops important background knowledge

The treatment of melanoma is dependent on what stage the cancer has developed into. Metastatic melanoma is commonly treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Unfortunately, not all patients will respond to the treatment as expected. This paper develops important background knowledge on melanoma, how it is treated for each stage, and immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Date Created

Longitudinal Quantification of Neutralizing Antibodies and T cell Responses to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative pathogen of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Successful vaccination aims to elicit neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) which inhibit viral infection. Traditional NAb quantification methods (neutralization assays) are labor-intensive and expensive, with limited practicality

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative pathogen of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Successful vaccination aims to elicit neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) which inhibit viral infection. Traditional NAb quantification methods (neutralization assays) are labor-intensive and expensive, with limited practicality for routine use (e.g. monitoring vaccination response). Thus, a rapid (10-minute) lateral flow assay (LFA) for quantification of SARS-CoV-2 NAbs was developed. Using the NAb LFA, an 18-month longitudinal study assessing monthly NAb titers was conducted in a cohort of over 500 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine recipients. Three NAb response groups were identified: vaccine strong responders (VSRs), moderate responders (VMRs), and poor responders (VPRs). VSRs generated high and durable NAb titers. VMRs initially generated high NAb titers but showed more rapid waning with time post-vaccination. Finally, VPRs rarely generated NAb titers ≥1:160, even after 3rd dose. Although strong humoral responses correlate with vaccine effectiveness, viral-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are critical for long-term protection. Discordant phenotypes of viral-specific CD8+ and CD4+CXCR5+ T follicular helper (cTfh) cells have recently been associated with differential NAb responses. The second portion of this dissertation was to investigate whether/how SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses differ in individuals with impaired NAb titers following mRNA vaccination. Thus, phenotypic and functional characterization of T cell activation across NAb response groups was conducted. It was hypothesized that VPRs would exhibit discordant SARS-CoV-2 T cell activation and altered cTfh phenotypes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from VPRs, VMRs, VSRs, naturally infected, and normal donors. SARS-CoV-2 responsive T cells were characterized using in vitro activation induced marker assays, multicolor flow cytometry, and multiplex cytokine analysis. Further, CXCR5+ cTfh were examined for chemokine receptor expression (CCR6 and CXCR3). Results demonstrated that despite differential NAb responses, activation of SARS-CoV-2 responsive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was comparable across NAb groups. However, double-positive CD4+CD8+, CD8low, and activated CD4+CXCR5+CCR6-CXCR3+ (Tfh1-like) T cells were expanded in VPRs compared to VMR and VSRs. Interestingly, a unique population of CD8+CXCR5+ T cells was also expanded in VPRs. These novel findings may aid in identification of individuals with impaired or altered immune responses to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.
Date Created

Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Inflammation - -An Intimately linked Pair

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Skeletal muscle can intrinsically repair itself in response to injury. This repair process has been shown to be mediated through signaling of the innate immune system. The immune response caused during repair helps to clear away debris in damage and

Skeletal muscle can intrinsically repair itself in response to injury. This repair process has been shown to be mediated through signaling of the innate immune system. The immune response caused during repair helps to clear away debris in damage and promotes the activation and proliferation of muscle stem cells (MuSCs) that will repair the damage muscle. Dysregulation of this inflammation leads to fibrosis and decreased efficacy of the repair process. Despite the requirement of inflammatory signaling during muscle repair, muscle’s contribution during inflammation as only recently started to be explored. The objective of this dissertation is to assess the contribution of muscle in the early inflammatory response during repair as well attempting to modulate this inflammation during disease to ameliorate disease pathology in a model of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. I tested the hypotheses that 1) muscle is an active participant in the early inflammatory response, 2) the transcription factor Mohawk (Mkx) is a regulator of the early inflammatory response and, 3) If this inflammation can be modulated with a virally derived serine protease inhibitor in a model of muscle disrepair and chronic inflammation. I found that muscle is actively participating in the establishment early inflammation in repair through the production of chemokines used to promote infiltration of immune cells. As well as the identification of a new muscle subtype that produces more chemokines compared to the average MuSC and upregulated genes in the Interferon signaling pathway. I also discovered that presence of this muscle subtype is linked to the expression of Mkx. In Mkx null mice this population is not present, and these cells are deficient in chemokine expression compared to WT mice. I subsequently found that, using the myxomavirus derived serine protease inhibitor, Serp-1 I was able to modulate the chronic inflammation that is common in those affected with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD) utilizing a high-fidelity mouse model of the disease. The result of this dissertation provides an expanded role for muscle in inflammation and gives a potential new class of therapeutics to be used in disease associated with chronic inflammation.
Date Created

Focal and Systemic Immune Responses Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating type of acute brain injury with high mortality and disability. Acute brain injury swiftly alters the immune reactivity within and outside the brain; however, the mechanisms and influence on neurological outcome remains largely unknown.

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating type of acute brain injury with high mortality and disability. Acute brain injury swiftly alters the immune reactivity within and outside the brain; however, the mechanisms and influence on neurological outcome remains largely unknown. My dissertation investigated how ICH triggers focal and systemic immune responses and their impact hemorrhagic brain injury. At the focal level, a significant upregulation of interleukin (IL)-15 was identified in astrocytes of brain sections from ICH patients. A transgenic mouse line where the astrocytic IL-15 expression is controlled by a glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter (GFAP-IL-15tg) was generated to investigate its role in ICH. Astrocyte-targeted expression of IL-15 exacerbated brain edema and neurological deficits following ICH. Aggravated ICH injury was accompanied by an accumulation of pro-inflammatory microglia proximal to astrocytes in perihematomal tissues, microglial depletion attenuated the augmented ICH injury in GFAP-IL-15tg mice. These findings suggest that IL-15 mediates the crosstalk between astrocytes and microglia, which worsens ICH injury.Systemic immune response was investigated by leveraging the novel method of obtaining and analyzing bone marrow cells from the cranial bone flaps of ICH patients. A swift increase of hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) population in the bone marrow was identified, along with a shift towards the myeloid cell lineage. Human findings were mirrored in an ICH mouse model. Fate mapping these HSCs revealed increased genesis of Ly6Clow monocytes in the bone marrow, which transmigrate into the hemorrhagic brain and give rise to alternative activation marker bearing macrophage. Blockade of the β3-adrenergic receptor or inhibition of Cdc42 abolished ICH-induced myeloid bias of HSCs. Importantly, mirabegron, a Food and Drug Administration-approved β3 adrenergic receptor agonist, and a Cdc42 activator, IL-3, enhanced bone marrow generation of Ly6Clow monocytes and improved recovery. These results suggest that brain injury modulates HSC lineage destination to curb distal brain inflammation, implicating the bone marrow as a unique niche for self-protective neuroimmune interactions. Together, these results demonstrate how acute brain injury exerts a profound yet distinct effect on immune responses within and outside the brain and sheds new light on neuroimmune interactions with potential clinical implications.
Date Created

Immunological and gene regulatory functions of the protein vitellogenin in honey bees (Apis mellifera)

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Vitellogenin (Vg) is an ancient and highly conserved multifunctional protein. It is primarily known for its role in egg-yolk formation but also serves functions pertaining to immunity, longevity, nutrient storage, and oxidative stress relief. In the honey bee (Apis mellifera),

Vitellogenin (Vg) is an ancient and highly conserved multifunctional protein. It is primarily known for its role in egg-yolk formation but also serves functions pertaining to immunity, longevity, nutrient storage, and oxidative stress relief. In the honey bee (Apis mellifera), Vg has evolved still further to include important social functions that are critical to the maintenance and proliferation of colonies. Here, Vg is used to synthesize royal jelly, a glandular secretion produced by a subset of the worker caste that is fed to the queen and young larvae and which is essential for caste development and social immunity. Moreover, Vg in the worker caste sets the pace of their behavioral development as they transition between different tasks throughout their life. In this dissertation, I make several new discoveries about Vg functionality. First, I uncover a colony-level immune pathway in bees that uses royal jelly as a vehicle to transfer pathogen fragments between nestmates. Second, I show that Vg is localized and expressed in the honey bee digestive tract and suggest possible immunological functions it may be performing there. Finally, I show that Vg enters to nucleus and binds to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), acting as a potential transcription factor to regulate expression of many genes pertaining to behavior, metabolism, and signal transduction pathways. These findings represent a significant advance in the understanding of Vg functionality and honey bee biology, and set the stage for many future avenues of research.
Date Created

Strategies to enhance RNA-origami-based immunotherapeutics for an induction of long-term tumor-regression

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Recently, we have demonstrated that a novel RNA origami (RNA-OG) nanostructure functions as a TLR3 agonist both in vitro and in vivo. This RNA nanostructure could induce effective antitumor immunity in a CT26-OVA-iRFP tumor model that expresses both ovalbumin (OVA)

Recently, we have demonstrated that a novel RNA origami (RNA-OG) nanostructure functions as a TLR3 agonist both in vitro and in vivo. This RNA nanostructure could induce effective antitumor immunity in a CT26-OVA-iRFP tumor model that expresses both ovalbumin (OVA) and near infrared protein (iRFP), rendering a significant delay in tumor growth or complete tumor-regression. However, in a similar tumor line that expresses iRFP but not OVA, i.e. a CT26-Neo-iRFP model, RNA-OG induced responses that were consistently inferior to those observed in CT26-OVA-iRFP. Interestingly, the antitumor immunity initially generated against CT26-OVA-iRFP was found to render the mice immune to a challenge with the more malignant CT26-Neo-iRFP line. In addition to OVA expression, the two cell lines also showed different levels of MHC-I. Ongoing research has been focused on deciphering the molecular nature of the different responses. Then, we can search for strategies that increase the tumor immunogenicity, and therefore improve the therapeutic efficacy of RNA-OG for inducing long-term tumor-regression.
Date Created

The Adjuvant Properties of RNA Origami for Immunotherapy in a CT26 Cancer Model

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The properties of adjuvants to stimulate an immune response to treat cancer has sparked a major area of research in the field of immunotherapy. Given the presence of multiple RNA sensors in mammalian host cells for eliciting innate immunity, synthetic

The properties of adjuvants to stimulate an immune response to treat cancer has sparked a major area of research in the field of immunotherapy. Given the presence of multiple RNA sensors in mammalian host cells for eliciting innate immunity, synthetic RNA nanostructures present a unique opportunity for adjuvant exploration. While RNA nanostructures are organic and biocompatible in nature than other adjuvants, they could be tailored to have desired structural stability and functional diversity for in vivo application. In this study, a rectangular RNA origami nanostructure was designed to contain double-stranded RNA motifs and possess high structural stability. Using in vitro assays, RNA origami was shown to stimulate the toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) signaling pathway, which has been reported to activate antigen presenting cells (APCs), natural killer (NK) cells, cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8) T-cells, and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. To explore RNA origami as an adjuvant for cancer immunotherapy, intraperitoneal administration of a murine colon cancer cell line (CT26) was used as a model system to mimic peritoneal metastasis (PM), in which RNA origami was investigated for its activities in mitigating PM tumor microenvironment and improving anti-tumor immunity. Given the poor outcome of the patients with PM and urgent need for new interventions, this study aims to translate the adjuvant activities of RNA origami demonstrated in vitro into potent anti-cancer immunotherapeutics. Here, it was shown that multiple intraperitoneal injections of RNA origami could inhibit tumor growth, leading to a significant delay and/or regression of metastatic tumor growth in the peritoneum. Furthermore, tumor-free mice, after being treated with RNA origami, were also resistant to a second challenge of tumor cells, indicating the development of the adaptive anti-tumor immunity. This immunity is dependent on T-cells since nude mice succumbed to tumor growth with or without RNA origami treatment. Thus, RNA-origami can function as an adjuvant to activate the innate immunity and subsequently the adaptive anti-tumor immunity, leading to tumor regression. Conceivably, RNA origami could be explored as an immunotherapeutic agent to improve the disease outcome of patients with peritoneal metastasis and peritoneal carcinogenesis.
Date Created

Frameshift antigens for cancer vaccine development

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Immunotherapy has been revitalized with the advent of immune checkpoint blockade

treatments, and neo-antigens are the targets of immune system in cancer patients who

respond to the treatments. The cancer vaccine field is focused on using neo-antigens from

unique point mutations of genomic

Immunotherapy has been revitalized with the advent of immune checkpoint blockade

treatments, and neo-antigens are the targets of immune system in cancer patients who

respond to the treatments. The cancer vaccine field is focused on using neo-antigens from

unique point mutations of genomic sequence in the cancer patient for making

personalized cancer vaccines. However, we choose a different path to find frameshift

neo-antigens at the mRNA level and develop broadly effective cancer vaccines based on

frameshift antigens.

In this dissertation, I have summarized and characterized all the potential frameshift

antigens from microsatellite regions in human, dog and mouse. A list of frameshift

antigens was validated by PCR in tumor samples and the mutation rate was calculated for

one candidate – SEC62. I develop a method to screen the antibody response against

frameshift antigens in human and dog cancer patients by using frameshift peptide arrays.

Frameshift antigens selected by positive antibody response in cancer patients or by MHC

predictions show protection in different mouse tumor models. A dog version of the

cancer vaccine based on frameshift antigens was developed and tested in a small safety

trial. The results demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and it can induce strong B and T cell

immune responses. Further, I built the human exon junction frameshift database which

includes all possible frameshift antigens from mis-splicing events in exon junctions, and I

develop a method to find potential frameshift antigens from large cancer

immunosignature dataset with these databases. In addition, I test the idea of ‘early cancer

diagnosis, early treatment’ in a transgenic mouse cancer model. The results show that


early treatment gives significantly better protection than late treatment and the correct

time point for treatment is crucial to give the best clinical benefit. A model for early

treatment is developed with these results.

Frameshift neo-antigens from microsatellite regions and mis-splicing events are

abundant at mRNA level and they are better antigens than neo-antigens from point

mutations in the genomic sequences of cancer patients in terms of high immunogenicity,

low probability to cause autoimmune diseases and low cost to develop a broadly effective

vaccine. This dissertation demonstrates the feasibility of using frameshift antigens for

cancer vaccine development.
Date Created

Bowties, barcodes, and DNA origami: a novel approach for paired-chain immune receptor repertoire analysis

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There are many biological questions that require single-cell analysis of gene sequences, including analysis of clonally distributed dimeric immunoreceptors on lymphocytes (T cells and B cells) and/or the accumulation of driver/accessory mutations in polyclonal tumors. Lysis of bulk cell populations

There are many biological questions that require single-cell analysis of gene sequences, including analysis of clonally distributed dimeric immunoreceptors on lymphocytes (T cells and B cells) and/or the accumulation of driver/accessory mutations in polyclonal tumors. Lysis of bulk cell populations results in mixing of gene sequences, making it impossible to know which pairs of gene sequences originated from any particular cell and obfuscating analysis of rare sequences within large populations. Although current single-cell sorting technologies can be used to address some of these questions, such approaches are expensive, require specialized equipment, and lack the necessary high-throughput capacity for comprehensive analysis. Water-in-oil emulsion approaches for single cell sorting have been developed but droplet-based single-cell lysis and analysis have proven inefficient and yield high rates of false pairings. Ideally, molecular approaches for linking gene sequences from individual cells could be coupled with next-generation high-throughput sequencing to overcome these obstacles, but conventional approaches for linking gene sequences, such as by transfection with bridging oligonucleotides, result in activation of cellular nucleases that destroy the template, precluding this strategy. Recent advances in the synthesis and fabrication of modular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) origami nanostructures have resulted in new possibilities for addressing many current and long-standing scientific and technical challenges in biology and medicine. One exciting application of DNA nanotechnology is the intracellular capture, barcode linkage, and subsequent sequence analysis of multiple messenger RNA (mRNA) targets from individual cells within heterogeneous cell populations. DNA nanostructures can be transfected into individual cells to capture and protect mRNA for specific expressed genes, and incorporation of origami-specific bowtie-barcodes into the origami nanostructure facilitates pairing and analysis of mRNA from individual cells by high-throughput next-generation sequencing. This approach is highly modular and can be adapted to virtually any two (and possibly more) gene target sequences, and therefore has a wide range of potential applications for analysis of diverse cell populations such as understanding the relationship between different immune cell populations, development of novel immunotherapeutic antibodies, or improving the diagnosis or treatment for a wide variety of cancers.
Date Created