Microfluidic platform for multi-parameter analysis of live single cells

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Cellular heterogeneity is a key factor in various cellular processes as well as in disease development, especially associated with immune response and cancer progression. Cell-to-cell variability is considered to be one of the major obstacles in early detection and successful

Cellular heterogeneity is a key factor in various cellular processes as well as in disease development, especially associated with immune response and cancer progression. Cell-to-cell variability is considered to be one of the major obstacles in early detection and successful treatment of cancer. Most present technologies are based on bulk cell analysis, which results in averaging out the results acquired from a group of cells and hence missing important information about individual cells and their behavior. Understanding the cellular behavior at the single-cell level can help in obtaining a complete profile of the cell and to get a more in-depth knowledge of cellular processes. For example, measuring transmembrane fluxes oxygen can provide a direct readout of the cell metabolism.

The goal of this thesis is to design, optimize and implement a device that can measure the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of live single cells. A microfluidic device has been designed with the ability to rapidly seal and unseal microchambers containing individual cells and an extracellular optical oxygen sensor for measuring the OCR of live single cells. The device consists of two parts, one with the sensor in microwells (top half) and the other with channels and cells trapped in Pachinko-type micro-traps (bottom half). When the two parts of the device are placed together the wells enclose each cell. Oil is flown in through the channels of the device to produce isolated and sealed microchamber around each cell. Different fluids can be flowed in and out of the device, alternating with oil, to rapidly switch between sealed and unsealed microenvironment around each cell. A fluorescent ratiometric dual pH and oxygen sensor is placed in each well. The thesis focuses on measuring changes in the oxygen consumption rate of each cell within a well. Live and dead cells are identified using a fluorescent live/dead cell assay. Finally, the technology is designed to be scalable for high-throughput applications by controlling the flow rate of the system and increasing the cell array density.
Date Created

Transcriptome and metabolic profiling of premalignant progression in Barrett's esophagus

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Cell-cell interactions in a microenvironment under stress conditions play a critical role in pathogenesis and pre-malignant progression. Hypoxia is a central factor in carcinogenesis, which induces selective pressure in this process. Understanding the role of intercellular communications and cellular adaptation

Cell-cell interactions in a microenvironment under stress conditions play a critical role in pathogenesis and pre-malignant progression. Hypoxia is a central factor in carcinogenesis, which induces selective pressure in this process. Understanding the role of intercellular communications and cellular adaptation to hypoxia can help discover new cancer biosignatures and more effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. This dissertation presents a study on transcriptomic and metabolic profiling of pre-malignant progression of Barrett's esophagus. It encompasses two methodology developments and experimental findings of two related studies. To integrate phenotype and genotype measurements, a minimally invasive method was developed for selectively retrieving single adherent cells from cell cultures. Selected single cells can be harvested by a combination of mechanical force and biochemical treatment after phenotype measurements and used for end-point assays. Furthermore, a method was developed for analyzing expression levels of ten genes in individual mammalian cells with high sensitivity and reproducibility without the need of pre-amplifying cDNA. It is inexpensive and compatible with most of commercially available RT-qPCR systems, which warrants a wide applicability of the method to gene expression analysis in single cells. In the first study, the effect of intercellular interactions was investigated between normal esophageal epithelial and dysplastic Barrett's esophagus cells on gene expression levels and cellular functions. As a result, gene expression levels in dysplastic cells were found to be affected to a significantly larger extent than in the normal esophageal epithelial cells. These differentially expressed genes are enriched in cellular movement, TGFβ and EGF signaling networks. Heterotypic interactions between normal and dysplastic cells can change cellular motility and inhibit proliferation in both normal and dysplastic cells. In the second study, alterations in gene transcription levels and metabolic phenotypes between hypoxia-adapted cells and age-matched normoxic controls representing four different stages of pre-malignant progression in Barrett's esophagus were investigated. Through differential gene expression analysis and mitochondrial membrane potential measurements, evidence of clonal evolution induced by hypoxia selection pressure in metaplastic and high-grade dysplastic cells was found. These discoveries on cell-cell interactions and hypoxia adaptations provide a deeper insight into the dynamic evolutionary process in pre-malignant progression of Barrett's esophagus.
Date Created

Rotating live mammalian cells free in media using spatial light modulator (SLM)-generated optical tweezers

In the frenzy of next generation genetic sequencing and proteomics, single-cell level analysis has begun to find its place in the crux of personalized medicine and cancer research. Single live cell 3D imaging technology is one of the most useful

In the frenzy of next generation genetic sequencing and proteomics, single-cell level analysis has begun to find its place in the crux of personalized medicine and cancer research. Single live cell 3D imaging technology is one of the most useful ways of providing spatial and morphological details inside living single cells. It provides a window to uncover the mysteries of protein structure and folding, as well as genetic expression over time, which will tremendously improve the state of the fields of biophysics and biomedical research. This thesis project specifically demonstrates a method for live single cell rotation required to image them in the single live cell CT imaging platform. The method of rotation proposed in this thesis uses dynamic optical traps generated by a phase-only spatial light modulator (SLM) to exert torque on a single mammalian cell. Laser patterns carrying the holographic information of the traps are delivered from the SLM through a transformation telescope into the objective lens and onto its focal plane to produce the desired optical trap "image". The phase information in the laser patterns being delivered are continuously altered by the SLM such that the structure of the wavefront produces two foci at opposite edges of the cell of interest that each moves along the circumference of the cell in opposite axial directions. Momentum generated by the motion of the foci exerts a torque on the cell, causing it to rotate. The viability of this method was demonstrated experimentally. Software was written using LabVIEW to control the display panel of the SLM.
Date Created