Creating and Securing User Provided Scripts in a Browser Environment

Many companies wish to create a personalized experience for customers using their websites. For many services that might mean changing the icon on a sign in page; however, as computers become more powerful and customers expect more from the services

Many companies wish to create a personalized experience for customers using their websites. For many services that might mean changing the icon on a sign in page; however, as computers become more powerful and customers expect more from the services they use, companies are starting to investigate ways of running personalized code for their customers. Sadly, one big problem with this trend is that it is very new. This leads to many problems such as the lack of technologies fit for a certain scenario, the flooding of new technologies in only a specific field, and the overall general confusion in implementing a novel technology like this. This is why I believe that compounding a list of different technologies, each with a list of pros and cons, example implementations to give a feel of the technology, as well as benchmarks of each method to allow for individuals and companies to create better websites and services for their customers. I will also be going through a history of available technologies to give an idea on how this technology used to be used for, how it is used today, and how I believe it will be used in the future.
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