Perception Versus Reality: The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Historical trends of artificial intelligence have, as shown by recent quantitative and qualitative studies, shown that the reported threats (as understood by the general public) are vastly different from the tech industry’s most pressing and vital concerns. The modern AI

Historical trends of artificial intelligence have, as shown by recent quantitative and qualitative studies, shown that the reported threats (as understood by the general public) are vastly different from the tech industry’s most pressing and vital concerns. The modern AI that most people interact with on a daily basis are mostly helpful commercialized products or generative AI, leading to a cultural mindset where AI is an assistant capable of autonomous tasks. Popular fictional depictions of artificial intelligence clearly demonstrate that those perceptions of threats fall closely in line with the sorts of actions portrayed by AI characters, suggesting that pop media has a significant influence over its audience’s understanding of AI technology and its potential ramifications. To mitigate harm that AI tools can inflict upon the general public, there is an immediate need for technology-specific legislation, incentives and deterrents, and oversight so that artificial intelligence can be regulated and controlled.
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