An Analysis on Self-Produced and Supplemental Collagen and its Role in Epithelial Health, Aging, and Healing Processes


Studies were reviewed to conclude the role collagen plays in epithelial health, the aging process, and healing processes. Factors that influence collagen synthesis and degradation were discussed in detail, and a comparison was established between self-produced collagen's and supplemental collagen's

Studies were reviewed to conclude the role collagen plays in epithelial health, the aging process, and healing processes. Factors that influence collagen synthesis and degradation were discussed in detail, and a comparison was established between self-produced collagen's and supplemental collagen's effects after analyzing experimental studies' results. Marketing strategies and media myths regarding supplemental collagen have been researched and discussed. Additionally, a plastic surgeon and PhD student were both interviewed regarding collagen in the clinical setting and in the media. In conclusion, many factors contribute to maintaining or decreasing collagen synthesis; however, supplemental collagen has been found to indirectly increase collagen content in epithelial tissue by improving moisture levels in the skin.

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