Ocean Wave Generated Power: Overview and Analysis on Buoy Point Absorber

The need for cleaner, renewable energy is at a high demand as our world is at a critical point in changing the way in which we source our energy. Petroleum, coal, and natural gas are becoming less relevant. Energy sources

The need for cleaner, renewable energy is at a high demand as our world is at a critical point in changing the way in which we source our energy. Petroleum, coal, and natural gas are becoming less relevant. Energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy are becoming more resource-able and dependable options. As we, as a society, become more cautious as to how we take care of our planet, we must continue to look into renewable energy sources. Tidal wave energy has been a concept some companies and governments have been researching into. Tidal wave energy has been used for over a thousand years, originally used to operate grain mills in Europe. It is important as a society to understand how we resource and collect our energy sources, as we lean away from nonrenewable sources to more eco-friendly options. Having a deep understanding of how the system in place works allows society to better alter and adapt its use to better fit our needs. How tidal wave energy is collected and stored, for the most part, follows the same pattern/structure for all companies. Wave energy converters capture the tidal wave energy and are then converted into electricity. This electricity can then be put into the grid system, being able to power households. However, how tidal wave energy platforms are created can have a relatively big range in their design. Designing a tidal wave system that maximizes the amount of energy collected, while also limiting harm to sea-life, will allow for greater ways to support the energy needed for human purposes as nonrenewable energy begins to phase out of many industries. The intent for this thesis research paper is to dive into the mathematical analysis such as static and theoretical stress analysis for an offshore single body point absorber. Due to design limitations, the design for this thesis paper will be purely conceptual. Therefore, this design is analyzed purely for the intent to demonstrate mathematical findings for the gear and shaft system and understanding its potential limitations within the design. From the research and mathematical analysis, specific measurements and forces were calculated in order to determine what is needed to ensure no failure occurs within the system and the energy is collected for potential use.
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