Iron Cycling May Lower Methane Fluxes at an Impounded Marsh: Evidence from the Herring River Estuary

Wetlands produce approximately one third of total global methane emissions and sequester significant amounts of CO2. Salt marshes make up 5% of total wetland area, and therefore are key factors affecting global methane and CO2 emissions. Many marshes are anthropogenically

Wetlands produce approximately one third of total global methane emissions and sequester significant amounts of CO2. Salt marshes make up 5% of total wetland area, and therefore are key factors affecting global methane and CO2 emissions. Many marshes are anthropogenically managed either by diking, draining, impoundment, or otherwise restricting tidal exchange. This causes marsh freshening, increases methane emissions, and releases sequestered carbon, all of which can lead to a warming effect on the climate by the greenhouse effect. We studied the formerly impounded Old County salt marsh, found in the Herring River Estuary of Wellfleet, Massachusetts, USA. The USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center installed two eddy covariance flux towers in the Herring River Estuary. These showed that Old County had low methane fluxes (17 nmol/m2/s) compared to another site in the same estuary (112 nmol/m2/s). The question became; why did Old County experience lower methane emissions? We then did a focused study on the Old County location to investigate. We sampled various biogeochemical parameters including pH, salinity, ORP, dissolved Fe, sulfate, chloride, CH4, DOC, and DIC from pore water samples taken June 2022. We also measured extractable iron from a 2015 archived sediment core at Old County. Specifically, we explored the role of Fe in reducing methane through Fe coupled anaerobic oxidation of methane (Fe-AOM). The porewater depth profiles ranged from 10cm to 242 cm in depth and showed Old County as acidic (pH of 3-6.5), mostly fresh, anoxic, highly reducing, and high in dissolved organic carbon (DOC; 2,000-10,000 μM). I divided the depth profiles into two distinct zones, one above 50 cm and one below 50 cm. Overall, Fe-AOM was likely to occur below 50 cm because dissolved Fe increased as CH4 decreased, which is the expected pattern for Fe-AOM. Also, because the ratio of the calculated methane flux (-0.552 nmol m-2 s-1) to the dissolved Fe (0.072 nmol m-2 s-1) was 7.6, which closely matched the 1 to 8 stoichiometry of the Fe-AOM reactions.
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