The Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure on Latino Migrant Farmworker Youth’ Health:
A Literature Review


Latino migrant youth (LMY) migrate to the United States (U.S.) with the hopes to find work to support their families in their countries of origin. However, their young age and precarious documentation status limit the kinds of jobs they can

Latino migrant youth (LMY) migrate to the United States (U.S.) with the hopes to find work to support their families in their countries of origin. However, their young age and precarious documentation status limit the kinds of jobs they can take on while living in the U.S. Although agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S., LMY can be found performing agricultural work and confronting a myriad of risks such as physical injuries from machinery, mental health risks, and exposure to chemical hazards. This literature review tackles the concept of pesticide exposure among Latino migrant youth in U.S. agriculture.

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