Black and Indigenous Food System Initiatives in Arizona


This creative project is composed of two parts: a food map of Black and Indigenous food systems in Arizona and a written component analyzing the initiatives. The map is composed of thirty-five initiatives focused on agriculture, food preparation, food distribution,

This creative project is composed of two parts: a food map of Black and Indigenous food systems in Arizona and a written component analyzing the initiatives. The map is composed of thirty-five initiatives focused on agriculture, food preparation, food distribution, and traditional knowledge. Each initiative on the map has a summary of their work, a quote, and a link to their website to help viewers interact with and support these initiatives. The written portion contains an overview of some historical and current barriers for Black and Indigenous food systems and a database used to systematically analyze the initiatives for trends in demographics, focuses, goals, and barriers. This creative project aimed to assess barriers and opportunities for Black and Indigenous food systems while creating an accessible resource that compiles different initiatives within these communities.

Date Created