The History of Roman Supply Chains: Lessons for a Modern US Supply Chain


Ancient Roman society throughout the ages was highly successful at expansion and trade: this can be attributed to a vast and elaborate supply chain. They fueled their growth by implementing successful supply chain practices. Through these practices the average Roman

Ancient Roman society throughout the ages was highly successful at expansion and trade: this can be attributed to a vast and elaborate supply chain. They fueled their growth by implementing successful supply chain practices. Through these practices the average Roman citizen was able to buy items previously reserved as luxury items. The history behind these practices comes to light through historical documents and archaeological remains. Translations can be misconstrued due to modern contexts and other attempts at translations which contain typos. This can lead to variances in translations and understanding of the texts. Taking all these factors into account, this paper will examine the supply chain practices that made the Romans highly successful, what explicitly they traded, how certain items were transported, and the sea routes that were present that were able to transport such huge quantities of goods. Although Roman trade methods might be seen as antiquated, modern society can take away important supply chain lessons that we can apply today.

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