A Time Series Analysis of Companies that had their Initial Public Offering at the Brink of the Coronavirus Pandemic


This investigation evaluates the most effective time series model to forecast the stock price for companies that started trading during the COVID-19 stock market crash. My research involved the analysis of five companies in the technology industry. I was able

This investigation evaluates the most effective time series model to forecast the stock price for companies that started trading during the COVID-19 stock market crash. My research involved the analysis of five companies in the technology industry. I was able to create three different machine-learning models for each company. Each model contained various criteria to determine the efficacy of the model. The AIC and SBC are common metrics among Autoregressive, autoregressive moving averages, and cross-correlation input models. Lower AIC and SBC values indicated better-fitted models. Additionally, I conducted a white-noise test to determine stationarity. This yielded an Auto-correlation graph determining whether the data was non-stationary or stationary. This paper is supplemented by a project plan, exploratory data analysis, methodology, data, results, and challenges section. This has relevance in understanding the overall stock market trend when impacted by a global pandemic.

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