The Hidden Cost of Acrylic Paint: An Exploration of Possible Solutions


Acrylic paint is one of the most prominent supplies in the art field as it has many qualities that make it the most desirable paint, including affordability, versatility, and a fast drying time. Despite acrylic paint’s great contribution to the

Acrylic paint is one of the most prominent supplies in the art field as it has many qualities that make it the most desirable paint, including affordability, versatility, and a fast drying time. Despite acrylic paint’s great contribution to the art field and art history, its chemical makeup and ingredients damage the local environment and aquatic ecosystems. Acrylic paint is essentially liquid latex that, when it enters sewage systems, releases microplastics directly into the waterways as well as contains harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, benzene products, or vinyl chloride. The purpose of this project was to research the qualities of acrylic paint most important to users, as well as learn information regarding people’s current usage of paint and their perspectives on paint-related environmental issues. Furthermore, I have recorded my process and published videos on social media to gain insight and feedback. Using this data, I have experimented with making a sustainable version of acrylic paint that remains desirable. Throughout this project, I have used different natural materials to create pigments and an acrylic medium and contribute my perceptions on the desirability of each alternative in this thesis.

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