Quantum Machine Learning for Optical and SAR Classification


We present in this paper a method to compare scene classification accuracy of C-band Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical images utilizing both classical and quantum computing algorithms. This REU study uses data from the Sentinel satellite. The dataset contains

We present in this paper a method to compare scene classification accuracy of C-band Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical images utilizing both classical and quantum computing algorithms. This REU study uses data from the Sentinel satellite. The dataset contains (i) synthetic aperture radar images collected from the Sentinel-1 satellite and (ii) optical images for the same area as the SAR images collected from the Sentinel-2 satellite. We utilize classical neural networks to classify four classes of images. We then use Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks and deep learning techniques to take advantage of machine learning to help the system train, learn, and identify at a higher classification accuracy. A hybrid Quantum-classical model that is trained on the Sentinel1-2 dataset is proposed, and the performance is then compared against the classical in terms of classification accuracy.

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