Visuomotor Rotation Task to Assess Sensorimotor Adaptation


Sensorimotor adaptation is a type of learning that allows sustaining accurate movements by adjusting motor output. This allows the brain to adapt to temporary changes when engaged in a certain task. Within sensorimotor adaptation, visuomotor adaptation (VMA) is one’s ability

Sensorimotor adaptation is a type of learning that allows sustaining accurate movements by adjusting motor output. This allows the brain to adapt to temporary changes when engaged in a certain task. Within sensorimotor adaptation, visuomotor adaptation (VMA) is one’s ability to correct a visual perturbation. In this study, we present preliminary results on the effects of VMA with the control group, compared to groups undergoing trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) or SHAM (placebo) effects. Twenty-two healthy subjects with no past medical history participated in this study. Subjects performed a visuomotor rotation task, which required gradually adapting to a perturbation between hand motion and corresponding visual feedback. Five total blocks were completed: two familiarization blocks, one baseline block, one rotation block with a 30◦ counterclockwise rotation, and one washout block with no rotation. The control group performed better than the 120 Hz (TNS) and SHAM groups due to less directional error (DE) on the respective learning curves. Additionally, the control group adapted faster (less DE) than the SHAM groups that either felt stimulation, or did not feel the stimulation. The results yield new information regarding VMA which can be used in the future when comparing sensorimotor adaptation and its many applications.

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